Javelina for Dinner

The other night I was on my way home and low and behold a javelina was blocking traffic about 1/8 of a mile from my house. When I got home, I quickly put Tanner in the car and we drove over to see him.

The next night I was making Taco Salad and asked Jim if he wanted Catalina (the salad dressing) on it. Tanner quickly perked up and said “Mommy! We having the javelina for dinner?” LOL!

As usual, he has put a smile on my face all week. The other morning I woke up and walked out into the front room. Tanner had unloaded a ton of blocks all over the place. He greeted me with the hugest smile you ever saw. Then he said, “Mommy! Wook at my big smile!” (I gave him an A+ for this distraction method). Then he added “I’ll pick up blocks tomorrow”.

See he understands me already. He knows that I am quick tempered but that I will forgive anyone anything if they will accept responsibility and take ownership. My 3 year old in about 3 seconds had mommy wrapped. Step 1: Greet with a smile and get her in a happy mood. Step 2: Observe closely as she survey’s the damage. Step 3: Assure her of your intent to handle the situation. Step 4: Draw her attention to something more pleasant. His final words were “Mommy! Wook! The sun is SHINING!”

Oh happy day Tanner….

As all brothers do, Tanner and Ty have been starting some squabbles this week. Nine out of 10 times, Tanner has taken a toy away from Ty and Ty gets furious. Here are just a few incidents this week:

Tanner was blocking Ty’s vision and Ty couldn’t see the TV. Ty took his hand and smacked Tanner’s head away. I thought it was coincidental. Then he did it twice.

Tanner got in his way. Ty gave it to him right in the eye. Tanner said “Dat kid is so stwong. Dat kid is so tuss. He punched me in dee eye.” (Tuss is tough)

Tanner was frustrated because Ty was trying to take his book away that Tanner was supposed to be cleaing up. He said:

“He makin me trouble. He makin me cry. I doin this job!”

As always child, you are a true treasure. Please don’t grow up.

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