Call the Tooth Fairy

Look who lost his first too this weekend!?? On Friday, Ty comes up to me at Aunt Beck’s party and tells me his tooth is loose.?? News to me.?? Oddly, it was ready to come out which makes me wonder if something happened and this tooth was helped along a bit by a cousin perhaps? ๐Ÿ™‚

UNLIKE his brother, he did not have the patience to wait for it so he asked me to pull it.?? :)?? Brave boy.?? Daddy tied floss on it and yanked the sucker out without so much as a whimper from Ty.?? He was so excited!?? (Aunt Heidi – pretend not to see this because Ty still wants to show you on Skype).

When Tanner was 4, the dentist pulled a tooth.?? In preparation, I read Tanner a book about a dentist, a bunny, and the tooth fairy.?? My battle plan backfired.?? Tanner became terrified of the tooth fairy.?? The evening after his appointment he went to bed crying and begging me NOT to call the tooth fairy.?? ๐Ÿ™‚

Ty thought the tooth fairy so cool that I found him back in bed about 15 minutes after waking.?? He found money under his pillow and figured that if he went back to sleep and woke up again maybe there would be more.?? Hee hee.

5 responses to “Call the Tooth Fairy”

  1. That is soooo adorable!!! Duncan is seven now and hasn’t lost a single tooth. He is mostly upset because he knows the tooth fairy brings money and he wants it :)!

  2. AAAA!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! OH MAN! WE ARE GOING TO BE SOOOOOO EXCITED TO SEE IT LIVE ON SKYPE! i’m super proud of him – what a big big boy. not far off from when seth lost his 2nd one either. ๐Ÿ™‚ brave brave ty. amazing. now, as to going back to bed for more money? THAT IS ONE CLEVER BOY! good reasoning in my book. i think i’d have had to sneak something under then when i came in to “check” under it on his behalf. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Congratulations Ty! I know if Zane would have been there, he would have been more than willing to help get it out;).

  4. Joshua lost his 1st tooth in Aug ’09. When Todd asked him if he was going to put it under his pillow Joshua gave him a look & said “Can you just give me my dollar now?”. We had no idea he knew the truth. Way easier on us now.

  5. What a brave little boy!! I swear kids these days come with so much more strength than we ever had as children. ADORABLE.

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