Hope and Strategy

It’s been a week of strategizing (spell check says that isn’t a word but I think it is).?? How does one get school done when one’s house is a MESS (the kitchen actually smells and the bottom of Tori’s feet look like she has been walking on asphalt) and the to do list of important stuff requires mom to clone herself?

Talked to Daniel at Tanner’s soccer game this week (btw Tanner’s team won their 3rd game in a row and he has scored the last two weeks – go Tanner).?? Was mentioning topics of finances and planning and our many frustrations on that topic at the moment and Daniel so eloquently said (and he was quoting Derek) “Doni, hope is not a strategy”.?? LOL.?? Loved that.?? I spent 15 minutes detailing a particular frustration and Daniel summarized my point in five words.?????? The line has been repeating itself in my head for two days now.

So Jim is feeling much better but not 100%.?? I didn’t meet several commitments this week (sorry folks) because I was trying to keep kids out of the bedroom where their ailing Daddy was and my computer is in the bedroom which means I got grounded.?? The last two days I have been busy working on church financial reports and probably didn’t even look my own precious babies in the eye all day.?? Tori was not happy with me and pretty much insisted on Sweetie taking her home tonight.?? I didn’t allow it and she cried.?? She wanted me to know that if I neglected my mommy duties, she would just run for the arms of her mommy’s mommy.?? Point received.

Have a few pictures from the fair that I need to process but it’s always hard for me to shoot when I am with family.?? I get distracted.?? I threw in one fair picture because I can’t post without a picture.?? :)?? I love AZ skies.

I am SUPER jazzed about posting Darin and Jodi’s family shoot but still have not been able to process them.?? I keep hoping every day I can work on them and so far…nope.?? Holding out hope for Monday’s post.

Almost midnight and I need to get back on schedule so this was just a quick hello and goodbye for the week.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

3 responses to “Hope and Strategy”

  1. ” I keep hoping every day I can work on them and so far???nope. Holding out hope for Monday???s post.”


    we’ll be missing your posts BIG TIME! i can hardly wait to see the next few batches of pics. i like the fair one but i want more people… ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Doni, I absolutely love this picture! I don’t know what it is, but it just draws you in – this should be in a travel magazine or something!!!! You are just amazing!

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