Month: August 2009

  • Thinking

    Her pose there looks a bit Austin Powersish doesn’t it??? Maybe our girl will have a sense of humor.?? 🙂 ************* Today Tori is 18 months old.?? I weighed her on my bathroom scale and low and behold, she was 20 pounds!?? 20.5 to be exact (although she did have a wet diaper on so […]

  • Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything

    Recently I had Ty sit down on the computer and watch a Hermie movie on Netflix.?? It was Flo the Lyin Spider and watching it was part of his probation.?? ;).?? Later in the week, I retrieved the netflix envelope from the mailbox anxiously ripping it open anticipating a quiet evening with my hubby watching […]

  • Cinnamon Dragon

    My SIL Aimee has had me giggling at her for two days over a youtube video she posted Sunday.?? Unfortunately, her site is private so only those with access saw her post.?? I requested permission to “reprint” on my public blog and she kindly gave me permission. I will preface this post by telling you […]

  • Loves Butterscotch

    Technically this monkey is Ty’s.?? I think Grandma Cheri bought this for him when he was in the NICU.?? I thought it would be cute for a distance picture and it’s my favorite stuffed animal lately.?? Tori doesn’t have a favorite friend or blankie yet so I had to borrow something.?? I could have used […]

  • Part of the Posse

    ******************* Tori thinks her brothers are cool these days.?? I was sitting on the couch the other evening and Tanner runs out wildly shootin the air with his toy gun.?? He was followed by none other than the baby of the family.?? She had her own gun and was saying “bam bam bam” too.?? :)?? […]