The Christmas Man

Did you have a wonderful Thanksgiving?? Our family has had such a nice fall season.? I was a little worried about taking on more work this season over last year but I was reminded that I really love what I do and it made for a really fun fall.? Next year, should baby number four have been born, things may be a little more hectic though.? :)? Speaking of babies, it’s time for a Mama update so this post is about to get pretty random…

Tomorrow me and the kids (and Sweetie) will be decorating.? I do not like to decorate.? Last year Aimee did it for me and I was so appreciative.? This year, in trying to prep myself for this, I bribed Sweetie to come over and help and am planning on a fun day with the kids.? I bought fruit and chocolate dip for fruit kabobs, stuff to make gingerbread cookies and frost them (at Tanner’s request), egg nog and ginger ale (one MUST have that when decorating trees), and made Heidi’s berry pie tonight so that I can serve it cold with heavy cream over it tomorrow (English style).? We will listen to Christmas music and watch Tori tear apart every Christmas box in the house and make an enormous disaster of all my Christmas decorations.? Preparing myself now because it WILL happen.? I know her.? I know her well.

When I was in the first grade Stacy Reese lost both her front teeth at the same time.? She looked so cute and I was green with envy.? How I prayed that I too would have the great blessing of having both front teeth missing at the same time.? But alas, it was not to be.? I didn’t look nearly as attractive as Stacy with only one missing at a time.? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ty pointed out this month that his front tooth was loose.? Not one to sit around and wait, he pulled it himself.? Two days later I saw him on the soccer field at AIT and he was messing with the other tooth instead of participating.? Sure enough he pulled that one too and lost it on the field.?? If you ask me, he looks even cuter than Stacy Reese.? ๐Ÿ™‚


This story is a tad on the tacky side so I will have to censor it for my blog but I had to write it down because Jim and I laughed for days over it.

Jim and I were watching a movie that wasn’t very kid friendly and was ultimately cut very short because we weren’t enjoying it either.?? At one point in the movie, a young boy makes a statement that was really inappropriate and something I was not happy that Ty heard (Jim didn’t hit the mute fast enough because we didn’t see it coming).?? The kid on the show said:

“I love it when we go to (some city in France).? We get eggs benedict for breakfast, there is a playstation in every room and b**bies on every channel.”

As soon as that last part left the kids mouth, Jim hit mute and then stared at me both of us thinking “dang” – we REALLY didn’t want our boys to hear stuff like that especially coming out of the mouths of other little boys.? At that moment, Ty literally jumps off the couch and loudly with excitement says ” DID THAT KID JUST SAY……”

Jim and I, with baited breath and closed eyes, sat waiting for him to finish his sentence.


Jim and I met eyes.? Then we laughed.? We laughed til’ we cried.? Really??? Really Ty?? Out of that sentence, THAT is what you took away with you??? We really should have known.? While we are laughing, Tanner says “Why are you guys laughing over Ty saying playstation?”

I am so thankful that my little guys are still so innocent and that so much that they don’t need to know about or hear about goes right over their heads.?? Jim told me that the next day while sitting in church, he started chuckling all over just reflecting on it.


Ty is getting a little sick of being bossed these days.? The other morning at the breakfast table, full of exasperation, he says “MOMMY!? DO I HAAAAVVE TO LISTEN TO WHAT A 2 YEAR OLD SAYS?”

Unfortunately for Ty, the statement that Tori had made to him was absolutely correct.? Most of the time Ty is so preoccupied he doesn’t realize that he is being bossed by his baby sister but once in awhile it dawns on him.


Ty:? Mommy when we get home can I play my Xbox?

Me:? Possibly.

Ty:? What does possibly mean?

Me:? It means maybe.


That’s Ty.? Always the eternal optimist.? ๐Ÿ™‚


At two, Tori corners the market on the blog because two year olds are very funny and you have to record as much of what they do and say as you can because it is so fleeting.? So several Tori things to write about but first…notice who is trying to pose like a regular model for me.? :)? Tanner was coaching her from the sidelines.? :)? Last week ,while I was doing a newborn shoot, her Grandma took her out on a girl date and they went shopping and came home with this outfit.? I am loving her low pony tails too these days.

Pictured below – the faux smile.

Cute Tori-isms:

“I want to like it” (instead of just saying I like it)

“I can’t like it” (instead of don’t like it)

“Those boys are naughty mommy”

“Everbody MOVE OUT!” (this she says while playing soldiers with her brothers)

“I want Jamie lips” (She said this to me after watching me apply a dark red lipstick.? I was particularly annoyed by this comment because Jamie is notorious for NOT wearing lipstick and only wears it when I beg her too and who gets credit for the dark lipstick now?? Jamie.? Figures.)


Sassy Tori

Setting:? I am gathering stuff together to leave and have just set my coke on the coffee table.? Tori is eyeing my coke and evaluating her chances.

Tori:? Is that yours?

Me:? Yes that is mine.

Tori:? You can’t take that in the car.? It has to stay here.

Quite strategic of her I thought.


Tori:? Don’t open up my purse mommy.? It has money in it.

She really shouldn’t have told me that.


Setting:? I am typing an email to Liza and Tori is mad at Ty about not getting to play a “girl game” on the computer (she pronounces girl like “gu-ell”).? She starts crying and I send her out of the room.?? She comes back a couple minutes later.

