15 Reasons

I love the vintage look of scarves wrapped like this.?? Very 1950’s.?? Just love it.?? I love it on women too so hopefully I’ll talk someone into it sometime.?? You know – styled with curls pouring out of the top??? Fun stuff.

I have been working on back lighting lately.?? It can be tricky business really.

In honor of my FIFTEENTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TODAY – I thought I would list out 15 things I love about my honey (though I think I could list 1500).

1.?? When he said his vows before God and men – he meant them and has proven true to his word over and over.

2.?? He loves Jesus more than me.?? That should be number 1 because it is the reason for all the rest in the lineup I think.

3.?? He is an amazing Daddy.?? We shared the dream of parenthood for 7 years before we got to celebrate the title.?? He has done just as he told me he would.?? He prioritizes their needs.?? He nurtures them.?? He teaches them.?? He wrestles with is boys and kisses his daughter’s dolls for her.?? :)?? He reads them stories and prays with them before bed.?? He tries his best to follow Jesus so that he can lead them.

4.?? He is the most loyal person I know.

5.?? He is a man of character.

6.?? He is unselfish.

7.?? He is humble.

8.?? He has a good sense of self and doesn’t need me to “be” anything other than what I am.

9.?? He is honest.

10.?? He understands grace better than I do and he helps me find freedom.

11.?? I think he is some kind of superhero because it feels like he can do anything.

12.?? He never makes me feel unloved, unworthy, or insignificant.

13.?? He lets me write on this blog and say whatever I want to say and he could care less.?? ๐Ÿ™‚ :)?? He has never issued a gag order.?? I think it is because he is a humble person and he trusts me so he doesn’t have an agenda that would be violated by my openness.

14.?? He treats me respectfully and is teaching our children to respect their mama.

15.?? Holy cow – I am at 15 already and feel like I just started!?? He is brave and courageous, he doesn’t ruffle easily, he is determination personified, he prioritizes his family above all else and always considers us, he dreams of all that he can do for his kids, he provides for us and never complains.?? I am hopelessly and passionately in love with my man.?? In fact, I love him more today than I did 15 years ago.?? Tanner, Ty, Tori and I were given so much when God gifted us with Jim.

I love you Jim.

10 responses to “15 Reasons”

  1. I LOVE these photos… The lighting the vintage look, the look of her being in an empty simple room.

    Happy Anniversary! That is a wonderful list of attributes for Jim. It is absolutely lovely that you have someone you love so much and who makes you feel so loved.

  2. for all of the reasons jim gives my sister to love him, i toooo must love him. i’m so thankful for the beautiful ways the Lord answered your prayers with one another. happy anniversary to you BOTH!

    oh – and by the way, sister – don’t think for one second that you fooled ANY of us into thinking you actually listed only 15 reasons why you love Jim even though you used the numerals for 1 through 15… nice try… i think it was at least double that if you actually count each reason. ๐Ÿ™‚

    of course, noto to forget the photography and your GUH-OR-GEOUS model ๐Ÿ™‚ , i love the backlighting… you know i love that look and you photographed it beautifully! loove it!

    i wish i could be your model for the tied up scarf look. my hair is getting fairly long again (to my bra strap with curls – past it if i stretch the longests part out)… would be fun to puff it up as big as possible then let you go crazy with the camera. we could really do some wild stuff couldn’t we? maybe a goth look with my hair back-combed all over the place and smokey black around the eyes… torn lace… so many ideas if only we lived nearer.

  3. Congratulations Jim and Doni. 15 wonderful years from what I hear…….wishing you bothj all the best and more for another 15 years to come. You are an amaizing couple and you have an amazing family to go along with it. God Bless you both today, tomorrow and always.

  4. Yep, I’m glad I helped pick Jim out for you (Tee! Hee! I always have to throw that out there.) Seriously, you two complement each other so well and both of you loving the Lord as completely as you do only helps draw you to each other. You are such an inspiration for your children and I know that Poppy and Grammy were always so honored that you chose their anniversary date to share with them. We love you and Jim dearly. I still have the bridal shower devotion your mom shared at your shower. Things shared then have become your foundation that you are even now still building upon. Proud of you both, Aunt Beck

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