The Problem With Fruit Puffs

….is that Ty is discriminating against all other food because of them and they are only 25 stinking calories per 1/2 cup! Couldn’t he at least have loved something fattening for crying out loud? Not often a mom is knockin’ low calorie food but this is an exception. This kids belly is like a bottomless pit now that he has discovered food. The Fruit and Veggie Puffs are by far his favorite though. He literally screams for them. As soon as he is done with the puffs in front of him, he starts yelling and banging on the table for more. If you try to offer him anything else, he swipes it away. Ultimately this could prove to be a problem. His baby food success lasted less than 3 weeks. Now that he has discovered big boy food, he wants nothing to do with anything in a jar. The last three days I have attempted jar feedings and he bats my spoon away and refuses it. We have now given him bannanas, strawberries, cantalope, yogurt, hamburger, turkey, cheese, vienna sausage and mashed potatoes. He wants to eat on his own so we are letting him. I think I should hide the fruit puffs tomorrow though because he even sorts the food on his tray to get to them.

In keeping with family tradition (when I say family I mean Zimmermann’s – sisters in love have not bought into this though I am making headway with Jodi), Ty has had his first taste of coke and he LOVES it! Waaaayyyy ttoooooo much! If he sites a cup in my hand, he automatically assumes it is soda and he comes for it in a hurry. I have had to relocate my drinks on countless occasions because he will not rest if there is any conceivable opportunity to get it. He likes drinking it from the cup and he even will say “aaaaaaahhhhhh” after a really good sip:). I have nearly been mauled by him though trying to get the cup away and I am rethinking if this was a wise decision on my part with THIS particular child:). I may just be in over my head here. Sweetie will love it though. (We are just talking little sips people….don’t panic:) My mother in love has shared a story with me in regards to friends and I find it hysterical. Friends of the family chose to keep coke from their little one’s. When their eldest was around three, he had his first sip. In amazement, he gazed at all the adults in the room and in wonder said “It’s not yucky!!!!” LOL!!!! Terrible moment when the toddler figured out he had been lied to for years:) Being the honest mommy that I am, I just cannot withold this wonderous truth.

Suspicious to anyone that the same two buttons on both Jim and my laptop are missing? If I were a betting gal my money would be on my littlest.

Glo Worm
Have I mentioned lately that Ty’s glo-baby aversion continues? It still comes and goes. Someday’s he is terrified of it and someday’s he isn’t. I just randomly do little checks. I caught a portion of his fake cry over this on tape last week. I might post that soon. Pretty cute. I have no explanation for the random aversion. One thing I have noticed though is he often looks in my eyes as if seeking my emotional response. Is mommy afraid? No? Okay maybe this is funny then. Wait….no smile…maybe she is scared…maybe I should be scared…am I scared? LOL.

Busy Baby
I childproofed the house when Tanner was a baby but it wasn’t entirely necessary. Childproofing is now imperative. I have been so thankful this week that Ty loves the bath because when he manages to escape into the bathroom (because SOMEONE I KNOW forgot to close the door behind himself) he goes straight for the tub (which is of course empty) instead of the toilet. I would put toilet li safety latches on the toilet but would Tanner have trouble with them? Hmmmm…what to do? Anyhow, I’ll just detail a list of the Ty misdimeanors of the week.

*At this current moment he is eating a McDonald’s sack. (Tanner is intervening while saying “Ty Come On!”) I am ignoring because I am learning to block out these discussions:). Wait did I say McDonald’s….I meant…the plastic salad carton with low fat dressing no croutons extra lettuce no fat cheese (all said if any grace4today girls happen to be reading this LOL) It’s a holiday weekend for crying out loud!

*Ty discovered the blinds while in his playpen. Knew he would be standing in his playpen soon but forget to consider that he could reach the blinds from a standing position.