Tori:? Mommy I am ALMOST done crying.

Me:? Almost?

Tori:? Almost.


Tori:? Put these jammies on me.

Me:? I can’t right now I am busy please can you go ask your Daddy?

Tori:? Daddy is beezy.

Me:? So am I babe so you’ll have to wait.

Tori:? You not beezy!


Troublesome Tori

She was into my makeup box last week (what else is new right?) and was sitting on the bathroom counter.? When I went in to lift her off the counter, I placed my hands under her arms to pick her up.? Icckkkk!? My hands were covered in goo.? She had found vics vapor rub and used it as deoderant.

She figured out how to crawl out of her crib this week.? We were surprised it took her as long as it did since she is such a climber.? The first night was a mess.? She climbed out over and over and consequences weren’t real significant to her.? The boys would tattle (of course) and I would jog into her room to catch her haulin her little tail over the crib trying to beat me back into the bed.? The worst incident the first night on one of the jail breaks was to fill the toilet in the guest bathroom (right outside her bedroom door) with all the trash from the trash can.? Jim has had to snake that toilet several times now.? She usually flushes toothbrushes.

Yesterday at nap time I didn’t catch her out of the crib but her wardrobe kept changing.? First she had jammies on.? Then black boots.? Then her swimsuit.? When I would inquire she would give me a glazed over look that plead the fifth.

This evening she completely disassembled the beautiful ribbon topiary that her Aunt Jodi made her.? I saw the boys kicking a styrofoam ball down the hall and wondered where on earth it came from only to discover the remains of all the ribbons in her room.? I am especially unhappy about this deed of destruction because I seriously don’t want to have to put Humpty Dumpty back together again (and I can’t not because I love it too much).

This morning in church Dad played a video of a flash mob singing the Hallelujah chorus.? It was so moving and I sat there with tears streaming down my face.? Shocking I know because I am so not a cryer.? (LOL).? Tori used this distraction to pick pocket me.? My dark brown “bordeoux” lipstick was in my front jacket pocket.??? While I cried along to the Hallelujah chorus daydreaming that one day I too will be in a random shopping mall when a choir of voices breaks out in song, Tori was painting her lips.? When the song ended, I handed Tori to Jim because he was going to take her to the nursery.? He took the lipstick from her and asked if I truly intended to send her to the nursery with a tube of lipstick.? In horror? (but not particularly shocked), I stared at her little painted face.? Needless to say, she drew attention walking down the center aisle with her Daddy.? I am sure it was one of her prouder moments.? Many people enjoyed it.

Adorable Tori

While watching one of Sarah Palin’s Alaska shows, Jim turns to Tori and growls.

Tori:? What are you?? A tiger?

Jim:? No.? A bear.

Tori:? Hi bear.? ๐Ÿ™‚


While watching a tv commercial on the new Shark that sweeps and mops:

Tori:? Daddy!? Quick!? Record it!!!!

LOL.? My family will know why this is hysterical.? Apple doesn’t fall far does it?? Apparently she inherited the floor appliance gene.


While watching a commerical with a big Christmas tree in it:

Tori:? What IS that?? Is that Christmas???? Can we go there?

Me:? That is a Christmas tree and we don’t have to go there.? Christmas will come here.

Tori:? Can you call the Christmas man?

Me:? Who is the Christmas man?? Do you mean Santa?

Tori:? Ya.? Panda.? Can you call Panda?

And this my friends is why me and the kids will be on decorating holiday tomorrow.? My baby girl is waiting for Christmas to arrive and I am anxious to bring it to her.

8 responses to “The Christmas Man”

  1. Oh those two are making me laugh this morning! Ty looks adorable without his two front teeth. Zane has one he’s been working on..maybe he could enlist Ty’s help again;. And I just love that playstation is the word that stuck out to him – LOL!

    Tori cracks me up too – man she loves to get into stuff. But good thing she’s got the floor cleaning gene right?! Good combo. I love these pics of her, what a little model!

    Have fun decorating today…everything sounds so yummy!!!

  2. So so sweet, you will bring Christmas to your baby girl ๐Ÿ™‚ She is just adorable. Maybe the crying you did is because maybe you are pregnant?? Know what I mean, maybe you will be getting a new little one soon ๐Ÿ™‚ The Lord works in mysterious ways ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hey Doni, I love Johanne’s comment don’t you???!!!! That picture of Ty would make a great Christmas Card. He looks adorable and I’m so glad we get to sing….”all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth…” and mean it (or not, he does look adorable!!!!!)

    Little Miss Tori is sooooo much fun, so entertaining and absolutely ADORABLE. I love her “Sarah outfit” and think her poses are adorable!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. You have the funniest kids ever! I giggled the whole way through your post about Ty’s play station comment! And I cried too when i saw that flash mob in the mall singing the hallelujah chorus… amazing. And Tori… sweet mischievous Tori… love her 2 year old-ness… but then again i just get to hear the stories, not clean up the mess ๐Ÿ™‚ hee hee BEAUTIFUL photos of them too!

  5. Hahahahaha!!!! Histarically crying over here too! Ty is something else. I love seeing your kiddo’s growing up and I too can’t wait to see precious #4 in the near future. And can I add that your photography just keeps getting better and better!!! Truely gorgeous pictures & when you look at them you can FEEL them. Great job mama!! PS how are ty’s feet,did you find some answers?

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