Back Seat Brawl

Age: Will be 14 months in a week
Corrected: 10 months
Weight: 20.8 pounds
Length: 30 inches

Well it had to happen eventually. Siblings always squabble. It is the nature of brotherhood. (Ask me how I know that? LOL). This was a low down drag out dirty sucker too. This is how it happened.

Ty’s car seat is in the center and Tanner’s seat is right beside him. I had a plastic bag sitting on the seat next to Ty. Big mistake on mommy’s part. We are driving down the road and Ty decided to eat the plastic bag. Tanner, as always, attempts to divert disaster. He tells Ty “NO!” and attempts to recover the bag.

Ty will NOT release. Ty starts screaming. Ty is holding the bag with his right hand and Tanner is sitting on Ty’s left side. This means Tanner has to stretch himself as far as possible across Ty’s lap (while seatbelted in his own seat) to attempt to get the bag. Ty holds it far to the right so Tanner can’t reach. The screaming continues.

I am on the freeway – can’t offer much assistance. I have my rearview mirror turned down so that I can see the ultimate fighting championship. If anyone goes down for the count, I’ll have to pull over. If Ty manages to get a piece of the bag loose in his mouth, I will also have to stop. As much as I would like to quiet the chaos I find myself stuck. I can’t tell Tanner to quit trying for the bag because I do not want Ty to get it either. What to do?

Tanner gets louder. Ty gets louder. Ty takes his left hand and starts smacking Tanner in the face. Tanner starts crying. Tanner escalates to sobbing while laying across both their carseats reaching desperately for the darn bag. Ty will not let go. Ty will not stop screaming at Tanner. Tanner is relentless. So is Ty.

Mommy starts laughing. Thank you Lord we pulled into the driveway about that time and I rescued both of my children from a battle that was at an impass.

Good grief. It was one of those moments when you get a peek into the future and you feel battle worn just thinking about it. We survived to tell about it though. If you would have seen what I did, you would know that IS saying something!

You mom’s of boys know just what I am talking about don’t you?!!!

My TWO three year olds….

Seems *TyJo does not believe he is a year old. He thinks he should get Tanner’s toy’s, eat Tanner’s food, and follows brother everywhere. I heard blood curteling cries coming from the playroom this week and I was sure someone was injured. When I arrived on the scene I was shocked to find that the screaming was not a result of pain but anger. Ty was trying to climb up Tanner’s chair and was yelling at his big brother because he wanted the XBOX controller out of Tanner’s hand and Tanner would not release it.

You just get this sense when you are interacting with my youngest that his wisdom goes far beyond his tender age. He interacts with you with such confidence and security and determination. He is going to grow up too fast. I feel it already.

*Each time I was pregnant after Tanner, I had my heart set on another boy. Each time I would talk to my babies, I wondered if a “TyJo” was in there:). I chose this nickname early on in my second pregnancy. My little “TyJo” was so dear to my heart long before I met him and as I dreamed, TyJo is the perfect nickname for my boy.

Phone Time

Ty loves the telephone. This week he talked to several people on the phone. When I answer a call, Ty gets excited. If I put the phone on speaker, he will respond when spoken too. He was showing off a whole array of sounds to Sweetie. Soooo cute.

Hair Problems

Not only do we have to deal with the hair growth (or lack thereof) issue, but now it is uncontrollable. For some reason, the hair on the top of his head started standing up this week. I wet it down. It dries and stands back up. I even tried lotion in it and that didn’t work either. What’s up? Now he REALLY looks like he has a mohawk.

5th Tooth

Ty’s 5th tooth broke through on 3/09/05! It is the top eye tooth on the left.


Ty’s PT suggested that we get a helmet for Ty this week! Uuuuugggh!!! I have not done this yet and I don’t want to but I do see how this could become necessary. Ty’s determination runs ahead of his ability. As a result, he is constantly bonking his head. He has a small lump on his head tonight from falling and hitting the corner of my hope chest. He is standing at everything but he doesn’t get down real graciously. Not sure what to do about this at the moment. Pain does not deter him so what would? Am I going to be worrying about this kids head all his life? Sheeeeesshhh!


