Your Going Home!

First can I just say that I am getting a real giggle out of how many of my friends and family members are beginning to refer to the occurences in our home by title. For example “Ya that was just like ‘Beaten By a Plastic Bat”. Very funny to have one’s daily occurences referenced with a posting title! Cute though!

As posted in Two Shiner Kinda Day, Tanner has had quite a week – poor guy. He did have some moments that I need to highlight though:)


“Mommy I got lots work to do”. = Sheeshhh! How often do I say this because Tanner is saying it a lot! On this topic he also told me “I too busy! It’s too bad”.

“What is too bad?” I replied.

“Crayons. Dat’s too boring”.

Allow me to interpret. He was telling me that he was too busy playing crayon’s. It was too much work and very boring. Where did he get this? That is what I said about having to do the dishes the day before. He doesn’t miss a thing.

The other night he asked me if we could have Mac N Cheese for dinner. I said “no”. He said “Mommy I need it sooooo much!” LOL.

One night I was going to Subway and I asked him if he wanted me to make something for him when I got home (like hot dogs, chicken dinosaurs, mac n cheese etc). He told me he wanted the sandwich from Subway and then added, “Just in case”. LOL. Just in case what? Where did he get that phrase from? Too funny.

I love the way Tanner alway’s asks me what I am talking about but he leaves the word “about” out of the sentence so I am continually hearing “You talking this?”

Yesterday morning Tanner and I were playing Go Fish at the coffee table. Ty climbed up and stole our cards over and over and over. Finally I put Ty in the playpen so Tanner and I could play. Ty was FURIOUS. He screamed and screamed at us. I was trying to ignore it. (Jim encourages me to not let our children win these little disputes:). Tanner finally say’s “Come on man! Man’s dwiving me cwaaaazzzzzzeeee!”

And my VERY favorite for the week!

During our card game it was evident that I was loosing. Tanner say’s “Mommy! Your going home!”
Confused I said, “What are you talking about? I am home.”.

He replies, “Your going home. This is shear shactor!”

LOL! To those of you who are not Fear Factor fans, the looser is sent packing. He is so smart and witty. Speaking of Fear Factor, Brooke told me about a Fear Factor birthday party she attended recently. As Tanner will be celebrating his 4th birthday in May, this is probably an awesome idea for him as he LOVES this show and loves to pretend he is playing it. I have a few ideas up my sleeve but am open to others. Any thoughts?

2 responses to “Your Going Home!”

  1. Thanks to my husband, I have become a Fear Factor Junkie! Unfortunately, Cade doesn’t get to watch it much because it comes on after he is in bed. That’s probably a good thing! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’d love to know if/how you incorporate this into Tanner’s birthday party. Cade will be four April 6th, & I have no idea what to do. He had parties his first & second birthday; last year we skipped having a party & took him to Chuck E. Cheese. Just did the “our little family” thing.

    I’m thinking this year I should have a party again. No idea. Not sure who to invite either – his cousins are older than him. Wanna come? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Doni, so frustrated, my computer just erased my message to you!!! Here we go again….
    I had a Fear Factor Party for Christian’s birthday last year. The kids loved it!

    1. Scooter Stunt: Take a 2X4 and place it on a slight slope. Each child takes one push with their foot and then tries to get down the 2/X4 on the scooter as far as possible. Mark down how far they get.

    2. Worm Stunt: Take a bucket full of dirt and earth worms. At the bottom are 4 quarters. Each child has to dig through the worms to find the quarters as fast as possible. Fastest time wins.

    3. Diaper stunt: Take a clean diaper and pour hershey’s syrup, carmal syrup and hershey bites in the middle of the diaper. Fold the diaper back up like you do when you are throwing the diaper away. Child with the fastest time for eating the contents wins. They thought this was hilarious plus it tasted good! ha ha

    I also created certificates for each child that I had previously made up. It stated, you have completed Christian’s Fear Factor Party. Then I had each stunt listed and throughout the party I wrote down their times for each stunt so that they had something to take home with them. The person that did the best in the competitions received a $5 bill. Went over very well and then we didn’t have to do party favors which can get expensive. The boys had a ball and I still hear about it from some of the parents. Good luck!

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