From My Sister

And this beauty is what Heidi HAND CRAFTED for me.?? She didn’t just buy the parts and string them together – she ordered the silver, designed it, imprinted it, and fired it!?? (This is the same sister that bought wool from a farmer to spin her own yarn).???? She is hoping to start her own business and design jewelry and I was pretty darn excited to receive this gorgeous piece.?? Actually, with the exception of my wedding ring and an heirloom ring from Grammy, all my best jewelry has come from Heidi.?? :)?? She is a true artist with a well spring of talent for a plethora of things.

Let’s take a closer look shall we?

See the delicate swarovski crystals on the side??? There are also tiny ones on the embellished center plate.?? Gorgeous isn’t it??? I feel so spoiled!!!?? I have worn it nearly every day since this precious gem came in the mail.


No recurrence of the fever so that is good but something is still not right.?? Just little things that are catching my attention.?? In the first place she isn’t acting like her normal self.?? She is quite subdued.?? Not lethargic but definitely very low on energy.?? She isn’t wanting to play much.?? Just sitting observing a lot with her babies (pacys).?? She doesn’t eat much to begin with but her appetite has decreased.?? I weighed her on my scale yesterday fully clothed and she weighed 20.5.?? HOPEFULLY there is a difference between scales (and I am sure there is) because that would mean she is down TWO pounds since last week.?? Either way 20/21 pounds is ridiculous for an almost 2 year old.?? Most babies are expected to be 20 pounds at 12 months (she was 16 pounds at 12 months).???? Her eyes are looking puffier than normal to me as well.?? Lastly, she is waking up from her 12 hour overnight sleep and her 2 hour naps DRY.?? I do realize that little ones mature into this but I think it quite odd that this STARTED with a urinary retention issue.?? Prior to last Wed, she was always soaked when she woke up and wet after nap.?? She is “out putting” but I am questioning whether or not she is urinating it all out.?? Wonder if that bladder emptying test is in our future??? We see the urologist on Friday and the ped today.?? I am going to have the ped reconfirm to me today that she shouldn’t see an ortho until she is three as well because even the Drs at St Joes made note of how knock kneed she is is.?? Also considering an H1N1 shot for her.?? I put her on an alternate immunization schedule at her 18 month appointment because Jim and I both would prefer immunizations to be given slowly and when then their weight meets the average.?? Maybe it makes zero difference but we feel better about that.?? However, considering her winter history with viruses, we don’t feel good about how she might do if she gets H1N1.?? Tough decisions.

4 responses to “From My Sister”

  1. I know the “out put” issues are a concern and I will continue to pray for her with that but as far as her weight goes I just wanted to let you know that my Kayla was 2 1/2 and weighed the same as Jordan who was 6months… I went back to check the baby books and they were both 24lbs. Kayla was also “knock knee-ed” but it resolved as she grew, she grew out of it. The other concern that I had with her and being so petite was her elbow was dislocate very easily… poor thing and after the first time it happens it’s more likely to happen again. A ped in the ER told me they see it a lot more often with smaller framed kiddos. Hopefully she won’t go down any further in weight but I wouldn’t be to concerned if she doesn’t go up fast. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Beautiful necklace Heidi!

    I hope you get some answers on Tori and that she is back to her spunky self soon. I agree not to put too much stock into weight averages and what everyone else ways. Carlin was always in the 5 -10% for height and weight. The pediatrition was pushing to do genetic and other testing to see what was wrong with him. Look at him now he’s 16 and definately no longer petite. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. i’m SOOOO glad you love your necklace – SOOOOOOOO glad. ๐Ÿ™‚ yeah! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    does a warm bath help tori to release more i wonder? wondering if the warmth would relax those little muscles… of course, if there is a blockage, not sure it would do any good.. .just an added thought. will watch to see what your ped comes up with (and urologist)

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