*Ty discovered the blinds while in his crib. This is a problem because I can’t pull the crib further from the wall since the crib is between the bed and the wall. Next thing I knew he was actually REMOVING an 8×10 picture off my wall from his crib. Yes I am an idiot. I never contemplated that from a standing position he could reach it. My solution? Put him to bed asleep for the moment:) LOL. Someone I know may have to move into his own bedroom soon if his little sticky fingers can’t confine themselves to the appropriate space alloted.

*Ty ate a good portion of the last page in one of my Ted Dekker books.

*At this moment he is now eating my mouse pad.

*He screams when I try to take him out of the bathtub and he loves to think that he can swim underwater. He will dip his head under over and over and come up choking like mad only to repeat a moment later. (Which is why he was removed from the bath tub). I put only a couple inches in and gave him free reign in the tub. He abused his priveledge.

*At this moment he is eating a twinkie wrapper (*stop* handled situation).

*Back to typing and he is now eating an apple pie box. That’s it! I am not writing about his adventures anymore tonight or everyone will be wondering more about my negligence in leaving food wrappers around than Ty eating them (we just finished dinner for the record – oh ya…all the junk food was Jim and Tanners;).

Once a friend of mine’s baby was eating crumbs off our church floor and when this was called to her attention she barely batted an eye and said “Yes she is a little human vaccuum” and ignored the whole thing. I was dumbfounded at this obvious case of negligence. Ty has taught me to curb my judgements:) LOL. I recently bought a Shark vacuum but that was probably a waste of money:)


While Ty has no true concept of walking, he is managing to walk along the couch and coffee table as of this week. Big step! If you hold his hands and try to walk with him though, he doesn’t get the one foot in front of the other thing. This is a micro preemie thing and it will take time for him to learn about weight bearing on his feet.

Tooth Update

Ty’s sixth tooth arrived this week. The upper right eye tooth.


Ty is becoming a little lover. When he wakes up in the morning and from his nap, he first lays his head on my shoulder and cuddles a second than looks at me and grins. All as if to say “Good morning mama!” He even patted my back while doing this today. I feel so incredibly blessed with my precious boys!

Breakfast Time

Witnessed something adorable this week. It was just the normal interchange between siblings but still a precious moment. Tanner was eating cereal (with no milk) on the coffee table. Ty (of course) had to see what Tanner was doing so he stood across the table from him. Tanner would offer him one fruit loop at a time and Ty would anxiously await his piece. I videotaped this like any good mother:) and it is just adorable.

Vidiot Number Three Alert

Tanner is becoming quite proficient with X Box and Ty is trying to understand the attraction. Three times yesterday I walked into the playroom to find Ty playing with the controller while standing at the play table or the chair. All three times was when Tanner was not in the room so Ty was not having to fight him for it. I think he wanted his own time to check it out without Tanner harping on him for playing with his “stuss”.

At this particular moment I am wishing he was at least a tad bit sleepy because typing this has been quite difficult. He keeps grabbing my lap top screen and bending it backwards. Ha Ha! Now he is doing it to daddy. Jim is reading something on the internet and has both Ty’s hands to keep him from pulling the screen. Ty is dancing and saying “da da”, “da da”, “da da”. Daddy lets go. Ty stands up and does it again. Now he is getting into my purse and Jim is intervening. Good glory! How clean does a house have to be? Sheeesh!

8 responses to “The Problem With Fruit Puffs”

  1. I love that Ty has practically gone from bottle to big boy food – what a little man! He’s something else!

    And you thought you couldn’t relate to my humor about toddlers and puppies? Oh my girl… you have got one busy PUPPY on your hands! Too precious.

    And yes – it IS a holiday weekend… forget the salad! (I’m such a bad influence! But, I guess I need the support because I’ve pretty much considered this a holiday week! yikes!)

    I LOVE this update… and after seeing Ty’s dedication video today (which made me cry, duh) – extra sweet! I really loved hearing Tanner pray – that was just beautfful. My beloved Tanner-boy.

