Baby Whisperer

Ever seen “The Horse Whisperer”? A horse whisperer has the rare ability to communicate with horses and understand their unspoken language. Tanner has been gifted with this same unique ability…as it relates to babies and small children. Isn’t that amazing? He is constantly telling me what Ty wants, how he feels, and what he is saying. I had no idea that Ty could speak in such long descriptive sentences but Tanner has been interpretting quite long narratives. He is quite certain that his translation is accurate so Jim and I figure we will just go with it until Ty can speak for himself:). Of course, if Ty starts saying he wants to give all his toys to Tanner, wants to go to bed early, wants to stay in the playpen while Tanner plays XBox, or other questionable comments, we may begin to get quite suspicious that Tanner was not actually granted this unique gift of tongues:). LOL.

Military Life

Tanner is learning the necessary code of conduct in response to authority from Star Wars. As a result, I have been “Sir” all week. Everything I request, I get a “Yes Sir!”. I have tried to explain that “Yes Ma’m” is more appropriate for females but it doesn’t pack the same butch punch I guess. After much contemplation and considering the very respectful tone, I think I’ll just accept this title for now:).

American Idol

Yes I know…I am a slacker. I have been watching it but due to a busy schedule as of late, I have not posted my comments. Maybe next week. HOWEVER, this week someone out of the blue asked Tanner who he was routing for. Without a pause, Tanner said “Bo”. He takes in more than ya think.

Chronicles of Maturity

Last week Tanner got to stay the night at Papa and Sweeties. He asked if he could live there:). Grandparents are awfully nice people to three year olds and I do understand how in a moment of bribery, I as parent may get set aside. I was not anticipating one sad conversation though. When I was about to drive away I told Tanner that I wasn’t sure I should leave because I might be too sad all night without him at home with us. His pragmatic answer?

“Mommy. Don’t miss me.”

I nearly cried.

I was quite relieved though to later hear that Tanner played a song on Grammy’s organ and told her it was “Mama’s Song”. At least he was dedicating songs to me in his absence. Not totally forgotten:).

More Kids

Sometime towards the beginning of next year Jim and I plan to pursue baby number 3. Can you say pursue? LOL. How do you describe attempted “conception” of an adopted child? Strangely though, certain family members keep telling me that are dreaming I will conceive a baby girl. If it hasn’t happened in 10 years, I doubt it will but who knows. AND BEFORE YOU SAY IT…please do not post about your friend who was infertile for a hundred years and then conceived naturally. This only happens 5% of the time and is a very frustrating comment for families facing infertility. While, I know the heart is good in attempting to offer hope, it actually serves to sadden and discourage (that is just a little helpful tip for ya;). In my case, I will praise the Lord if a baby comes from my womb and I will praise Him the same if baby number 3 comes from the womb of another. It makes no difference to me:). God worked that in my heart and Ty absolutley positively cemented it without a doubt:) IF I do ever conceive naturally, I am glad that the title of “miracle” will also be granted that child. Anything less would be a bit anti climatic at this point wouldn’t it? LOL!!!!!

HOWEVER, Grammy did call and tell me she dreamt I got pregnant with a baby girl and then the same week Jodi dreamed the same thing. I laughed. I was a bit startled though when Tanner told Sweetie during his slumber party that he was getting two sisters!!!! What is up?? LOL. You just never know. The one thing I can count on is that the Lord is not likely to use my plan:). That makes anything possible!

Bible Stories

Have you seen the Alice in Bibleland series? I love this series and was so anxious to inherit them:). I was reading Daniel and the Lion’s Den to Tanner this week and he really enjoyed it. You never can tell though how much a story will “sink” in. This week at Noah’s, Tanner and Noah were both in the pig pen (literally:). There is a man made concrete cave of sorts in this pen that could definitely resememble a small den if you were a 3 year old. Tanner then asked me if I was throwing them to the lions! LOL. I considered it after they both jumped in the fountain. There weren’t any lions available so Brooke and I settled on the pig pen;)

Prayer Time

At lunch today, Tanner for the very first time (since his prayer with Ty), offered to pray for our meal. It was precious and worth recording:)


“Shoo iddle shy” = Shoo Little Fly
“Ses” = Seth
“Bubba” = Tanner’s version of brother. Kind of a nickname for Ty.
“Frek” = Shrek. Now how in the heck did that happen? Somehow this week instead of substituting letters for “F”, he has been substituting letters WITH “F”. At least he is figuring out how to say it. Still not a resolved issue but I can’t knock progress.

Heidi and Seth are in Phoenix for a visit right now (lucky us) and we got a couple of sweet pictures I wanted to share.

Sweet Seth

Tanner and Ty

Tanner and Seth

Notice Tanner is watching closely like any good big brother/cousin

One response to “Baby Whisperer”

  1. ah!! just lost my note…. loved seeing our boys together – a dream come true. that bath was one fun experience – we ALL got wet even if we weren’t in the tub! 🙂

    those pics of tanner are just gorgeous. he’s such an amazing and SWEET little boy. i just loved watching him play with seth – the big brother indeed… and that ty… oh i just grit my teeth wanting to kiss and squeezing that raspberry blowing boy!

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