Troy – Day 23 – July 18th

Couldn’t decide on my favorite for these two.? Love the back wrinkles on the top one and loved the grin on the bottom.? I think I just love every little thing about him.? :)?? Today, during bath time, I put a warm wash cloth on him and he started full belly giggling in his sleep.??? I don’t remember any of my other kids giggling in their sleep as newborns.? It was hysterical.? I do remember that Tanner giggled for the first time at 10 weeks because it was at the end of my hospital bed when I had my gall bladder removed.

I am loving watching the dynamics of the sibling relationships play out.?? Tanner is Troy’s protector and defender.?? I trust Tanner to pick Troy up and comfort him and when Troy makes a peep, Tanner is right there on it.? Ty affirms and gives affection.? It is actually Ty that kisses him the most often during the day (well besides me).? Every day Ty has said “I love my new brother”.? Tori talks to him.? She sounds so cute in her little mama voice speaking assurances to him “you are okay baby – it is okay baby”.? Just sweet as could be.

3 responses to “Troy – Day 23 – July 18th”

  1. oh my goodness he’s the smilinest little thing! gosh what a beautiful boy.
    i love how the big kids are embracing him as theirs in their own special ways. just as we knew they would. beautiful!

  2. I don’t think I have ever seen a baby that smiles so much that young!! He is beautiful!! And I love the dimples too ๐Ÿ™‚ Lauren’s dimples really stood out as a baby.

  3. PS – Matt said you just wanted a baby so you could take pictures – hee hee ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think he is just jealous ๐Ÿ˜‰ (jealous of the pictures, not the baby – lol)

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