Snowstorm in DC Intro

I have finally settled onto the couch ready to begin my journaling and I am realizing that this may take a very long time considering TyJo will NOT leave my PC alone! Busy busy busy little boy!

It seems the best way to detail our trip would be to break it down by day but before I start that, I thought I would post a Tanner update. He is still not feeling well and is running a low grade fever. He is eating a little more than yesterday but not by much and he still doesn’t have much energy. The worst part of this is that he is getting croup symptoms on top of everything else. While I feel bad for Tanner, my obvious concern with croup is Ty. I have no idea how Ty would handle croup and I hope that we do not have to find out. Please pray for both my little one’s with this.

The topic of Embryonic Stem Cell Research has certainely become a “hot topic” over the last couple years. This past week’s bill in the house served to heat things up even more. While I have posted my perspectives on this in the past, I am now motivated to step up my game in regards to these postings. Once I finish my trip postings, I am going to create pages dedicated to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. These precious little one’s must have a voice and I am determined to give it to them in any way that I can. I am finding that one of the major hurdles we face is lack of education. I have listened to the media spew the most insanely ridiculous comments this week concerning this topic and I do not plan to let them go unchallenged. My plan is to create pages that not only describe the issue but also offer arguments for the positions that are constantly being delivered through the media. Hopefully, I can offer a wide range of resources for those trying to better educate themselves on this topic. If we, together, can spread TRUTH we can accomplish much.

One response to “Snowstorm in DC Intro”

  1. Welcome home and WAY TO GO! Doni, you have always been an amazing presence in my life and you never cease to amaze me. I hope you are feeling 100% soon Tanner. You have to get your strength up for that “shear shactor” party! I am glad to report that the congressman from Mississippi (in my district) that I sent an email to voted NO! Thank you for providing the list, Doni. I will be sure to send Congressman Pickering a Thank you note!

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