Science of Life

I couldn’t help it. I had to add a new category to my journals. I know many consider me a right wing radical who won’t shut up…and I confess…I resemble that remark:).

Came across an interesting article awhile back and thought I would post it. It states that every Human Embryology textbook for the last 100 years has stated without ambiguity that life begins at fertilization. Interesting that embryologist are not called into court hearings but bioethicists are. Let me get this straight…those that study the ethics of biology testify before congress on life issues. Those that STUDY EMBRYOLOGY for a living are not called to testify. Interesting to anyone?

Great and compelling article! I will be ordering a textbook soon because I want evidence of this within reach.

Here is the article. It was written for the American Bioethics Advisory Committee.

One response to “Science of Life”

  1. I guess we would be right wing radicals too! It’s not so bad. Did you happen to see the woman on Fox News today, I think her name was Amy Adamson. She was in a coma for 70 days and was on full life support and is now okay. She is still paralyzed on the left side of her body. You sure couldn’t tell though. The only difference in her case was that, her husband had faith in her and fought for her.
    Interesting facts about the textbooks like Billy Graham’s daughter said, “I can’t believe this is going on in America!” The media is so crazy biased and the stupid polls they are doing are ridiculous. I am pretty sure the majority of America does not think that Terri should die. Funny how the response they get is only based on HOW they ask the question. How come I have never been called to answer in a poll? I wish I would be! I am beginning to thing that this poll questioning is limited to a certain type of person. Anyway don’t know how I got off on that.
    Let us know about the research you find.

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