The Ferrari Model

Our family will be pleased to hear that once again, Jim celebrated his birthday early. He out did himself this year and determined his holiday a full 7 months ahead of schedule. (Jim’s birthday is July 31st). I am so aggravated. What is the deal with this? Aaaghh!

It all began when he came home from his paintball outing with the guys last week. He was loosing because his gun was not firing properly. The minute he told me I knew I was doomed. Was I surprised when he spent the evening surfing ebay for a new gun? Not a bit. I was anticipating the “pitch”.

It came the very next day. I received an email from him detailing his proposal. It started off by telling me that he was celebrating his birthday in January this year and if I wanted to bake a cake that night I could. (As a point of fact, we have celebrated his birthday several months early, party cake and cards before, ask my brothers how THAT happened!) He would sell his other two paintball guns and use some other cash set aside to purchase the “Ferrari” gun. Unfortunately, I didn’t read the email accurately and I put my seal of approval on this purchase because I thought the bottom line cost to us was $50.00. I was wrong. Very very wrong. Later when I realized just how much this birthday present cost us, I asked him if he was totally shocked when I agreed to his proposal so readily. He said “Yes”. He wasn’t going to question it though (naturally).

A side note on finances in our home. If the above appears that Jim has to go through me for all expenditures that is only true because I manage the budget. We make financial decisions together though (unless Jim out votes me…he has more electoral votes so his vote gets to count more LOL). Many couples manage money differently than we do. I have several friends that split incomes and each spouse has their own account. Jim and I feel strongly that there is no “his/hers” in marriage. Works especially well for me as I have no income. His money is my money. I like it that way and am completely comfortable with that:)!!!

If you play paintball with my husband, I would suggest you run very fast when his new gun comes in. He won’t loose twice:). LOL!

2 responses to “The Ferrari Model”

  1. This stalker has the same arrangement with her husband… it works quite nicely until he doesn’t give me a receipt for something that he purchased and failed to mention and I find out when I’m balancing the bank statement and I have to somehow find the money to cover it because I wasn’t planning on spending that money and spent the money on groceries or formula or diapers. Did I really just say that out loud – I meant to say – it works out beautifully and we never argue or have difficulties comparable to what you described – you two must be the weird ones:)

  2. Jana, I don’t know you but I like you!!!! You crack me up. Keep up those comments, you are a cutie and make our day!!!

    Doni’s Aunt Beck

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