New word added to his repretoire. “Hi”. He pronounces it “Ha”. He does it often enough on seeing people that I finally believe he understands it.


Still eating like a pro! Yeah!!! He loves yogurt too. He is eating 2 to 3 jars of stage 2 baby food a day now.


You know how when you carry an infant, their legs and feet will get bluish/purpelish sometimes? Ty’s legs still do that. If he stands very long, he legs and feet turn to blue. The PT say’s this is because he isn’t used to weight bearing on his legs yet and his circulation isn’t quite up for it. Weird? Do full term babies do this?

Motor Skills

Still noticing some amount of hand clentching (right) going on during feeding. He also drags his left leg when army crawling. He uses it a little but mostly his right side. I know that full termers have a preference sometimes too so I am not worrying about this yet.

Jumping Johnny

Got his jumper out today and he was going to town! He is at the stage where he really loves this thing. I need anything that will keep him occupied AND in one spot. It is very difficult to keep track of this kid! His energy is endless.

8 responses to “Back Seat Brawl”

  1. oh i just LOVE reading about my nephews! these updates are priceless. sounds like ty and tanner are going to be quite the pair… oh my. poor little tanner has had his world turned upside down alright! and it aint over yet! ty is gonna give that sweetie a run for his money!!! hee hee…

    oh – and i say go with the mohawk. it’s all natural so who could argue with that? TOOO cute!

  2. Aww, poor Tanner! He is such a good big brother ๐Ÿ™‚ My guy loves shopping bags too…I got home from one trip to find my receipt half eaten. Luckily it was only a 5 minute trip!

    My guy was a full term baby, and his feet do not turn blue….but I think he has his daddy’s naturally warm body, his feet are always warm even though I can’t keep socks on him for a minute. He doesnt stand on his feet for a long time either, so I will look again when he can!

    I tried to give my guy a haircut this week, because it is getting long and shaggy and it was a no go….he saw the scissors and somehow sensed it was a bad idea, burst out crying and shook his head until I put them away. My plan now is too wait until it warms up and try to buzz it off with the clippers ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congrats on the tooth!

  3. Jennifer – the blue tint is because his circulation isn’t working. Apparently, this is because he isn’t use to bearing weight on his legs still. Strange huh?

  4. I’ve been told the discoloration is from bad circulation caused in part by residual scar tissue from all the IV and needle sticks..etc…
    Mom to Nathan
    Former 24 weeker

  5. As a mom of boys…. I hear ya! Hang on it only gets better!
    One of my daycare girls is 12 1/2 months and both her legs and her hands still get a blue/purple tint to them. Her legs have gotten worse since she started walking. She also bruises very easily. Not sure if they are related.

  6. just wait Doni…you haven’t seen a thing yet! Squabbles are a daily thing at my house. It’s amazing how little ones can take up for themselves. It’s usually the older one that ends up crying. My mom gave me a magnet that reads…Mothers of boys work from son up to son down! How true is that!

  7. Well my boys are just about 4 years apart. With the baby being just about Ty’s corrected age 9.5 months they haven’t had a squable like that. My second one suprises me a lot. We take tons of stuff away from him including the binky and he doesn’t give it a second thought. No cring, he may look for it but thats it. I am waiting for our day when he get really up set about it.

    As for the hair girl I am with you! Our son has hair all around but the top has grown a lot faster than the sides. My son has curly hair and when you wet it the bangs go beyond his eyes! Anyhow my friends at work have nicknamed my poor cutie Krammer! That is his hair to a T so I guess I shouldn’t complain I just hope it doesn’t stick! So I say let it go the way it wants. It gives him even more personnality.

    Jere’ mommy to Shay (4) and Sage (9.5months)

  8. that is funny – kramer! ha ha! he is a beloved character so take it all in fun. ๐Ÿ™‚ i love your children’s REAL names though… shay & sage… very nice!

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