
I have a rather tragic and very coincidental story to share with you for your reading pleasure.?? As usual, this post will only serve to illustrate all the many ways in which I lack common sense and it will do nothing to further my image. ;)?? But…it IS funny and AMAZINGLY coincidental.?? So coincidental I keep rehashing how I could have met such ill timed luck TWICE.

Okay enough of the prologue.

About 12 years ago, when Jim and I were enjoying early years of marriage, I came across his work organizer lying on our kitchen counter.?? Jim and I made the commitment early on in our dating that we would remain abstinent until marriage so, needless to say, our first years of marriage were a joy (still are – TMI?) ๐Ÿ˜‰ .?? Enjoying my new found freedom, I took great pleasure one fine day writing love notes to Jim in his organizer.?? With a ring on my finger, I didn’t have to stop at “hello” ;).?? I could write as suggestively??and promiscuously as I wished.?? And I did.?? It was fun.??

I should say I was surprised when Jim never commented about it but quite frankly, once the notebook was out of sight, it was out of mind.?? I completely forgot about it.

Sometime later I was at church preparing to lead worship with the Praise Band before an evening service.?? Just before service started, David (my brother), who was in his early teens at the time, approached me on the platform.?? I am certain – dead certain – that he planned the timing of his prepared speech for maximum exposure and humiliation.?? You know where this is heading.

David leans over and whispers in my ear “Doni the next time you decide to write notes to your husband, you better ask him if he is planning on giving his organizer away first!”???????? AAHH!!!!!!!

I collapsed in a fit of laughter and tears right on the platform!?? Who knew??? Turns out the reason Jim never commented was because he never saw my “love notes”.?? He left that organizer on the counter so he could give it to David.?? David was the proud recipient of this nice leather bound notebook and sat down on the family room couch to look through it when he received quite a shock.?? The Harlequin was so fascinating to him that he invited brother Darin over for the fun and they read it together.?? All of it.?? Nightmare.

In 12 years I have not once written such scandalous material in places where it could be read again.?? I learned my lesson good.?? Until last week.???? Last week I was sitting in the car while Jim ran into the store and I noticed his red work organizer sitting on the dash.?? For the briefest of moments, David’s words flashed through my head.?? Not wanting to be controlled by past misfortunes, I determined to give it another go.?? This time though, I made my comments family friendly.?? I only wrote “I LOVE YOU JIM” in real girly letters.?? (I think!)?? Not sure why I added “Jim”.?? That was an obvious point.?? Later I realized this was the hand of God. ๐Ÿ™‚

Once again, Jim didn’t comment and I didn’t remember.

Yesterday was not a good day.?? I was very agitated over several things and wanted to go hide in my closet awhile.?? Jim called during a brutal skirmish between Adobe Premiere and I.?? I was losing.

Jim says’s “Doni by any chance did you write a note to me in the red??organizer that was in the car last week?”

Now under different circumstances, my reply would have been formed with my sexiest husky voice and a teasing glint in my eye.?? Having gone through such humiliation with a related situation years before though, the minute he said “THE” organizer instead of “MY” organizer, I could barely form my words.?? In the smallest of voices, with my eyes closed, I whispered “yes”.

“It was Darren’s”.??


Then I hear laughing in the background.?? I think Jim had me on speaker phone in the office.??


This was not my brother Darin.?? This was Jim’s co-worker Darren who incidentally used to be my co-worker when I worked at Bank One (coincidence number two).?? Had to be someone I knew of course.?? I never did ask why Darren’s organizer was left in our car but I did ask if he shared my earlier faux paux with his buddies.?? He did.?? Of course.

Before we hung up Jim said “Doni I think you had better not write to me in an organizer ever again.”

What a sad state of affairs!!!!!!?? Here I am trying to just shower my lover with the best of intentions and I get outed TWICE!!!!!?? How could that happen?????? Really!!! How could it?

I did manage to think of a couple of items that were my saving grace however:

1.?? I DID learn from the past and I ONLY wrote G rated material.?? I doubt Darren appreciated my note on his daily calendar but, believe me, it could have been MUCH worse.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

2.?? THANKFULLY, I wrote “JIM” on the page.?? I have no idea why I did that.?? If I would have just written some note without a name though, I could have had Darren searching for a secret admirer and his wife in an outrage LOL.?? On the other hand, by writing JIM, I gave myself away.?? Okay I take point number 2 back.?? I do wish I would have left that out and had Darren wondering who the mystery woman was that was in love with him.?? It would have been much better for me that way.?? LOL.

6 responses to “Banned”

  1. sorry to laugh at your expense…LoL! Maybe the bathroom mirror would be a better place…oh, wait! Then you’d have to clean it off. Nevermind!

  2. This was the BEST way to start my day! I was laughing the entire time I was reading this. Your misfortune is going to keep me smiling ALL day.

  3. Thanks for the post on my comment page. Intersting all things in common. Glad you found me. I can’t live with out my thermal mask or my Re9 facial scrub. I’m out of my protein shake right now and I don’t know what to eat for breakfast today. Great post. How humiliating! My daughter is watching Mickymouse Clubhouse so I got some time to check my email and linked to your site. Nice to have believers out there to talk with!

  4. That is Hilarious Doni! While I am sure it was embarrasing it is a testament to the pure LOVE in your marriage and there is NOTHING embarrassing about that! Keep writing him letters but put them around the house where he can find them!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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