Roo Take 2


More pictures of my darling nephew.?? ๐Ÿ™‚




My days sure seem to fly by lately.?? Just not enough hours in one day.?? Jim and I made the decision to “love our kids on purpose” in the evenings and have been trying to turn off our television and narrow down what we watch to after the kids are in bed (except AI because the kids love that).?? We got in a bad habit of eating in front of the tv a lot so we are all back at the table for family dinner time and then we are trying to play with them after dinner.?? Wed nights are Dad’s art class (tonight he worked on drawing bicycles with them).?? Thurs are Xbox night with Dad while Mom and Tori go to Shack Study.?? Other nights we are playing a lot of games.?? So far Tanner’s favorite is Life and Ty is liking Jenga.?? We also are having fun with Bunco.?? Tanner is so funny to play with.?? If he is winning (or things are looking promising), he is ON TOP of the world.?? He has a bad turn or someone else gets a lucky streak…he sinks DEEPLY into the pit.?? He is quite manic in the span of a one hour game.?? So much so it becomes very comical.?? We are trying our best to teach him to lose graciously but it isn’t taking so far.???? Ty – Mr. HAPPY go lucky keeps telling him “Just say CONGRATULATIONS!”?? LOL.?? Those two could not possibly be more different.?? It makes things very fun around here.

On a different topic…I married the most wonderful man.?? I find new things to love about him all the time.?? I am so thankful that he is willing to learn with me.?? One thing I really celebrate in marriage, is that Jim and I work at staying on the same page.?? Growing together.?? He has invested so many times in what I was invested in.?? On a small scale…he jumps in and educates himself on my interests – like photography.?? He was researching radio poppers for me today (wireless transmitters for my lights) and trying to help me prioritize decisions.?? He makes sure I have what I need to the best that he is able for the things that interest me.?? Jim could care less about photography.?? He has not uttered one word of complaint that I have torn our front room upside down and left it that way.?? On a large scale, he invests the time in studying much of what I am studying when it comes to spiritual things.?? If I make a recommendation on something, even though he doesn’t enjoy reading, he has been taking the time to jump in with me.?? It is awesome because we can both digest things together – coming to the table bringing our own set of thoughts and ideas – but having a common foundation.?? It is a rare occasion that we end up in different places.?? We almost never “get there” the same way but we take what we have learned and end up standing together on it.?? How cool is that??? As you may have guessed, this week it has been the parenting book.?? He has been reading it and I wouldn’t even have had to ask that because it is evident.?? I have been watching him interact with our little blessings and I have seen such obvious choices to take the gentle path…the loving path…give choices in a loving voice.???? The tv turn off idea was his.?? HE wanted to spend more time interacting with our children.?? He is SUCH a good man.???? Not writing this to be all sappy and have most of you gagging.?? My kids might read this someday and I want them to know how in love I was (and will be) with their Daddy.

10 responses to “Roo Take 2”

  1. I love your posting Doni! I sooooo feel that way about Minsan and have watched the same things happen in our life. It is such a gift that I just smile at how wonderful it is! It has even increased in magnatude since Minsan began working from home in December. It has been delightful and never a burdon to have him nearby and interacting with us more often throughout the day (between work things).

    I sooooo agree with the TV turned off thoughts. The kids may have watched kids stuff throughout the day, but we don’t watch any evening TV until the kids are all tucked in bed. I love that rule that we started with ourselves about 2 years ago and have never thought to start watching it again.

    Anyway, love your posting!

  2. Roo could not be more adorable. Cracking up about Tanner and his game playing…him and Zandi are two peas in a pod when it comes to that and Ty and Zane are the same too. I love how those two (Ty & Zane) think they are the best at everything even when they are clearly not:). Hoping to learn some tips that you use with Tanner to try on Zandi.

  3. Oh and I forgot to say that Jim IS amazing and you two set a wonderful example:)!

  4. That is one handsome little boy! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great post about Jim, I agree with Aimee, you two do set a wonderful example!

  5. he id SUCH a beautiful boy. my goodness i want to kiss him up!

    Jim – major points for that hubby.

    seth is having trouble with the poor loser syndrome too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. His eye color is just gorgeous!!

    I’ve looked into that book and hope to purchase it soon! Can’t wait to read it with my hubby! Praise the Lord for blessing you with a wonderful husband! God has blessed me with a wonderful one too and I am SO thankful!

  7. I so love my big brother in love. You and Jim set such an amazing example for all of us. He really is a blessing. I love the way he handles things. He is a man of little words, but one never has to question where Jim stands. He is who he is and I love that about him.

  8. I love the pictures!! Hard to believe he is already so BIG!! Love the idea of “family time” it is so important.
    Jim is a great guy, cherish him always and thank God for the example he is not only to marriage but for your children.

  9. Did I mention how incredible Ryker is? Doni thank you so much for taking his pictures. I thought that we were not going to get any pictures from this shoot becaue of Ryler’s mood and then you came up with better pictures that I could have ever dreamed of. Thank you so much!!

  10. I have been quiet for awhile – just reading and loving the pics and taking it all in but I had to say something to this. I think that Ryker is absolutely adorable and I love, love, love the pictures of that boy. What a precious treasure! I couldn’t even start to pick my favorite pose – I love them all…the bubbles…the expressions…the EYES…oh my goodness!!!!

    Then the precious thoughts on Jimmy. What an amazing man of God. I love how he loves you and the kids and SHOWS his love in his quiet thoughtful ways. I’m glad I had a little part in the spark that put you two together. I loved him from the start and will never forget the way he proposed to you Doni. All the women were in awe of him that day! What a blessing our men are. God indeed is mighty to save and we want to give Him the credit for drawing us unto Him. We are nothing without His work in our lives and every good thing that we do just reflects our Father’s great love for us and His desire to just “be” with us in all our activities – L I V I N G L O V E D ! ! !

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