Snowstorm in DC – Day 5

Thursday, May 26th, 2005

This will be a quick posting! While Tanner was still quite sick on Thursday, I felt he was well enough to travel due to the fact that he had not thrown up in 24 hours. The problem was getting on the plane. I had two check in bags, a large purse, a pillow, a large carry on bag, Tanner’s backpack and Tanner’s car seat. While I had creatively managed by myself on the trip out, I also did not have to be concerned about Tanner’s health. This time though, Tanner had hardly walked in 48 hours and I was not confident that he had the strength to do all the walking to get to the cab, through the airport, and onto the plane. I would not be able to assist him at all with all that I had to carry. What to do….hmmmm?

My snowflake sisters were all worrying about me. I should take a moment to mention that on Wed, Courtney had called miserable to leave me alone and Peter and Suzanne had dropped off apple juice and toast at my door (thank you for your sacrifice little precious Mary:). Meredith had already made it home to Phoenix and saw Jim’s posting about Tanner and was on the phone with me in a hurry too. On Thursday, Sharon Tesdall called and (like Papa) was ever so determined to rescue me:). She listened to my dilemma and told me to sit tight while she went to work. Next thing I know Derek (Communications Director for Congressman Pitt’s Office) was on the phone. He arrived at my hotel and served as my personal escort:).

To Courtney….thank you for (a) not hating my guts for the miserable night Tanner and I contributed to:) (b) being willing to stick it out with us as impractical as that was (c) calling to check on us. You were a great roomie and while I would love to room with you again, you might not be volunteering anytime soon LOL! I’ll miss that little Carter! He helped fill my Ty longing as he is so much like my Ty. Flu and all, my memories will be good of our little “vacation”:) together.

To Peter and Suzanne….thank you for (a) assuring me you would have gone to the ER with me as impractical as that was:) (b) dropping off food to us. We love ya.

To Sharon…thank you for riding that white horse to the rescue. I appreciated your compassionate heart and your willingness to do what you could. You don’t take no for an answer either:)

To Derek…thank you for actually appearing on the white horse;). The last thing you wanted to do I am sure was show up at the door of a sick kid and drive them to the airport…but you did it anyway and I appreciated it. We probably could have managed ourselves but it took pressure off me knowing that I didn’t have too. Thank you for the rescue!

So that’s that. Any questions? LOL.

One response to “Snowstorm in DC – Day 5”

  1. Well, CArter and I would room w/ you anytime . . .we’re not bound to get sick two times in a row! Also, I usually don’t handle the vomit flu very well, but I actually felt I’ve grown since I became a mom as I did not completely freak out!!! I’m just glad we all went where God called us and we all made it home safely, if a bit tired out! Carter is still asking for Dawee and Tah-ner!

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