Kaylee {Phoenix Senior Photography}

Dear Belinda,

As I was processing these shots of Kaylee, sappy me got choked up a few times. ?? My mind was going back to yester-year. ?? I saw you in elementary school, remembered our talks when you were in junior high, just recently saw a video of you and Brooke singing together that year (that made me smile), high school years, standing with you at your wedding…

I remember the questions we had. ??Wondering how life was going to be. ??The blessings and the challenges. ??The tragic things and the triumphs. ??Your dedication to do the things you had to. ??Our pride in you at how incredibly you did it all (and still do).

As she stood ??in front of my camera, I saw your beauty standing behind hers. ?? God knew what He was doing. ?? I am so humbled by how incredibly He works out all things…

And Kaylee? ?? We couldn’t have hoped for more! ??The beautiful outside is just a dim reflection of the treasure inside. ??I have loved getting to sing with her this year. ??Watching her grow into who she is, hearing her passion for what she loves, ??following her relentless pursuits of what she loves…what a gem she is.

I am so glad we included parts of her music memories in these portraits. ??When I was a kid, I dreamed of hitting the stage. ??How many Halloweens in a row did I dress as Amy Grant? ??(And I love her STILL for the record!) ?? By late junior high I had the maturity to acknowledge one important fact. ??I lacked the true passion to EVER have the discipline to pursue music in a real and tangible way. ??(Heck, my piano teacher was??certainly??delighted when I quit after four years – what a train wreck that was). ?? Kaylee is different. ??She eats, breathes, and sleeps music. ?? Her heart and soul are tangled up in it. ??She puts the time, effort, and discipline into all that she does. ??(Congratulations Kaylee on your Show Choirs wins last week!) ??I think she will love the music program at GCU and I am excited to see where that takes her.

Love you and love your baby girl who grew up too darn fast.


XXXOOO to you both.

6 responses to “Kaylee {Phoenix Senior Photography}”

  1. Oh my goodness! Such sweet and incredibly true sentiments, Doni! Love this girl (and her momma)! Beautiful pictures…beautiful girl!

  2. Oh my gosh….LOVE< LOVE<LOVE Its bubble time ladies…..These kids are growing WAY too fast and we need to slow it down! She is amazingly beautiful inside and out. I don't think I can pick a favorite but the one with the red background really stands out in my mind. Belinda can now have a wall of Kaylee pics. LOL Great job Doni.

  3. Oh Doni! You are correct (as I brag on my daughter for a moment) her beauty on the outside is just a dim reflection of what’s inside. Thank you SO much for using your AMAZING talent to capture my little girl. I love them all!!!

  4. She is just stunningly beautiful. Love how you incorporated her passion for music. Amazing!

  5. She is so beautiful! Doni I loved what you wrote, it was so sweet and true! I can only hope that I raise Lucy to be as passionate for what she loves like Belinda has with Kaylee! My dear Kaylee you are so gorgeous! I was just talking with Jenna the other day and she was so excited for your talent and the dreams you are fulfilling with it! We love you and could not be more happy about all your future has to offer!

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