Rise and Shine

And then she fell…and I caught it.?? :)?? “It” not “her” – bad mommy.

I made a commitment to self that when school started I would get up early and go walking.?? It is WAY too early to “brag” but I thought I would list all the benefits to this even with only doing it for just over a week.

*?? I get to “meet God” on the mountain every morning.?? I walk about 3.25 miles and my halfway point is at the mountain (okay small mountain but still it’s a tough walk) where the water tower is.?? I listen to praise music on my IPod and just get to spend some really good morning time in prayer and worship.?? AWESOME.

*?? It energizes me for my day and gives me the stamina I need to school two rambunctious little boys.?? I am dedicating a full 3 hours of DIRECT instruction with the boys and trust me – that can be energy sapping like you wouldn’t believe!

*?? Getting school done by lunch time (at least my teaching part) means I have more afternoon time for chores and business.

*?? I need to lose a significant amount of weight and this will REALLY help.

*?? My appetite has decreased.

*?? Exercise kicks in my happy hormones.?? I feel downright joy filled when I am walking in the early morning.

*?? I am sleeping better.?? Because I am getting up between 6:00 AM and 6:30 AM (NOT my normal schedule), I am pretty exhausted by 9:00 PM and it’s hard to stay up until 10:00 PM.?? Thus…I am falling asleep fast and sleeping deeper.

*?? I have been having a lot of water retention issues lately – very swollen hands all summer.?? The morning walks are getting rid of my retention which is odd because usually walks make my retention worse – at least in my hands.?? I am carrying a cell phone in one hand and water bottle in the other so my hands won’t swell as much and that helps.

*?? My feet aren’t hurting me as bad.?? Makes me wonder if my achy feet issues could be tied to the swelling issues???? Hmmmmm…..?? Do my feet hurt worse to walk on when I am retaining water??? Not sure they are related at all but thought it an interesting coincidence.

*?? I want to get back into jogging so I am inching towards it.?? I am actually the slowest walker and jogger in the world.?? I am TRYING to walk fast but I don’t have a very long stride.?? In fact, I challenged a friend of mine to a power walk in a parking lot one day and she smoked me so bad I had to run to TRY to catch up to her.?? I am not kidding about this – there were WITNESSES – they can testify to this.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

*?? I get to watch the way that the sun lights up everything in the morning (and photographers really enjoy watching light).

*?? I get to see some interesting stuff.?? This morning I saw a dead scorpian that was no less than six inches long.?? It was gigantic.?? I also saw a mom walking with her toddler and dog this week and the dog was carrying the child’s stuffed animal in her mouth.?? LOL.?? Okay – now that could be one good reason to invest in a large furry creature.?? Wonder if a great dane could just carry Ty for me hee hee????? When I used to walk four miles a day when Tanner was a baby, we use to see a gila monster on the mountain a lot of mornings.?? Haven’t seen him yet.???? (If you are not from AZ, gila monster’s are very poisonous.?? If they bite you, they lock their jaw down and just keep pumping venom.?? Aimee didn’t know this and picked one up out of a bucket to show Dad what a pretty color pink it was.?? Dad rescued it from her before she got bit.?? Dusty got bit by a rattlesnake under the trash can once but it only grazed him so he just had minor swelling.?? I hate snakes.)

If you live in my neighborhood and see me, don’t wave okay.?? Hee hee.?? I am wearing no makeup, rolled out of bed, am singing so loud that passerbys can likely hear, and wearing a way oversized tinkerbell t-shirt that I don’t want to wash every day.???? I pretend to be invisible.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

Sidenote:?? I would, however, love to spy on one of Jodi’s jogs because I hear she worships and sings all the way and I would really enjoy seeing that LOL.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

9 responses to “Rise and Shine”

  1. Good for you!!! Keep it up!! Once you have really good momentum going send some inspiration my way ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Way to go Doni……its not whether you can keep up with your “smokin’ friends” its whether you get up each day and do it! LOL

    I would love to watch and listen to Jodi as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. And she caught me calling her my “smokin fiend” hee hee. Yep – HEATHER SHAVER is the world’s best power walker! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. You make me laugh–you pretend to be invisible. ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s hilarious! I’m proud of you for getting up so early and doing this!! I’m glad it’s helping you feel better! And having that time with the Lord is priceless!! Good for you, girlfriend!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. i’d love to spy on you both… i used to go to a park off 59th ave (i think) somewhere northish (happy valley ish?) and DANCE on top of the mountain… and no, i do NOT know how to worsihpfully dance – but i did it anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚

    i knew a girl at our junior high that had a gila monster named satan! eeeekkkk….

    are you sure the dog was carrying the KIDS stuffed animal? some dogs have their own and are attached to them like a “woobie” blanket that a toddler won’t give up… just sayin… oh – but on the ty note… get a mastiff or presa canario (GORGEOUS BY THE WAY – MY NEW CANINE ROMANCE!) – they can pull incredibly heavy carts and LIKE to work… i’m thinking they’ve got ty AND tanner, tori, AND you all in one shot. there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. You make me giggle so much!!! I too love the “invisible” line ๐Ÿ™‚ I wish that often! It is amazing how good exercise is for us, doggone it (smile.) And by the way, I love Tori in that hankerchief hat and sitting in that rocker, and then FALLING!!!!!! Oh my, she will learn one of these days that climbing on high tables and on anything else she thinks about, and rocking too fast all end up with the same thing in common – OUCH!!!!

  7. You caught “it”. hahaha. That falls under the line of “you know your a mom to a 3rd child when…” *insert*… “you know your child will be totally fine,only a little emotionally bruised cause’ she was dissed by her mom,so mom could get ‘it’ picture ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ve all done it. My OCD LOVED your list in dot form ๐Ÿ˜› Proud of you for getting up early and walking!! I’ve been doing the same and it is hard but it does = happy hormones,love it. Decreased appetite from running??? Oh my..I’m even MORE hungary days I exercise. I agree with Heidi about the doggie’s lovey. My mom buys them all the time for her dog from the baby sections of stores-he loves them. Our lab took over all the girls care bears and carries/sleeps with them.

  8. Hi Doni – I read your blog all the time, but (almost) never post. I just HAVE to tell you that water retention can absolutely cause pain in your feet (especially when you walk). I had terrible water retention with all 3 pregnancies and had terrible pain when I’d walk. I rarely have water retention that severe when I am not pregnant, however, from time to time it still sneaks up on me. Have you had your Thyroid checked? Water retention is very common with Hypothyroidism. I’m so proud of your daily walks and LOVE all your pictures, especially the newborns. That baby Liv is my recent fave ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for all the smiles! Take care!!

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