Green Day

My kids LOVE St. Patrick’s Day.?? Tanner has asked several times in the last year when it would be “green day” again.?? I didn’t prep them ahead of time because they like to be surprised with green eggs and green milk for breakfast.?? Then they rush to get their green on pinching all the way.?? :)?? Today we had green eggs, green milk, green macaroni (which doesn’t really turn green by the way unless you use a LOT of dye which I opted against), green jello, green frosting on graham crackers, green chip dip, and I dyed peanut butter balls green.?? :)???? And Daddy did NOT wear green so he has been pinched repeatedly all evening.?? He must have figured that would give them something to do today.

There is a small girl child sneaking up behind my chair right now saying “Doni…Doni…Doni.”?? I have told her many times that she may NOT call me by my first name.???? Such a munchkin.

3 responses to “Green Day”

  1. You need to call Aunt Karen and hear all about what she does with her little kindergarten class – complete with having their desks upside down and the classroom a mess because of those ornery Leprechauns!!!! They then parade through the school sneaking in doors and announcing “Top o’ the Mornin’ to you” What a blessing to have her as a teacher. Tomorrow she gives the plan of salvation to her class as part of her Easter story so pray for those little hearts she touches! I don’t know what it is about St. Patricks Day that we all love so much 🙂 We sure have fun with our “green” 😉

  2. when i was little and started calling my mom “joan” instead of mommy, she told me i could call her “mommy” or “mommy joan”. that seemed to work for me! sometimes she still refers to herself (when signing cards, emails, etc.) as “mommy joan”. that way they know what your name is but are still calling you by your “mommy” title! maybe it confuses kids that adults call them by their first name and they have to call adults by their “title” or title plus first name (“aunt meg”)???

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