    As to the coke – I thought it might backfire on you at some point. ๐Ÿ™‚ For the record, we don’t tell Seth yucky – I simply tell him it’s mama’s and he has his own drink. However, after getting to my cup before I could intervene on several occasions, he’s grown to like my diet shasta cream soda. Whenever he sees my frosty freezer mug he comes arunnin’! I have to hide that cup, deal with a fit, or give in and share (and I am not inclined to do much sharing with diet soda – only occasionally). ๐Ÿ™‚ But we’re definitle getting softer… have never served him his own soda yet – will be a few years on that one. Ty just might get it early… boy, he’s sure not having issues with taste and texture anymore! He’s found a whole new world now that he’s discovered this stuff! Have fun Mommy!

  2. Doni,

    As you know I have read your postings about Ty, since I first was looking for info on Cerebral Palsey. I am the happy loving auntie of a little boy who just turned 3, was born 3/1/02 at 26 weeks, 1 pound 9 ounces.

    Logan is a very precocious child, he is reading almost as well as my first grader, and just turned 3, and can now read face clocks! He is as much a miracle as Ty, he had bilateral brain bleeds, and when he was born no one would give us any hope for his life. He is small stature for his age, and doesn’t walk without assistance yet (yes, yet, we fully believe he will walk in his own time) however is a very normal 3 year old despite those 2 small issues.

    I so totally agree on your stance regarding Terri S., and can’t believe that anyone would believe that withholding food and water could be legal, humane!!!

    You have challenged my beliefs in so many areas, sometimes I agree, sometimes I don’t, but THANK YOU for making me think about things!!!

    By the way, I think that is fabulous Ty is eating!!! Logan went through the same thing, he was over a year old (maybe even close to 2?)before he was eating regular food, but once he started, you couldn’t get him to stop! He sees what everyone else does, and wants to be just like them!

    Take care, and keep challenging my thinking!


  3. If it makes you feel better, my 8 month old has had an oreo cookie, ice cream, whip cream and recently got into a bag of cheetos. I felt bad dragging him away from the cheetos, he had dumped them out into a mound and was shoving them into his mouth with both hands ๐Ÿ™‚

    We have been on a baby food strike here, but he still loves eating real people food. He loves the Gerber puffs too! Actually, I think he is having a mommy feeding me strike, he is perfectly happy if he can feed himself!

    Isn’t it great having a mobile baby, sigh ๐Ÿ™‚ Mine is chewing on a M & M wrapper, and I am letting him…

  4. I think Star puffs have something addictive in them! My son can go through a whole tube of them in about a week and half. Maybe I give him too many but when he won’t eat anything else what do you do. Glad to know mine’s not the only one that would rather eat the twix wrapper than the jar of chicken and apples!

  5. boy am i ever glad we never bought those puffs! ๐Ÿ™‚ seems like a tease to have something so yummy not be very filling… and then in a small package to boot! poor little babies. hee hee.

  6. Ha you guys are funny. Sage now 10 months has had Oreo’s, ice cream, popcorn, cheetos on a regular basis. My husband buys this stuff and to make him quite he goes ahead and gives him some. Soda is another bad thing he has had. He will eat other things so I don’t think I have done to much damage. Its good to know that I am not the only one!

    Sage has been crawling since the end of Dec with no walking in sight. He just got the one foot in front of the other and he was not a premie. I would watch what they say is premie it seems to me that Sage does some of the same thing Ty does. Sage was born right on time. He also has been cruzing since he began to crawl. So it has taken a while to do the one foot in front of the other.


  7. SEE…Mothers of little boys DO WORK from SON up to SON down! Laughing out loud WITH you this morning! Jenn

  8. How cute… my little nephew loves his fruit puffs also…. I am considering getting nate some… he is 9 months now and 5 months and 3 weeks past our due date and is eating one whole jar of stage baby food a day… and loves his teething biscuits! And don’t feel bad about the soda… mine realizes mommy’s cup has better stuff in it and gets a little bit for himself every day! I do drink caffeine free sodas and tea but still…… and you should see the mess we let him make with a ring pop!

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