Cinnamon Dragon

My SIL Aimee has had me giggling at her for two days over a youtube video she posted Sunday.?? Unfortunately, her site is private so only those with access saw her post.?? I requested permission to “reprint” on my public blog and she kindly gave me permission.

I will preface this post by telling you that Aimee is a highly competitive woman and the easiest way to get her to do anything is by telling her she can’t. :)?? David learned that when she was about 15 years old and has used it in a plethora of ways since to get Aimee to do the craziest of things (like eating crawdad’s they caught in the river for example).?? I think he talked her in to swallowing a live goldfish once as well.?? :)?? LOL.?? Following is a copy of Aimee’s post.


Ever heard of it? I hadn’t. Not ’til last week anyways.

Cinnamon Dragon
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon (dry)
A whole lot of stupidity
Swallow all in 1 minute or less
Do not breathe-in
Try not to die

David and his crew at work attempted the “Cinnamon Dragon” recently while on shift. I heard stories about how supposedly horrible it was, but I thought to myself….cinnamon? Come on, it’s sweet, how could that possibly be hard? I mean seriously, it’s used for baking. So when some of our friends were over last Sunday, a few of us decided to try it. Brandley went first and did it like a champ in under 50 seconds (that’s the record BTW in our circle of friends:) ). Again I thought to myself, ya, what’s the big deal? If he can do it, I can do it. Little did I know he was the minority in this case. More like 1 in a million. Maybe I should have watched a few more people. No not maybe, definitely.

In case there’s even the slightest chance you’re thinking about trying this because you’re someone like me and you love a challenge, you might want to read on.

Let me describe this event as it unfolded in my mind, in one word…….PANIC. Let me say it again in case you didn’t hear, PPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCC! Thoughts running through my head… I can’t breathe, but I have to, but I can’t, but I have to, help, help, I think I’m going to die. Stupid me. Why didn’t I pay more attention to the DRAGON part? Hmmm, reminds me of Eve in the garden (Oooohh, just thought of so many Biblical analogies ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Anyhow, I spent the rest of the night with my throat on fire. It literally felt like the lining was stripped. I ate like 5 popsicles in a matter of minutes, tried everything from lemon, salt and cough syrup to soothe my throat, drank tea like it was going out of style and even resolved to jumping in the bath-tub with my suit on just so I could continuously drink water from the faucet (a big thanks to Michelle & Jamie for keeping me company & for the musical numbers that kept my mind off my misery…that I must say was worth it all – hee, hee).

And now to make matters worse, I just found out at the doctor today that my little cold from last Sunday has now turned into a full-blown (no pun intended;) ) sinus infection as a result of the inhaled cinnamon. So that’s why they call it the Cinnamon Dragon. Rrrrriiiiiiigggghhht.



Note from me again – I have watched this for the fourth time now and I laugh so hard I get tears everytime.?? Why oh why oh why oh why??? Please don’t anyone else try this – but if you do…please make a youtube video.?? We won’t be laughing with you – we will be laughing at you.?? ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

15 responses to “Cinnamon Dragon”

  1. I DIDN’T SEE THE VIDEO WHEN I READ HER POST! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! this was making me really sad actually – she looked so desperate… david is the ULTIMATE PARAMEDIC! he didn’t do anything for her – he was so totally calm even when she looked like she was in real trouble! he just knew she was ok… he is AMAZING. go david. and aimee, yeah, you are amazing for trying but the whole problem happened when you got the giggles… oh my…

    oh – and i forgot to tell you the answer to your question – a neti pot is like a little tea pot that you fill with a cup of warm water and a mild saline solution. you then lean forward over a sink and pour in one nostril while breathing through your mouth. the water doesn’t go down your throat but goes in one side of your nose, washes all through your sinuses, and comes out the other side. good for allergies… but for the cinnamon dragon? would have been EXACTLY what you needed to recover. i can’t believe you weren’t at least sniffing water from your hands then blowing your nose.

    ah… so sad. poor aimee… who did this to HERSELF! how do you let these boys egg you on so? tough girl. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. OMG!
    wow, poor girl.
    I was gaging along with her……never trust guys, when they say its ok.

  3. Where was the funny part? “i can’t breath” GAGGGGGG! “it really hurt”? When your mother sees this I bet she won’t laugh either, but she will have a strong emotion and many things to say! I’ll tell her to call YOU!

  4. Why am I laughing? Because this challenge had “AIMEE” written all over it….she just HAD to do it – HAD to. And if Mom won’t laugh, I can surely count on Jodi. I just know Jodi WILL laugh. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Mom’s quoteable sponteanous quotes: Thats NOT funny, That is horrible, DAVID!, I think it is stupid that they think it’s funny, I don’t suggest any of you bring it up in her presence unless I am there…now THAT WILL BE FUNNY!

  6. Um Dad…you need to remind my mother that it was AIMEE who posted this video on YOUTUBE and AIMEE that gave me permission to post it on my site. I’d say AIMEE brought it up in front of the world – all by herself. Hee hee. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Can always count on jodi;). And yes mom & dad, I take full responsibility for this one!

  8. Not laughing! Oh my you crazy girl! Good thing you married that brother:) I would have killed him for his calmness!!!

  9. are you kidding? david’s calmness proved EXACTLY why he is a paramedic! he was incredible!

    while i laughed HYSTERICALLY at the reading of aimee’s story – the video had me with my heart in the throat for her – i almost choked up with a tear… it was SO sad… but i already knew she was ok so i got over it.

    and one final thought… AIMEE DID NOT GET COERCED INTO THIS – SHE CHOOOOOOOOSE IT!!!! oh aimee… there must be SOMETHING going on in your head to submit yourself to such a torturous challlenge!!! you chose it though… just glad you’re ok. ๐Ÿ™‚ oh – what if you’d wrecked your singing voice? burned your vocal chords! be careful with anything that goes down the throat. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. You should have posted your idea first I would have told you to NEVER try. Sometimes it gets boaring on a big Coast Guard boat in the middle of the bearing sea. We think of all sorts of things to entertain us, like getting the young guys to try just that and of course the drink a gallon of milk in one hour, or eatting 5 saltine crackers in 2 mins….lmao I crack up just thinking about it.

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