Hang It All…

Today was one of those days where I never got past number one on my list.?? Good day really but I find myself sitting here not feeling like making the french toast, eggs, and sugar peppered bacon that I promised for dinner.?? Speaking of making dinners…

Recently while grocery shopping, I ran into a long time friend who I hadn’t seen in quite some time.?? He scanned my goods (both carts) and said “Tell me you are shopping for a month!”

“Uh no…this is a week.”

“A WEEK??? Doni!?? You have four different types of bread – three bags of chips….a week???”

I will tell you what I told him.

I COOK!?? I COOK DINNER!?? I COOK LUNCH AND BREAKFAST!!!?? And yes, I do admit that I caved and did exactly what I swore I would never ever do when I regularly cook separate meals for the kids BUT I didn’t predict when I was doing the self righteous “I will be a great parent” thing that one of my kids would have SPD and have very strong aversions to a lot of different food groups.???? And I do have explanations for the bread and chips deal too…really…I do! ๐Ÿ™‚

On the menu this week is Potato Cheese Soup (Heidi I combine your recipe and mine) with cornbread, Spaghetti and French Bread, Taco night, Subs and Chips, Hamburgers and Baked Beans, BBQ Chicken and Zuchinni Spears, and the “breakfast for dinner” that I described above.?????? Am I sounding really defensive over my grocery cartS??? :)???? Seriously now…you all gotta stop commenting to all the poor mamas with mac truck carts in Walmart.?? We don’t WANT to spend all this money and we don’t WANT to skin the back of our heels with the second cart we are dragging and we don’t WANT to drop a case of water off the bottom of the cart and stop the traffic flow trying to reload and hold two carts with a baby on the hip (yes this happened in the parking lot and everyone watched my dilemma and didn’t help me sheeeeshhh).

Furthermore, we don’t want to discuss our bill with the checkout woman nor respond to the “wow you must have a really large family” comments.?? We don’t want to discuss the party it seems we are having and we don’t want to watch you inspect our cart checking on the nutritional value of the contents therein.???? Aaaaahhhhhh!?? Can I hear an AMEN from anybody on this or are all of you sitting back in your chairs wondering how on earth I manage to pack out two carts regularly??? Just don’t say it okay – don’t say it.?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Next time I need to take my own mama.?? She drug two carts for years and a professional mother of five might just give all my cart inspectors a look that will make them rethink their position.?? She is experienced at delivering a good come “uppance” when it’s necessary and she makes no apology.?? That settles it.?? Mom definitely needs to shop with me.?? We are going to have to double team this.

Not sure what is cuter.?? Her expression or her girly feet thing.

Here’s the thing.?? First it was fun.?? Then it was hilariously good times with Daddy swinging her and all.?? Then she realized she was stuck suspended in air and mama wasn’t letting her down.?? Then she got mad.

11 responses to “Hang It All…”

  1. oh this swing thing is waaaay cool. tori is the PERFECTprogression-of-the-moment model too. beautiful, of course. great idea.

    you poor dear with your grocery carts!!!! AND NO ONE HELPED? SHEEESH! grrr. i remember your multiple fridge/freezers with 5 kids in the house – how your mother did it i don’t know! just remember when we comment on the carts we are amazed and impressed that you pull it off. ๐Ÿ™‚ unless of course the “we” is someone staring and NOOOOT helping! (that still irritates me that no one helped you!)

  2. That is terrible that no one helped you!!!! I agree…no one should judge your shopping!!!

    I have noticed a significant increase in my groceries since we do homeschool our kids AND Minsan works from home… one needs a lot of groceries to feed a family and there is nothing wrong with it!

    Tori…what a super cute picture!

  3. I do two carts I just do them at two different stores ๐Ÿ™‚ so I don’t get as many looks. I shop at Sams/Costco and Walmart/other grocery store pretty much every week.

    cute pictures

  4. AMEN SISTER!!!!!

    We won’t talk about how many carts I drag out of the store these days. Logan is playing football and is training hard, which in return leaves a BIG appetite. I heard that boys tend to eat a mother out of her home, if this is true I cannot imagine how much my bill will increase when all four of my boys are grown.
    I LOVE the fact that you COOK. I think it is so important for the family to have “meal” times together. Some of greatest times are around the table.
    Tori is so cute in these pics…..hard to believe she is old enough to have her legs dangling.

  5. Amen sister!! I’m three carts at Walmart becuase they sell all my animal food too! So I have two carts for us and one cart for the chicks,goats and dogs! My boys are stronger because of it LOL! Not to mention the weeks I go to three different stores and fill a cart at each store. I try to only go twice per month but try feeding five people, soon to be six people for 14 lunches, 14 dinners and 14 breakfasts not to mention desserts and snacks. Don’t worry there are a lot of moms like us. I think they go in the middle of the night or something.

  6. I would probably fill 2 carts every week too, but like Brenda I go to the grocery store or Target twice a week. I went to the grocery store yesterday and Target today as a matter of fact.
    On another note, I am so glad we are in the same boat with the seperate dinners. It is so nice to have someone understand why we HAVE to make seperate dinners. Not just for a picky eater but for kids with sensory issues. I do get a little sick of making 2 dinners every night and soon I will be doing 3 seperate feedings when Seth starts eating solids. Of course right now I am just feeding my children and letting Eric fend for himself. Poor guy! A few more weeks and he will get dinner from his wife again. Although, today I have stew going in the crock pot. He will be very happy tonight.
    Love the pictures!

  7. Doni~
    I am single and before I moved down south(aka southern Indiana), I would go to three different grocery stores amost every week, not including Walmart. I usually hunt down the sales ads for each, write the things down I want, then go to Walmart. If I can’t get a matching item(same brand/size since they will price match if you bring the other stores flyer with you), then I’d be at one or all of the three other stores. Some weeks(like when they have the 10 for $10 sales) I would fill my cart at all the stores. And I was feeding just me! Surprising I don’t weight more. However, I think it is nearly as expensive to feed one as to feed two or three since you can rarely cook for just one without buying frozen dinners. And since I am rarely a leftover kind of girl, I threw out as much as I ate sometimes(sickening, I know).
    So, two carts, five people to feed three times a day……….not bad.

    And I love, love, LOVE Tori’s expressions. That girl has many faces, and she is just as cute mad as happy.

  8. I totally relate to the “two buggy” thing and the “no one helps” thing. Even though it’s just Ed and me we end up feeding a table full every day almost. I spend an awful amount on groceries and we COOK too. We should be proud we do and that we don’t give our families JUNK!! You don’t have to defend yourself! Just keep putting out all these wonderful pictures of those precious babies!!

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