No No No

Age: 12.5/9 months
Weight: 20 pounds even

Ty’s new word = No

Figures he would figure that out. He has been hearing it enough. He shakes his head no and say’s “nah nah nah”. It is so cute to see. I think that is awesome for 9 months corrected! Actually he started this last week before he was 9 months even! I am now pretty certain that he understands at least “No” and “Mama”.

I think he has learned to wink as well. I first noticed it the other night when his pharmacist came over. Yep you read that right! I went to pick up Ty’s drugs and had to tell the pharmacist that the script had changed that afternoon again. Her solution? Remix the compound and drop it by my house on her way home! Can you believe that? This is way above and beyond what I had hoped for!!! She is awesome!

Anyhow, Ty was flirting like crazy with her and kept blinking his eyes with a big huge grin. It was adorable. He has continued to do this although I am noticing it now at other times too. Makes me a little concerned that it is an eye sight thing. I remember Tanner doing that at this same age though. I took him to the Dr for it and the Dr. said it was probably just a new thing he learned and he would grow out of it. He did.

Ty is still not eating any better OR wearing his glasses. Sigh…

He is however, seeking out mamma when life gets rough:). When something happens to upset him (usually his brother LOL), he will army crawl across the room at record pace and grab my feet. This means he wants mama to pick him up. This morning Tanner took something from him and he started crying and headed for me. I told Jim “Ty is coming over here to tattle tell”. Sure enough, he cried all the way until he got to my feet and then gave me a “rescue me from my big mean brother” look. So funny. For the record, Tanner is usually taking things away that Ty isn’t supposed to have. Ty seems to have a shoe fettish (I would blame this on Amanda but 3 of my four brothers also love shoes:) so Tanner is constantly stock piling our shoes out of Ty’s reach. Ty gets pretty furious about that one.

Everyone that is around Ty just can’t get over what a happy baby he is. He is so much fun and such a joy to cuddle. I have been purposely letting him fall asleep in his swing at night and then getting him out and cuddling him for an hour or two before taking him to bed. There is nothing better than cuddling your sleeping baby. I wonder if that’s what heaven feels like? Content, peace, surrounded with love and full of love, wishing the moment would never pass…..aaaaghhhhh….to always remember these days.

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