Options and Agony


Why so big today??? Because I could ๐Ÿ™‚ .?? The picture width can be as wide as 400 pixels so the portrait pictures can be shown much larger than the landscape.?? And isn’t it cute?

Jim is playing Xbox with his buddies, Tanner needs to be in bed but isn’t, and Ty is asleep.?? I have been??a busy girl and I want to get in bed too but I wanted one more thing to check off my list today – blog – check.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

I added some Easter pictures to the Summer Gallery by the way – if your interested ๐Ÿ™‚

One major item that I am nearly finished with is my Homeschool weekly calendar for next year.?? I built an access database to house my weekly schedule details and I have all Tanner’s assignment charted out by week.?? I just need to add some science experiments, crafts, and his math and we are ready to go.?? Yeah!?? (Note to Heidi – I’ll have to send this to you just so that someone will ooohhh and aaahhhh over my effort LOL).?? I decided to schedule assignments by week instead of days to give us more weekly flexibility.?? Some days we will do more than others depending on what we have scheduled for the week.?? I am trying my best to figure out how I will entertain Ty during Tanner’s school time.?? It is hard enough already and we only work for an hour to an hour and a half.?? I didn’t want to start a pre-k program for Ty because I think under 5 should be just play time but I have a feeling Ty won’t tolerate that.?? I think he will likely WANT school time with Tanner but unfortunately Ty is very distracting (he talks the whole time ๐Ÿ™‚ ).?? Still thinking on that one…

Some days Tanner feels like my big kid and not my little one.?? I don’t want him to turn six yet!?? This week we had a conversation that made me feel we had jumped forward 10 years instead of back.?? It all started with Ty crying…

Ty – Mommy (cry cry cry) Tanner won’t let me??play two players (Xbox)

D – Tanner why won’t you let him play?

T – The game won’t let me.

D – Did you try?

T – Ya it won’t work. (Never making eye contact with me – eyes on the screen)

D – Okay in that case it is time to let Ty have a turn.

T -??Okay.

D – Tanner right now.

T – Okay when this game is finished.

D -??(I start to leave and then turn back) Uh Tanner, how long do you think it will take you to finish this game?

T – A couple hours.



Conversations with my 3 year old

Ty – When I be??three can I have gum?

Doni – “You are three and no”

Ty – When I be six?


Ty – I am being good mommy!?? I AM!?? I like being good.?? (Usually said when he is wanting me to leave him be and mind my own nevermind – also very rarely believable ๐Ÿ™‚


I need some cuddle time.?? I do.”?? I love this one and I have heard it several times this week.?? Of course cuddle time lasts all of about 15 seconds but I’ll take it.?? He is also smart enough to use it as a stall before bed time.?? I also enjoy the way Ty repeats short phrases at the end of his sentences.?? Examples “I do.?? I am.?? I will.”?? Often a two word phrase is repeated at the end of most of what he say’s.?? I think I reiterate like that a lot too so he must get it from Mommy motor mouth ๐Ÿ™‚


One day Jim was getting ready for work and I was trying to brush the boys’ teeth in the bathroom.?? Tanner and Ty were exchanging words with one another and Ty was getting upset and say’s “TANNER!?? Stop agonizing me!”?? I then say “I think you mean “aggravating”.?? Jim say’s “No he means ‘antagonizing’”.?? I think Jim was right.?? LOL.?? I suppose though if someone is antagonizing you,??you may feel agonized so it was perfectly appropriate I think.?? ๐Ÿ™‚


Speaking of big words…

Ty – Mommy can I have a drink?

D – Yes bring me your sippy cup.

Ty – (Hands me cup) I need options.

D – You need what?

Ty – Options.?? For my drink.

LOL.?? Sweetie couldn’t believe he was smart enough to know that word but I assume it is because I often say “Okay boys here are your options – do you want blah blah blah”.?? Still though it’s impressive he can use words in different context as it suits him.??


