Oh Happy Day

Recently I looked up my blogs back in early 2006 to compare Ty’s talking to Tori’s.?? Whoa Nelly!?? Ty was so conversational at this age and way ahead of the game.?? I giggled when I read that he had been walking through the house saying “Uh huh Uh huh I happy I happy”.?? :)?? Sounds like my baby boy for sure.?? Not a bit has changed either.?? He is unabashedly, the happiest person I know.

This shot was taken while Liza was here.?? We went up north and did Ty’s six year old pictures.?? I have more to share but this is the only one I have processed yet.?? Am I a color junky or what??? ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh do I adore my youngest son.?? Adore.?? He lights up our world.

Sometimes his daily exultations are not so appreciated though.?? A short scene in our home from yesterday.

Setting:?? Nickle toss to determine who worked on math with mom first.?? Ty won the nickle toss.

Ty: Ha ha ha ha…. (said with his usual showering of joy)

Me:?? Ty – that isn’t nice.

Tanner:?? Mom he is trying to make me a poor loser.

LOL!?? I am laughing all over just typing that out.?? Tanner does not take losses well and that is something we have to talk about on a pretty frequent basis.?? Somehow, Ty is getting thrown under the base for “making” him that way.?? Ya right.?? I would have addressed Tanner’s comment but I was laughing too hard.

He is doing AWESOME AWESOME with his kindergarten work.?? I never, in my wildest dreams, thought K-garten was going to go so well.?? His hardest subject is still handwriting but we are making progress even there.?? It took me six or seven weeks to get him to even write a capital L because he couldn’t see it in his mind.?? He could recognize it but couldn’t recreate it.?? We are now up to upper case L, F, T I, O, U, C, H, G, and E.?? (And I love to interchange the words upper case and capital just to confuse my children hee hee.)

I have been reading to them every morning from The Sugarcreek Gang series.?? This series was written in the 40’s.?? My great grandfather owned them and they were read to my dad and also Aunt Beck in childhood.?? I thought I would give them a try and the kids are really enjoying them.?? I let them play with play dough while I read to occupy their hands.?? It’s a darling series about a “gang” of boys and their adventures.???? The characters have such personality.?? I particularly like little Bill Collins who narrates because he loves run on sentences with all kinds of details.?? Easy to read the words of a little guy who talks just like me.?? It has that Leave it to Beaver feel because Bill says “on account of…”?? all the time.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

This week I got out a Magic Treehouse book and started him on it.?? I think most would agree that this series is not on a K-garten level.???? I had to giggle when the word “brilliant” was on the second page and he read it like it was the word “dog”.?? His decoding ability is masterful.?????? Shows you what the “experts” now.?? The predictions about his learning are turning out to be dead wrong.

Ty is doing fine in math as well but I keep feeling like I can’t get him at the right level.?? I started with Saxon Math and quit the K level because it was WAY too simple.?? I started a couple of weeks ago with the first grade level and it is way too simple too.?? I am trying to decide how much I will skip him through.?? The difficult thing with math is that he can’t write the figures yet.?? I want to teach him his numbers but most numbers are more complicated than letters so we need to get letters down first.

I got a little worried about him yesterday because his pop tart broke in half and he looked at me with sad sad eyes and broke down sobbing (which is the most heart wrenching sound I have ever heard in my whole life.?? I want to cry when Ty cries.)???? That is so out of character for him.?? He fell asleep on the couch at 9:30 last night too.?? Strange.?? Waiting for the illness shoe to drop but it hasn’t happened yet.

On a side note…oh how the AZ desert is a sight to behold right now.?? I am not sure I have ever seen it so green.?? I need to get some pictures of the kids outside this week because it is simply breathtaking.

I best be off now and getta movin’ on school.

6 responses to “Oh Happy Day”

  1. LOVE the picture! Also love the antedotes you share about your kids. Kids say the funniest things. Someone recently introduced our family to the Sugar Creek Gang series. Andrew is in love! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great books.

    Blessings to you,

  2. He is just darn adorable, always has been. I LOVE this picture of him. Hard to believe he is six years old already. WOW, the stories and memories that have been brought in that time. I will never forget those NICU days, peeking in on him as I past by. He is a true joy….but like you didn’t figure that already. Give hime a big hug from me, tell him his buddy Lando says “hi”. I sure miss him.

  3. One of my all time favorite pics! I love, love, love the colors and how they all seem to dance around his precious face and those gorgeous EYES!!!! I do feel that we were blessed when God chose Ty for “us” – he makes me smile just thinking about him. Can’t wait to see the rest of this shoot ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Have you ever looked at Handwriting Without Tears? Noah’s OT recommended it to us and it has worked wonders for Joshua. It’s cheep and both my boys love doing it.

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