Tori’s First Tooth



Look who lost her first tooth last week (7/22/13)? ??We were really surprised that she lost her first tooth at 5. ??That seemed a little on the early side. ??I cracked up at her cousin Ryker on Sunday. ??He was doing his best to unsecure a tooth so as to not be outdone by Tori. ?? Zane lost his first tooth wrestling with Ty so it CAN be done.

A few more things about TORI…

She checks the weather every day (just like her Aunt Jodi). ??She just has to know. ??Last week she thought the overcast day was SUCH a nice day. ??(Only a kid who lives in Arizona right?)

She is quite the chatter box lately and her stories go on FOOORRRREEEVVVVEERRR. ??She gives every minute detail. ??I have even caught my very verbose Ty trying to sum her up and rush her along. ??Drives Tanner totally NUTS. ??So funny. ??She loves having nightly chat time with mommy in bed. ??I think she prefers “talk time” over story time. ??She really loves morning tea and chat time too. ??She is quite entertaining. ?? The other night she was jabbering away and I kept drifting off and she would say “Did you just hear anything I said?!”. ??Finally, I had to tell her that I was putting my own self to bed. ??She begged to follow so that we could “just talk”. ??I told her I was too tired. ??She said, “Well I will just talk to you then.” ??So I let her (had to see what she would do when I didn’t respond.) ?? I warned her that I wouldn’t talk back and she said that she wouldn’t even care.

“I’ll just talk and you don’t have to say anything back to me,” she said.

She talked on and on about what it felt like to get sleepy. ??What your eyes feel like and what you look like and how you feel inside. ??She would ask me questions and when I wouldn’t answer she would answer herself on my behalf. ??When she thought I was asleep, she quietly slipped out and went back to her bed. ?? She rocked talked me to sleep. ??Precious.


Recently she told me that she is never going to leave me. ??She is going to go to college but come home at night.


One day Dusty and I made plans to go out to lunch with the kids. ??When he got here, Troy wasn’t ready. ??I went looking for him and couldn’t find him. ??Dusty calls ??to me from down the hall after discovering that Tori had used a tall laundry basket upside down to help her brother climb up onto the changing table. ??She was standing on it and had already changed his diaper and put on his clothes for him. ??That was a first. ??She got the diaper on perfectly too. ??And he let her! ?? Such a little mama.


Me (to Tori and Ty): ??I have some sad news and some happy news.

Ty: ??what is the happy news? ??I want to hear the happy news!

Me: ??First the sad news (and I relay it)

Ty: ??Okay now the happy news! ??I can’t wait!

Me: ??(I relay the happy news)

Me to Tori: ??Do you have any questions Tori?

Tori: ??No. ??Do you have any questions mama?




Jim: ??Phineas and Ferb are building a time machine!

Me: ??Thank you Candice.


Tori: ??May I clip your toenails?

Me: ??No

Tori: ??Are you so happy I didn’t whine?

Me: ??About what?

Tori: ??About not being allowed to clip your toenails.

Me: ??Oh. ??Ya.

Tori. ??I thought so.


Tori loves to watch the teenager Disney shows (Victorious, Dog with a Blog, ICarly…). ??She kept trying to use the phrase “Too soon?” with me all week but I wasn’t getting it until she explained the context because she was not landing it right every time she tried it. ?? Finally….

Setting: ??Tori and Ty in big trouble because they were allowing Troy to run amuck in the bathroom (running water, toothpaste diaster, etc). ??They were sent to their rooms. ??When I released them from their confinement:

Ty: ??Mom I had a pretty nice time in my room because Troy was keeping me company. ??It was really nice and I wasn’t lonely.

Tori: ??MEEEE TTOOOO! ??Troy kept me company in my room too and it was pretty fun! ??Woooooohooooo! ?? Too soon?

Me: ??Uh yeah. ??Too soon. ??You finally landed that correctly.

My girl is a riot.




Troy has been in a bad habit of screaming (SCREAMING) lately. ??We have called it “Fourth Child Syndrome”. ??He wants to make good and sure that everyone hears and acknowledges his complaints. ?? It is amazingly ear piercing and I feel really bad for all the people who have had to endure phone conversations with me in the last couple of weeks and heard the wail on the other end of the line.

I love how he is echoing the things that his siblings say like “Me too! I do! ??Want one!”

I also love how when he cries or complains, he only covers one eye. ??Even when he is not patched, he just doesn’t bother covering his eye that is often patched. ??Too cute.

He has really been a slow talker but he makes his point known quite well. ??The other morning I gave him a granola bar for breakfast.

Troy: ??Mom. ??See it! ??(Points at granola bar) Bye Bye! (as he waves to it).

Got it. ??No Granola Bars for breakfast.


Lately, he has loved to watch Curious George and Garfield on Netflix.


And a quick update on the bigger boys…

Ty: ??I have a nice life.


Ty: ??Comedy Gold! ??(Every time he tells a joke HE thinks is funny)


Ty: ??Mom. ??Let’s put our faces together and see how good we look. ??Don’t we look good together?

Ty had an evaluation recently (for insurance purposes) and the pediatrician suggested that he see an Ear, Nose, and Throat Dr. ??She suspects that he still may be having some sleep apnea and thinks it would be helpful to him to have his andanoids and tonsils out. ??She said to listen to him at night and if he catches his breath while snoring (he snores all the time), that the ENT will likely move forward with that surgery. ??Hmmmmm….. ?? Better to do it now than later I guess.

She also couldn’t get over how big he is. ??She kept commenting on how TALL he is going to be. ??I can wear his flip flops around as technically we are in the same size shoe now (Ty is 9 years old). ??I wear a 9.5/10 in women’s by the way.


Tanner has been keeping himself busy on this short summer break with computer games and such. ??Too hot outside! ??Jim built him a pretty nifty jig for making survival bracelets too. ??He does a great job with them and has been learning all different types of braiding off YouTube. ?? Pretty cool. ??He and Jim just found out they were drawn for deer in October so shooting practice will commence pretty soon. ??He is starting Fall soccer too. ??It’s about to get busy around here!


One response to “Tori’s First Tooth”

  1. I’m glad u got these pics. Beautiful.

    Didnt hear about tys possible surgery… bummer.

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