You Laugh You Die

Ever feel that way? There are just some injuries in life that one best not laugh at. I had a chaotic shopping trip this week where some isle walker really pushed my buttons.

I was shopping in the Super Walmart and purposefully went during the afternoon on a work day so that it would be quiet. It wasn’t. I wanted the plastic storage isle to myself. I needed lots of room to pile and make decisions. I didn’t get it. First, after I had stacked up many boxes in the isle, two more shoppers needed to evaluate the storage containers on the shelf. Why now? I let them know that I would be on the isle for awhile. They assured me they would be too. Dang it.

Next thing I know, one of them knocks my top heavy boxes out of my cart all over the floor. She apologizes. Everything in me knew I was supposed to say “Don’t worry about it. That’s okay. No big deal.” I didn’t. In fact, I didn’t make eye contact and didn’t say a word. I am rarely this rude. Sadly though, my fellow shoppers did not realize that (a) I was like a crazy person trying to dig myself out of the chaotic mess I was in and I was desperate for those boxes (b) In times like these, I can’t be distracted. I need it very still and quiet to do math in my head to figure out how everything will fit on the shelves. I was very calculated in my decisions. Upsetting my grocery cart caused a frenzy in my brain. Now I had to start over. Aaaaghh!!

Then an ever so helpful walmart associate approached and begin picking up my boxes and returning them to the shelves. I quickly said “No! I need those!” She basically (in the kindest way) told me to get a hold of myself and relax. Did I yell at this woman? No. I did not. It seems though that few people can tolerate my moments of passion. If I raise my pitch even ever so slightly, all the peace lovin’ people of the world start to tremble. Come on now! I am not THAT intimidating. I get aggravated sometimes that I can hardly express emotion without making people nervous. I don’t make Jim nervous. He say’s I have a very “dynamic personality” and he say’s that he loves to watch me interact. LOL. Mr. Laid Back thinks Mrs. Dynamite is a real kick. Works good for us.

Back to my story.

I got my boxes back in order and went back to my task. I then dropped Jim’s heavy tape measure on my toe. Another bystander started to laugh. This is where my posting title comes in. It was a moment made for profanity. Don’t worry…I stayed true to my commitment to NOT curse but did just about bite my tongue off to prevent it. And then, she laughed and followed up by saying “It’s just one of those days isn’t it!”

I hardly could utter a word in response.

I am glad my mom and Jodi was not there. They always laugh when someone is in pain. There could be a price to be paid for that…they better just watch it!

P.S. I had to return to the same isle in the same store later in the week. I pulled a box down and a sign hanger fell off the top and about chopped my ear off. (Actually it didn’t even bleed but it does still hurt). My new neighborhood store is going to give me post traumatic stress I am afraid.


So what was I up to with all this shopping you ask?

I have been in an organizational frenzy all week. I have had it! I can’t live in chaos one more minute and it was time to turn things around. I am a very very organized person but some wouldn’t beleive it if they looked in my pantry’s. That is because I have two speeds. Organized perfectly or train wreck. I am intolerant of less than perfect so unless I have a good organizational method, train wreck occurs out of frustration. Several months ago I organized the playroom closet into 50,000 boxes (exaggeration:) and it has worked perfectly. (Save the fact that Tanner gets more than one box out a time and drives me nuts). Still though, everything has a place and that is VERY important.

I feel so pleased with myself for all I accomplished this week, I just feel the need to list it out. Heidi will affirm me at least (and Jodi will be happy too…except no Jodi I didn’t get to the fridge:).

1. All the laundry is caught up! Yeah!
2. My office is completely organized into plastic shelving units!
3. My kitchen food pantry is organized into plastic boxes…EVERYTHING!
4. My utensil pantry is organized into plastic boxes!!!
5. My spice cabinet is organized into little crates
6. My utensil drawer was cleaned out!
7. My silverware drawer was cleaned out and I used mesh trays instead of yucky plastic
8. All the socks have been reunited with their mates!
9. Tanner’s closet has been cleaned out of all “too strong” clothes and is perfectly organized.
10. Ty’s closet has been cleaned out of all “too strong” clothes, is perfectly organized, AND each shirt is hung with a matching set of pants so it is easier to match his outfits.
11. Everything is gathered for a dump run tomorrow.
12. Everything is gathered for our church rummage sale.

