Month: May 2009

  • OCF

    I am really liking the look of off camera flash lately but I admit – it’s a hassle.?? I don’t have a vagabond system or wireless triggers yet for my alien bee so that required a long extension chord and a sync cable to drag my AB outside.?? It was (just my luck) very windy […]

  • Call Me Terk

    ?? As Tori’s hair gets longer, you would think that day old pony tails would lay down – NOPE. I thought I had something to say today but I have six kids at the moment, a messy house, allergies, and not enough energy to keep my plates spinning so just the pictures today.?? :)?? I […]

  • Dazed and Confused

    A couple of weeks ago I had to ground Ty from his xbox because he hit his brother with the controller in a moment of agitation.?? The next day he asked me if he was also grounded from his PSP.?? I said no. Fast forward. Incident repeats itself.?? Next day he asks me if he […]

  • Polka Dot Dress

    A few months ago I posted pictures of Tori in a yellow dress with green frogs.???? Sweetie had made it for me as a baby.?? My MIL took the dress and copied the pattern and made three more for Tori.?? I requested all polka dots.?? :)?? Posting the front and back so MIL in Chicago […]

  • Roo Take 2

    ?? More pictures of my darling nephew.?? 🙂 ?? ? ? My days sure seem to fly by lately.?? Just not enough hours in one day.?? Jim and I made the decision to “love our kids on purpose” in the evenings and have been trying to turn off our television and narrow down what we […]