I Want To Live

A friend sent me a link to a video this week and I cried my eyes out watching it. Ty just sat on my lap and watched it very intently with me. The third verse, especially gets to me as it feels so personal.

I Want To Live
*Amanda – when I watch this video I see your face and your sacrifice. A sacrifice that cost so much to you but gave so much to Ty. Thanking you always for letting our baby live and for the incredible treasure you placed in our arms.

Tanner’s Genetic Family – All the above to you as well. It would have been very easy to not find parents for your frozen babies but you loved them and you let them live.

5 responses to “I Want To Live”

  1. I watched this! I am speechless. It was so beautiful with tears running down my eyes. I was young at the age of 18 and my husband was 15 when we got pregnant. We were devastated just like this girl in the video, we still have Ashley even though it was tough. I praise God for those that let there babies go to another family for someone else to love. Amanda, if you read this your a courageous, awesome young lady that made the hardest decision in life. I just can’t imagine your pain but yet glory that your son has a perfect family. And Doni your such a strong lady to go through everything that you have!! God Bless the both of you!

  2. I have never seen such an amazing, powerful video. My husband & I have lived this three times! When is the world going to realize how precious these birthparents are? To all the birthparents out there, may God Bless You & keep you. You are loved, cherished, appreciated & adored. This video took my breath away. Thank you Doni for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. tears streaming, sobs coming… thank Lord for giving these beautiful children a voice. help the women carrying your precious creations to HEAR that voice and have the courage to let them live. thank you so much for those that do – especially those that sacrificed so that you could bring tanner & ty home to their parents. thank you for the gift of adoption… for adopting us as your own too.

  4. That is so moving and powerful! I immediately shared it with everyone I know, thanks so much for sharing it here!

    It reminds me of a story my husband told me the other day. He is in school to become a police officer, and they had a rape survivor come in to speak to their class.

    She had been raped, and become pregnant as a result of the attack. Not only did she refuse to abort the baby, she ended up keeping him. Someone from the class asked her how she could do that, since looking at her son would remind her of the rape.

    Her response was that her son was her miracle baby….a gift from God, the one good amazing thing that came out of her attack.

    What a powerful message that was for the college students to hear! Life is so precious, no matter how it came to be!

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