Kiss Me Already

Gotta love those lips.

Here is a weird story for you…

A couple of weeks ago a bunch of us were at Mom and Dad’s hanging out.?? Dad, Darin and I were standing in the kitchen chatting.?? While standing there, someone happens to look up and inside the large light covering was a large scorpion.?? ALIVE.?? The light cover is probably about five foot long by a foot and a half wide.?? Darin, decided to entertain us with some scorpion cage fighting so he went and found some cricket prey and dumped them into the fixture.?? It was pretty wild standing underneath the show and watching the very clear silhouette of the underside of the scorpion, chase and attack its victims.?? Gave me the willies!

I have been bit by scorpions twice.

Story 1:

I was in High School and woke in the middle of the night after dreaming a curling iron was laying across my toes.?? I jumped out of bed, threw my foot in the sink (there was a sink in my room), and then went back to the bed to see what bit me.?? That bite was a doozy.?? I don’t know how many times the sucker stung me but my mom stayed up with me all night because my entire right side was cramping for hours.?? I lost feeling in my toes for about a year after that.

Story 2:

Within a year of that incident, I was in California visiting family.?? I was at Aunt Beck’s and I was tucking a very young Jamie into her bed.?? Stung on the toe again – different foot.?? It was more like a bee sting that time though so I am not sure if it was a lesser scorpion or if I had built up an immunity.?? So not fun.

Thankfully we haven’t seen any scorpions in this house.

Speaking of bee stings, Tori keeps telling us the story of the bee that stung her.?? She says “Mom.?? Pa (spa).?? Bee.”?? Then she points to her cheek.?? It takes us women a bit to get over things sometimes.?? 😉

One response to “Kiss Me Already”

  1. so far tori chooses far less words to tell a story than most women though… interesting how effective it is… not gonna try it though. i prefer the long version. 🙂

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