Sweet Sweet Sweet

Yesterday I gave Ty a much needed bath. When I got him out of the tub, I wanted to go pick out clean clothes without his squirmy little body in my hands. I set him on the floor naked as a jay bird and hoped for the best (I got lucky). When I had his clothes laid out, I went to get him and he was playing cheerfully in the playroom.

As all good mothers know, we can’t pass a naked baby without patting their precious little behinds. I said to Tanner, “Tanner, aren’t baby bottoms just the cutest things in the world?”

Tanner walked over to Ty, patted his bottom and said “Sweet bum. Sweet sweet sweet.” All said in the most endearing voice. Probably only a moment a mommy could appreciate but I’ll treasure the memory of it. So cute.

Speaking of treasuring the moment…

This week I was doing my bible study and found myself praying out loud. This wasn’t intentional, I just had much to say and before I knew it I was talking in normal tones as I went about the house.

Tanner said, “Mommy? You talkin’ me?”

No. I am just talking to God. Want me to talk a little quieter?”, I replied.

“Yep” he said.

The next day we were both sitting in the front room and out of the blue Tanner looks at me and say’s, “Wanna talk to God?”

“Now?” I said.

Yah. Now.” Tanner said.

So we did. I prayed and thanked God for Tanner and Tanner thanked God for Noah, Graham and Zandi.

Doesn’t get better than that!

Vidiot Alert

Jim is teaching Tanner to play XBOX. Big surprise. I am sure I will have to limit video time soon. My cousin used to call the boys “vidiots”. Will become a term in my household too in a few years.

The other day Tanner asked me to load the Star Wars game. I wasn’t sure if he could manage on his own but I thought I would let him try. Much to my dismay, I could not get the game to start. It kept wanting me to connect live and I had no idea how to get around that. I didn’t figure the live players would appreciate playing with a novice three year old:).

I finally apologized to my son and told him that I couldn’t figure it out. I thought I turned it off. A few minutes later I walk by the playroom and he is playing the game.

“How in the world did you do that?” I asked.

He didn’t answer. Vidiots never do.

He got stuck and ended up at the main menu again. I walked in thinking he would need help (which of course I had no idea how to give). Again I say, “Tanner I don’t know how to fix this thing.”

“Just wait mommy” he said.

Hmmmm…okay. We wait. Sure enough the menu cycles and the game begins. Interesting. I watch him play a moment and see a problem.

“Tanner, why aren’t you shooting those guys?” I said.

“Those are MY guys mommy!” he replied. LOL

He went on to explain how he had to walk over the next hill and shoot into the bubble. Of course I have no idea what he is talking about so I just stand there dumbfounded. Sure enough, he gets over the hill and low and behold a bubble.

Exactly how much time has he spent playing this game with Daddy?

I can’t even jump levels on Pac Man (that was a game that existed back in the 80’s if your wondering LOL). It seems Tanner does much better on his own anyhow. I left the room encouraged. Last week he told me I missed my turn and this week he is running technical equipment in my home and telling me I have to have patience. I have been suspecting that Tanner will manage his mother at some point. Didn’t expect it to start at 3.

2 responses to “Sweet Sweet Sweet”

  1. oh my goodness i LOVE my naked baby’s bum!!! i was looking at the skinny, narrow, little tushy tonight! and no, i can NOT resist patting that little chunk o’ dough! i don’t get so lucky as often any more though – have had to clean up a few messes when i press my luck for too long… or then there is the new trick of pulling off the diaper and pottying on the carpet! oh my…

    LOVE the tanner stories. what in the world is this boy going to do with his life – he’s so smart! now, he may not have the instructions things down like you described in your recent post, but the kid sure isn’t lacking for brain power! i think not! he’s doing JUST fine! i’m rather glad the video game thing isn’t a big deal in our house – however, jas has now found card games to play online live with others and i’m not too happy about that.. maybe video games would be better because at least i could have my computer back!

    and the prayers? oh i can hardly wait for seth to say prayers. for now i’m so thankful for the “uuuh-nuh!” i get echoing my amen.

    your boys are amazing and precious. i love them.

  2. I love little baby bums. My boys are now 11 and 7 so the little patting just doesn’t go very far anymore. I uses to call them little daddy bums. Just like daddy’s only smaller. Soooo sweet.

    I totally understand the brother stuff. My boys still argue and scream…even though no one is hurt. They just figure mommy will come and see whats up then they try to get each other in trouble. When they were little 1 and 4 Dillan my youngest would scream and scream even though nothing was wrong. He just new that the older one would get in trouble. They learn quick.

    Glad to hear Ty is eating well. Its amazing how things just turned around from night to day. Go Ty go.


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