Outside on the porch tonight Jim and I were sitting watching the boys play.?? Tanner takes a stick and throws it and it hits Ty in the head.?? (It was a small stick but the throw was purposeful).?? Ty walks over and smacks Tanner for it.?? Tanner fakes a complaint figuring he will distract towards Ty’s misdemeanor instead of his own.?? I make the mistake of saying “You deserved that one Tanner”.?? Ty swings around and with a pointing figure say’s “You reserved that one Tanner!”?? LOL.?? Reserved – deserved – whatever.


I have mentioned time and time again how Ty hates anything in his crib.?? This week he must have scratched himself during his sleep because he had this small little blood stain on his sheets.?? It was making him crazy and he kept insisting I wash the sheets but I told him to deal with it because I had clothes already in the laundry.?? He would be great at ink blotch tests because he couldn’t quit staring at the stain and he kept telling me “that little guy scares me”.?? After about a day of that I washed the sheet. He noticed the moment I layed him down and he thanked me over and over because “that guy scared me”.?? LOL!?? Silly boy.


While sitting at Papa and Sweetie’s table this week, I was being the mean mom and wouldn’t let Ty get down.?? Tanner left the table and started playing.?? Ty brought this to my attention (of course).?? I told Ty that Tanner doesn’t get in to stuff at Sweetie’s house so he got that priveledge.?? Ty very casually then say’s (without a smile or any emotion at all) “Ya.?? I push buttons, get the remote control, and turn the tv on“.?? Papa and Sweetie were trying their best to hide their laughter.?? All said in a very practical manner like he was totally in agreement with my assessment.?? But…alas…what can be done about it??? It’s just what he does.?? Good gracious.

This same day he was in trouble for something and I was threatening disciplinary measures.?? As he walked out of the room I heard him say “De Ja Vu“.?? Again Papa starts cracking up.?? No kidding “De Ja Vu” – that should have been MY line!!!!!!!!?? He couldn’t possibly know what that means.?? Tanner said he heard it on Veggie Tales.?? Hmmmmmm.?? He certainely used THAT phrase in context!!!??

We were watching Night at the Museum this week and Ty loved the monkey Dexter.?? He couldn’t wait to see if Dexter would reappear in every scene.?? Jim and I got sick of hearing “Were is the baby??? Where is the baby monkey that steals the keys??? Is the baby coming back??? I want to see the baby monkey!”?? Jim commented that it figured this was Ty’s favorite character.?? I agreed.?? ๐Ÿ˜‰



6 responses to “Options and Agony”


    (I think your post is bringing on the good cry I’ve needed all stressful day long… the kind where something hysterical gets you laughing so hard you want to sob a while? Ha ha! I’ll be ok – truly, I will.. but this is a GREAT way to end my day. You’ll have to check out MY blog for a better glimpse. ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    Oh- and on the homeschool database.. yeah… uh… yeah… I want to see it to OOO AND AAAH for YOUR sake… has NOTHING to do whatsoever with my own future homeschooling plans… nope… just for you. Bring it on – I’ll give you your oos and aaahs alright!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. YEAH! I was going through withdrawls! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the updates on your boys.

    I haven’t seen your database and I’ll go a head and ooh and awww….cuz really! I can’t figure out what I have to do tomorrow….let alone what I’m doing for the NEXT YEAR!! Seriously even public school teachers only write their lesson plans a week or two in advance! You amaze me!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love ya!

  3. Hello to you darlings!

    What a mother! Doni, it takes gals like you to homeschool sucessfully. It sounds like youv’e got it!!!!

    No, I only made lesson plans for the week. It was easier to plan after you teach one year and can have a new class to start the next year.

    Those boys are just darling! So cute!!! Love, Lois

  4. sorry on the other comment that I could not spell my name. Senior moments. Lois

  5. Hey Doni, I want to Ooohhhh and Aaaahhhh, too! Really, I do!! Send it to me!

    And, thank you for the laughs and the joy your boys’ antics brought to my heart tonight! LOVE THEM!!

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