Oh But His World Is Funny

Ty:? Knock knock.


Me:? Who?s there?


Ty:? Milk.


Me:? Milk who?


Ty:? Milk and a hair brush!??? HHHHHAAAAAA HAAAAAAA!


And he doubles over laughing never noticing that I have a bewildered expression upon my face.? Ty has no concept of punch lines but he loves what he interprets as a joke just the same.


Ty also has no concept of sarcasm (and that is often funny all by itself).? I catch myself making sarcastic comments to the kids (being funny so I think) and Ty takes me seriously.? Tanner is usually the one to say ?Ty ? mommy is being funny!? What she meant was?.?


He also takes things literally.? I can?t think of a specific example right now but Jim and I have giggled at the way Ty interprets common idioms sometimes.? I was really surprised when he did pick up the contextual clues of an idiom this week.? I told him to ?hold his horses? and he doubled over laughing and laughing at the expression.? When I asked him if he knew what I meant he thought about it and then said ?wait?.? Typically speaking, Ty doesn?t figure it out but I think few things with Ty are ?always true? ? just ?mostly? true.


Anything that is slapstick humor will have Ty rolling with laughter.? I could almost say that ?laughter? is one of Ty?s special interests as well.? He pursues what makes him laugh.? You will see this with the scenes that he plays over and over on a movie and with the injuries the he creates for his Xbox characters.? If the person falls or trips he will have to replay it hundreds of times and it will never get old.


How You Can Help?


Just laugh.? If Ty makes some random statement to you and then doubles over laughing, he is probably quoting a movie line.? ?You smell like beef and cheese.? You don?t smell like Santa.? ? (Elf)

Update added later:? Ty is teaching Tori to tell jokes.

Tori:?? Why is the couch outside?

Doni:? Huh?

Tori:? No!? You have to say “Why is the couch outside?”

Doni:? Oh.? Okay.? Why is the couch outside?

Tori:? Because it wanted to be in the parking lot.? (Cue laughter)

2 responses to “Oh But His World Is Funny”

  1. seth was in a major major phase of telling knock knock jokes with punchlines that had no punch. it cracked me up. this is one thing these two have alike. 🙂

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