I Love It When…

Age: 12 months

I love it when you:

…Wake up in your crib, reach your hand through the rails, tug on my pillow, and say “Mama! Mama! Mama!”

…When you lift everything on the floor (especially the rug) looking for treasures underneath. Sometimes you get frustrated because you try to lift the object and grasp the object underneath all with the same hand. Tough to do!

…Fake cry when someone tells you “no”. Too funny.

…Try to outsmart daddy! Daddy has been getting after you a lot for touching the tv screen. Recently you changed tactics. You roll to your back and extend your hands over your head and then touch it. It seems that you think that if you can’t see yourself touch it than daddy can’t either!

…The way you talk talk talk until American Idol comes on and then you swing your head to the tv to watch. You LOVE this show and try to sing along some too.

…The way you are starting to pull yourself up to an almost kneeling position so that you can peek at me over the crib rail. Daddy and I need to lower your mattress QUICK!

…Yell at your brother for taking stuff.

…Follow me from room to room crawling behind me like my little lost puppy.

…Hold onto my feet for me to pick you up.

…Explore the house. You have made it into every room in the house now by army crawling. I caught you grabbing a plastic bag in the laundry room today and you emptied my trash in mama’s bathroom this week too. You are so curious about everything.

You are sick with a cold again this week. This seems to be worst one you have had yet but you are still holding your own. Hoping it doesn’t get any worse.

I love you precious one.

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