Not Leavin’

Left to right:?? Aimee, Jodi, Michelle, Dad, Brooke (and Cozy:), and me.?? Dad’s “quiver” is now full.

Dad and Mom (aka Papa and Sweetie)

Grammy Rene





Marilyn (oops – I mean Jamie)

Ryker, Tori and their bouncer

Ryker and Tori


I’ll keep posting these as I get them done.?? Working on several projects at once this week.


I still have a sinus infection.?? :(?? Going to Dr. tomorrow.


Last night I was relaxing with my eyes closed on the couch when a commotion woke me.?? I opened my eyes to my daughter sitting in the middle of the coffee table playing with the TV remote.?? She used Ty’s John Deere tractor as a stepping stool.?? Today she has been climbing on top of the box in the playroom.?? Not to sit on them – to stand on them.?? Figures that neither of my boys would be climbers but my girl would.?? Sheeesh.??


Yesterday we visited Grandma and Grandpa for the evening.?? Ty got it in his head that he was supposed to stay the night and kept reminding me that I had forgotten his stuff.?? I kept repeating to Ty that I had not forgotten – he was not staying.?? Not to be deterred, we had this conversation 500 more times.?? At one point he told me he wanted to stay with Grandma and Grandpa “forever”.?? Conversation went like this:

Ty:?? I am going to stay here forever.

Me:?? You don’t know what forever means.

Ty:?? What?

Me:?? It means that you will never go home to our house and never live with mommy and daddy and your brother and sister again.

Ty:?? Ya.?? That’s what I mean.

Very funny.?? He would have been awfully lonely for mommy very quick.?? Ty is the child he doesn’t venture to far away from me and needs to know where I am at all times so there is a fat chance he would have made it 24 hours.??

Later when we were leaving he said “Mama you better say goodbye to me now because I am not leavin’ “.??

Tanner used to beg to move in with Papa and Sweetie too.?? I’ll get even with those two.?? Some day their kids will ask to come live with me forever and I’ll say “yes”!?? ๐Ÿ™‚

9 responses to “Not Leavin’”

  1. i could have sworn i left a comment on this early in the morning.. .hm….

    that little ty is such a funny boy. bet you’re glad his wish would never work out… he’d HAVE to have mama.

    are you still using the neti pot? do you think it helped at all? are you taking any other meds like decongestants? i’ll be anxious to hear what dr says. ever since jason got sick, gosh, 1.5-2 months ago, we’ve gone in cycles or all feeling bad – never got back to normal – and now it seems we all have colds again… constant sinus issues since that first round back then… so i feel for you. fortunately i’m not in pain – but i’m feeling that floaty sort of feeling you get with a cold. yuck.

    your pictures are so crisp and beautiful. your work has always been special… but you are definitely crossing mountains in progress…i didn’t know it could get any better until it actually did… amazing. i’m so proud of you sister. SO proud. (THAT’S MY SISTER!!!) ๐Ÿ™‚

    and by the way – how did one family get so many handsome kids with such BEAUTIFUL WOMEN??? FIRST a gorgeous sister and now all these gorgeous wives! and is it just me or is brooke RIDICULOUSLY PRETTY pregnant? good gracious!

    the little girl’s dresses are SO pretty… what an elegant looking wedding – the people, the BRIDE, the dresses, the location… beautiful.

  2. Ditto to everything that Miss Heidi said above. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I would like to add that there have been several days when I, like Ty, want to go stay with Papa and Sweetie forever. Now I know that I have never been there, but just knowing them I am certain that it has to be one of the most warm, loving, cozy, safest places to be. What’s their address again? ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Sarah, soon we all will be going to Papa’s house forever. I for one can hardly wait. I’m concentrating on sending stuff ahead now. As my dad love to say, “see ya here, there or in the air!”

  4. Doni, I have your price list so I would like to order a print of my full quiver in 5×7. Is it possible to add your magic and put Heidi in too? Maybe one like you did for David and Aimee with Poppy? I’ll bet you could…help me here Heidi.

  5. Loving all of the pics. Kicking myself for missing this grand day. Everything sounds like it was perfect.

  6. papa z – you make my eyes well… i was looking at that picture thinking it was missing a daughter…. soooo nice to know YOU thought the same thing… i just can’t even tell you what it means to know that we are family. period. what a gift. God knew i needed it back when Doni and i first met and He knew i’d still have a deep need for that family bond today. so much to be grateful for.

    as to super-imposing me into the image – i’m not sure how doni could do that and make it look right… would be so hard to match the lighting and quality! guess i’ll just have to come visit and we’ll have to have a family get together where we take a new photo. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ or at church on a sunday morning perhaps???

  7. I’m telling you we have some cuuuuuutttttiiiiiieeeessss – a photographer’s dream just waiting to happen. I am particularly fond of Marilyn Monroe (alias my eldest daughter Jamie!!!!!) I am betting that Shane likes that picture too! And I can already see the photo shopping, cropping, adding of daughter in love Heidi Jo being added to the mix. (Hey, if it can be done Doni can do it!) The wedding couldn’t have had a more gorgeous day – calm and beautiful (once we got there, right Karen??!!!!) Everyone from my handsome husband, good looking son and both of our lovely daughers, beautiful mother “Grammy” to my sisters, nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews were pleasing to look at…but the real story is that I “like” them. These are people that I would choose to be around. I admire them. I am drawn to the Lord through them. They are a treasure (warts and all) to me personally and I am forever grateful to our Lord and Savior for giving me the privilege to be part of this legacy of love! You captured some great pics undercover wedding photographer!!!!

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