Oh so smart…

This week Daniel was giving Noah a “talkin’ too”. Daniel has a rule that when he is speaking to you, you need to be making eye contact. Noah avoids this by staring between the eyebrows and the hairline. As Daniel would talk, Noah would shake his head and give the appropriate “yes sir’s”. Halfway through their conversation, Noah determined to distract the conversation away from his misdeeds said, “Daddy, are you getting some hair?”

LOL! Holy cow!!!! Where does he come up with this stuff? He is not even 2 and a half yet!!! The little monkey!

*Daniel, going bald, chooses to just shave it all off and pretend like he wanted it that way;)! He hadn’t shaved his head in a few days and was getting some stubble. Noah thought it a good time to notice.


The other day Daniel and Brooke were looking at a house. They asked Noah before going to the door to use his manners. When the owners opened the door, Noah stuck out his hand and said “Nice to meet you” and then happily marched right in.

He is such a cutie pie!


This week Aimee was giving Zandi a bath. She made the mistake of asking her if she was ready to get out. Her answer was “No. Not yet.” Too cute! I was pretty amazed at this mature statement considering she is only 17 months old.

Zandi is a true “take the bull by the horns” kind of gal. I mean this literally. David and Aimee have a couple of goats. When Zandi gets butted (which does happen from time to time), she will chase those goats down and butt them right back! Papa thought she was going to choke the rooster that dared to try to scratch her. LOL! Watch out for my little precious girl! She won’t be bullied! (How fun for me to get to see my genes in my niece and nephew LOL!)

One response to “Oh so smart…”

  1. I’ll have to talk to Daniel and Brooke about this manners thing with Noah. CUTE!

    And Zandi (Seth’s pre-arranged wife, yes, David and Aimee – I’m holding you to this!) is proving to be quite a smarty! She won’t take anything off Seth will she? He’s such a sweetie that I think they’ll balance eachother out just right. 🙂 hee hee… Her toughness will come in handy when they meet. He loves to hug his buddies REALLY REALLY hard and most kids whine or just fall down… I think Zandi may be the first who would challenge this one. 🙂

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