What is my name?

Tanner is out today working with his dad (writing this on Saturday).?? I am sure he is missing Tori.?? Lately, whenever he leaves and comes home he quickly tells me how much he missed her.?? He calls her “Sunshine”.?? He is getting just so mature lately.?? I love how he keeps giving me descriptions of things and then adds “it’s because”…and launches into the explanation.?? Soooooooo like his Dad.?? Jim is one to give me explanations like that as well.

I wonder if Tanner will be as onery as Jim with a dry sense of humor??? I suspect so.?? Jim and I live very stereotypical male/female lives.?? He does all outside stuff and fix it stuff and I cook, clean and take care of kids. (Sidenote:?? he could stand to improve his gas filling skills.?? Can’t figure out why I everytime I want to go somewhere there is no gas in the car.??)??

Lately I have tried to be less co-dependant and have tackled a few things on my own.?? Jim’s mom is a Jane-Of-All-Trades and it is kind of embarrassing when your MIL has to tell you “Doni – don’t try that.?? Just leave it for me.”?? Hee hee!?? Anyhow, I wanted the fan blades painted in Tori’s room and I didn’t want to wait for Jim to take them down.?? Surely I could handle a screw driver??? I did call and ask if I could get electricuted if the fan was off.?? Was that a silly question??? So I did manage to get them down but somewhere in the process lost a couple of little tiny insignificant washers.?? Jim asked me why in the world I removed the fan blades myself.?? :)?? I wanted to know what the big deal was about these dinky little parts.?? My friend Laura came over and I asked her if she would be concerned about accounting for every little silly washer.?? She said yes.?? (LOL)He??said the blades could fly off without the washers and he refused to put them back up until we buy new ones.?? The blades are now sitting on the diaper changing station and I realize I am no better off.?? That endeavor didn’t save any time did it??? Then I tried to paint polka dots on a metal tin using my MIL’s stencils.?? They kept bleeding and I had to quit.?? She took one look at my work and took over.?? I think I will leave stencils alone from now on too.

Recently Jim told me that I am parking in the wrong spot and too close to the car.?? He told me to pull the right tires into the rocks and stop when I hit the front sidewalk.?? I told him that I might run over the bush in our front yard if I do that.?? He said it wouldn’t matter because I couldn’t kill that bush if I wanted to.?? Okay fine.?? A couple of days later we are pulling out of the driveway and he says “Babe!?? Look what you did!?? You have totally parked on our bush!”?? Oh if you could just see my fuming expression.?? I was ready to launch into a tirade about getting specific permission to use my weapon of mass destruction on that bush and then I see the glint of humor in his eye. (I drive a Ford Excursion)?? Sheeessh he drives me nuts sometimes.?? You know he never actually uses my name either.?? I think he pretty exclusively only calls me “Babe”.?? I like that.?? Tanner and Ty still say “mommy”.?? What is my name anyhow??? I might forget.?? I don’t mind.?? Babe and Mommy are much better.

6 responses to “What is my name?”

  1. Hey DONI, that is your name right…LOL. Never a dull moment in your household. Plenty of laughs for sure. Tanner sounds like an amazing big brother. Lets hope my boys are as sweet in 8 months ๐Ÿ™‚

    So you have the same gas in the car problem as I do, my husband will drive on fumes (he seems to think he still has enough) then I get in the van and I have to fill it up, Men!

  2. LOOOVE this picture of tanner!! love it!

    i’m fortunate that jas is REALLY good at filling up the gas tank – part of his protective nature. he gets bothered if i don’t notice when it’s on low because he doesn’t want us driving without being covered… or maybe he just doesnt’ want to have to come bail me out! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ha!

    (jas gets nearly offended if i call him by name. :))

  3. Doni – I’ve heard Jim call you Babe and I always find myself wondering how someone like Jim can use the sweet term, Babe, but Tom (who is “like Jim”), cannot?!?!? I would LOVE to forget my name! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. funny! My name is YN1 at work (in the Coast Guard…lol), and mom at home. My nickname from hubby is “sunshine”…lol I never get called by my first name. its okay with me because most people pronouce it wrong and I have to correct them. As for the gas in the car, I am the guilty one. I will drive till the light comes on and sometimes a few days with the light one. My hubby will get in the car and ask me about it, I usually say oh it just came on when I pulled in yesterday…ha! don’t tell! I have ran out of gas, I had to walk home and get a ride to the gas station. Nope I didn’t learn my lesson.

  5. The bush!! hahahaha. Craig and I don’t call eachother by names either. I too am the guilty one driving on E,Craig hates it!! and I’m the one with the kids in the car, shame on me! Lately I have been good about filling it up,my gosh the gas prices though!! You taking the fan blades down and not worrying about the washers is SO much like me ROFL! Jonah dropped a tiny something in his boosterseat,couldn’t reach it and asked Craig to get it,Craig told him when we stopped he’d help,jonah again asked,Craig again said when we stop. Jonah kept trying to find it,then said “found it”. Craig laughed and mumbled “stubborn just like his mama”. I corrected him and said “it’s called determination and I find it a good trait and I’m very proud of my son” ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. oh – so glad to know our “hmm… i think IIII can do this myself….” then getting it wrong works on mother-in-love’s too. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ remember that bookshelf??? ha! unfortunately, it doesn’t work as good on my hubby and i’ve simply had to up my own handi-woman skills if i want it to get done. ๐Ÿ™‚

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