Everyday Miracles

I am so excited to write something today…you are never going to believe it! Ty IS EATING!!!!!

I have no explanation for this outside of divine intervention nor does the therapist. On Sunday, Ty wanted our food. I sat him down and gave him a stage 2 jar of pears. He ate the whole thing in 10 minutes without spitting ANY back. This has continued every day since and now is even taking two jars a day!!!!! This literally happened overnight. He went from tongue thrusting it all out and lack of interest, to complete coordination and excitement in a matter of hours. I just have no explanation for this.

In addition, he started pulling himself to stand on everything this week. The crib, the toys, the couch, the coffee table…you name it. I can’t believe he hasn’t gotten a concussion from all his falls though! The sound of his head smacking our laminate floors is gut wrenching! Silly boy though never lets pain get in his way. He just gets mad that he fell and he goes right back to it without hesitation. This has created a problem in the bath tub. For whatever unexplainable reason, he likes to duck his head into the water. He comes back up sputtering and coughing and then 10 seconds later he tries it again. What’s up? I have to hold him so tightly in the tub and I am constantly fighting to keep his head back so he won’t do this. Crazy kid. Most kids are terrified to get their face wet. Is he trying to lick the water you think? LOL. Is it a good sign or a bad sign that he doesn’t learn from pain? On the one hand, God knew he needed a healthy dose of determination. On the other hand, I could have my hands VERY full for the next decade plus!!!! Jim and I are really going to have to out think him and come up with consequences that are higher than the price he is willing to pay:). Could be tough! (Brooke and Daniel can teach us their techniques once they get some good currency figured out LOL!)

Of course this means he is also getting into more mischief. We have to keep our coffee table cleared off because he is desperate to get to our cokes (I am including cute pictures of this in the March Gallery). He also bit and destroyed one of my cd’s this week! The first material object to be trashed due to Ty destruction. I am sure their will be a long line of them. Tanner dunked a Toby Mac CD in the toilet once but at least it still worked once it was cleaned and dried:).

Later today, I am going to add a video link to the left column so I can rotate videos in one spot better. I will include video footage of Ty’s attempt to get out of the crib after we dropped the mattress. So funny. He looks like he is trying to stretch himself. If he could only stretch taller than he could lean over the rail. He was quite unhappy that we lowered the bed.

3 responses to “Everyday Miracles”

  1. Way to go Ty Man! I am so proud of you. Your Mommy has been stressing over you not eating. Doni, if my Graham (6 yo) is not brain damaged from falling when he learned to pull up and walk and later when he just climbed everything in sight, then it is an awful hard thing to do. He hit his head so many times! Congratulations on the new milestones. I know you are glowing with joy and praise. God has amazing things in store for that little miracle of yours. Goodnight and have a great weekend!

  2. It’s so exciting to read about all of Ty’s accomplishments! He sure has been a busy little fella in the last few weeks! Carter tries to lick the water every time I give him a bath too and he always ends up choking, but then he does it again. I think he’s actually trying to blow bubbles and sucks in instead of blowing out — maybe Ty wants to blow bubbles too!

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