Amazing! What is wrong with me? I feel so much better!!!!!

11 responses to “You Laugh You Die”

  1. Hi Doni,
    Your organizational message could have been written by me (or thousands of other women). There is someone whose ministry is just for us: FLYLADY!
    You have to see it to believe it, so just go to
    Many blessings,

  2. LOL! Cathi – countless people (including my best friend and mother) have tried and tried to talk me into making friends with the FlyLady. For reasons, I can’t explain. That site makes me want to hyperventilate. I know that I have the personality that SEEMS like I would like/need her methods but for some reason, I feel “controlled” even reading anything on her site:)! Maybe someday I’ll grow into it. I tried again today but I just can’t do it. I have no explanation for this. Am I just sheer stubborn?

  3. I could never believe anything in your house can be a train wreck. You’ve even got Tanner hooked on organization. You do SOOOOO MANY Things I wonder where you find the hours in the day. You (offer) Love (being with your kids 24/7), you take care of your house, Ty has been anything but easy, you have a three year old who wants different care from Ty and a lot of attention, you have this site, you continuosly do something with regards to church, and to adoption, and I’m surprised you have time to watch American Idol. Phew I’m tired just by listing all this stuff. Oh and the trampoline, where do you find the energy. If anything Flylady MIGHT help you relax from overdoing stuff. Carry On Doni, you are a shining example to all.

  4. On flylady – I’ve talked about her because IIII have needer her help and appreciated her. Where Doni gets overwhelmed and then flies into overdrive out her discombobulation, I fall into a heap and do nothing or less. ๐Ÿ™‚ So, I honestly do not think Doni NEED flylady. She has pretty well got it covered. Yes, the only help she could offer is helping Doni not to OVER-do things but that would be impossible. Doni is the way she is and frankly, ladies, I think she likes it. ๐Ÿ™‚ She has become more comfortable in her own skin and knows what it takes to keep herself happy. She has had so many things in her life out of control (do you like how I talk as if you’re not listening, Doni? ha ha… like you aren’t even in the room) – anyway, so many things out of her control in the last few years but her house is one thing that IS in her control. At least now it is. So kudos to Doni! I’m not there yet. I need constant motivation and encouragement or a holy terror to come upon me to keep it up. Once in a while it hits me with such drive and I accomplish so much – then so much seems to come undone in just a heartbeat. Oh well… We each do what we can handle I suppose and I’m sure if Doni couldn’t handle this she would let it go. Truth is she can’t handle NOT doing it at the moment and it’s great she has the means and energy to finish the task.

    I’m proud of you sister.

    Now will you please come over to MY house – I promise to have a living room full of plastic tubs in advance. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Heidi – Feel free to talk in front of my back anytime you want too. You know just what you are talking about LOL!

  6. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (I am so glad that I wasn’t at Walmart with you. I would have laughed my head off).

  7. Don’t know anything about her, but given the state of Doni’s organizational wonder and the fact that she makes a LIST of her organization, it sounds to me like the Flylady should be taking some advice from the “tublady” ๐Ÿ™‚ Too funny!

  8. Jana – did I mention that after I was an Operational Manager for Bank One, I was a Systems Analyst creating Access Databases? So actually all my organizational details are on customized databases (examples: Recipes, Grocery Lists, Managing Ty’s Apptmnts, my library of over 700 books AND…..a database that lists what my files are!!! Now you KNOW I am a NUT!

  9. Sorry a little late on reading this week. Boy oh boy where do you find the time to organize all that you have. I wish my list of things done was like yours. I still have about 80 socks that need to find thier match…laundry piled to the sky and on and on and on. I really need to take the time to do what you have done. I agree with the shopping thing. Sometimes you just need the time alone to figure out stuff. There is always ignorint people out there who just don’t give a hoot about others and what they may be going through. How rude. Anyhow glad to hear all is well. Take care. You have always been an inspiration to me and now with all the organization I really look up to you.

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