As mentioned last week, my cousin Katelynn has been visiting with us.?? I only had her for two days before having to give her up to the next sibling in line.?? We have a had a wonderful visit with her and think the world of her.???? She is with Dan and Brooke today and hoping that she gets to meet Miss Cozy before she has to leave.?? While she was out here, we decided to do a senior shoot.?? Her Dad is having fun with senior shoots these days as well so I am anxious to see what he will do with the greens of Kansas but I thought some good desert pictures were in order as part of her memories of time with her AZ family.?? Only posting ONE picture (okay one picture three ways hee hee) as a sneak peek.?? After I have processed them all and sent them to Katelynn, maybe I’ll get permission to post a few more for my portfolio.?? Beautiful model isn’t she??? Inside and out.

I did feel bad about one little minor thing though.?? You know I really do need to start having people sign insurance waivers before working with me as I am a bit of a die hard for “the” shot.?? Katie had mentioned earlier in the week that the scariest thing she did the last time she was out was to go 4 wheeling with one of my brothers.?? An experience she was hoping not to repeat.?? When we settled on the location for where we would shoot, I failed to mention that we would have to 4 wheel to get there.?? :)?? Oopsie.

About half a mile behind my parents house in the mountain preserve is an outcropping of big black boulders.?? Papa volunteered to be part of my camera crew (along with Jenna) and we hauled lights and a generator in a diesel truck OVER the mountain behind his house.?? At one point we were in such a vertical position you couldn’t see where the road went.???? There was a bit of squeeling and eye closing going on and some minor hyperventilating but she cow girled up and agreed with me – sometimes you just have to go for it if you want the shot.?? :)?? Silly me forgot to put boots or tennies on and I was in the middle of the desert shooting in croc sandals and praying that a rattler wouldn’t come out to play with my toes.

We had such a fun time on this shoot.?? My dad is a WONDERFUL playmate for me because he is willing to do what it takes to get the shot to so he had no problem hiking up the hill where the boulders were carrying a generator and lights.?? What a guy huh?!!!?? I seriously intend to keep him around forever.?? :)?? I love making memories while out shooting because it just adds to the package – no longer limited to the beauty of this season in a life – but also the joy of the moment.?? We had a seriously good time and I think it showed (if I do say so myself ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

This post made me think of a song my dad used to sing all the time…do you remember it?

K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy, you’re the only ggggirl that I adore; when the mmmooon shines over the cowshed, I’ll be waiting at the kkkkkkitchen door.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S.?? My niece should be arriving today so I will post updates later.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

6 responses to “KKKKKKatie”

  1. i can feel the family electricity in the spirit of this post. it is absolutely delightful. katie (or katy?) is just beautiful. what stunning eyes and fresh all-american-girl face. my mom is from kansas, by the way, and would just love the idea that katie is too. this shoot was DEFINITELY worth the effort. God bless papa Z and jenna for their help. i can just see papa z lugging up your equipment. he’s a sucker for his beautiful girls isn’t he? ๐Ÿ˜‰ i’m sure he goes to incredible lengths for his sons too, but there’s just SOMEthing about being the daughter who needs help (flat tires at malls and movie theaters, for example) ๐Ÿ˜‰ hee hee… it really does look like the shoot was worth the effort. well done.

    katie – congrats on graduation. it was such an amazing time in our lives and i’m thrilled to think such a sweet girl as you will be experiencing the same kinds of joys. i would love to meet you and know you better one day. if doni adores you, i automatically do too. i can’t wait to see the rest of your pictures and the ones your dad does too!

  2. You are one dedicated photographer!!! I love this shot of her and look forward to seeing more.

    I’ve gotten so many compliments on D and R’s pics!–Just thought I would pass that on to you ๐Ÿ™‚

    Looking forward to news about Brooke and Cozy!!!

  3. Katelynn looks beautiful!!!!! I love this shot and with the sun peeking through those rocks and our gorgeous Arizona sky – WOW! Katelynn’s eyes are amazing anyway and they just pop out at you in this photo! (Cute boots by the way, wink, wink!!!!)

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