Tooth Fairy Issues

Ty lost his second tooth at dinner last night while eating cantaloupe.? This morning, when my sleepy boy emerged from his room, it occurred to me that the tooth fairy had gone AWOL again.? Shoot!? Our Tooth Fairy needs to be terminated because she fails to show up 9 times out of 10.? I think she is ADD.

While he was distracted, I went to his room to put $2.00 under his pillow (guilt).? Thankfully, I lifted the pillow all the way because low and behold the tooth fairy HAD come and left a five dollar bill.? :)?? (And yes I did call that particular Tooth Fairy to discuss the economic crisis and HIS failure to respond accordingly).

Not wanting to usurp the authority of the Tooth Fairy, I left the five dollar bill and went and found Ty.

Me:? Hey Ty.? Did you check under your pillow to see if the Tooth Fairly left anything for you?

Ty:? No.? I think you better call her.

LOL.?? And you see, one more reason why we don’t add Santa to our annual holiday.? Our kids don’t even trust the Tooth Fairy.? 🙂


Me:? Here Tori put this dress on.

Tori:? Ax nope.? Pink.? (Actually no – I would prefer to wear pink).

I must say “actually” a lot because all three of my kids learned it young.


I am trying to slowly wean Tori from her pacys (babies).? My new boundary is that she only gets them at nap and bedtime.? The other day I forgot to pick up Kitty and saw her lying on my bedroom floor.? I picked her up and put her on top of my (very messy) dresser figuring Tori wouldn’t notice her there.? A little while later, Tori was watching tv on my bed and she spies the kitty and says “OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH? my KITTY!!!!? I heard a MEOW!”

Not sure how she saw it and I am certain she didn’t hear it (hee hee) but that’s her story and she is stickin to it.

4 responses to “Tooth Fairy Issues”

  1. Don’t feel to bad “our tooth fairy” forget ALL the time. Something that started about four years ago.
    I know she has a box of awards ( dollar stores). There is a huge variety of different achievement’s, from household chores, being a great helper, going to the doctor, school and holidays, and YES even awards from the tooth fairy.
    They have saved “her life” and have now become part of the kids scrapbooks.
    When my child looses a tooth and they wake up looking for the money that “SHE” forgot to place under the pillow. “She” depends on me to find a moment to occupy the child than “she” fills out the award, slips it into a 8×10 envelope and stick’s it in the mail box. She always try and add a little glitter or new hair ribbons to the package for the girls with a couple of dollars, and plastic spiders or plastic bugs with a couple of dollars for the boys. “She” also adds a new tooth brush and a mini tube of toothpaste. A small plastic baggy ( to hold on to the tooth for years to come).
    Once the child opens his/her package and their little face light’s up “she” knows it was worth it.
    It has brought more excitement to them getting their treat in the mail, than finding just a couple of dollars under the pillow.
    I don’t know….but it works out nice for my family.

    Oh and one last thing. I hear you on the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Santa issue. While the Tooth Fairy is not in the bible, the problem is when someone can’t distinguish fantasy from reality. If you feel as though you are lying to your child,,,,turn the “tooth fairy” into the “Tooth Fairy Game” . Make sure your child understands they will be receiving something from mom/dad while they’re asleep (minus forcing your children to believe in the tooth fairy) is harmless. Luckily for me this will be the last year the tooth fairy visits our home. I personally have set a ground limit that the “tooth Fairy” only makes a visit to children 5 years old and younger, and because my baby will be 6 years old this December, he will graduate from “fantasy island” to reality. While they will continue to loose teeth for a couple of more years, I make sure to notice with a trip to Sonic or DQ for ice cream, and they still get a new toothbrush and toothpaste. ( I know what a combo….sugar vs. toothpaste) One little trick I have been able to get away and help my graduates understand is to make sure “she” signs the award with her own initials. That way you can explain to your child that mom/dad…………well you know the rest.
    I think it’s o.k. for children to use their imagination’s for awhile, but I also believe it is a parents responsibility and commitment not to allow your children to cross the line in believing in something that is not real or allowing your children to depend on that same false character for years to come. That is why I am so firm in drawing the age line. For our culture experience Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy may give gifts, but God gives the gift of truth, love and salvation.

    Pacys- good luck with whatever works for you and her both!!!!!!!!

  2. Good luck with the paci weaning :). After Tori is weaned can Ryker stay with you for a week so you can wean him too :)?

  3. We just take all the kids out for ice cream or dunkin donuts when a kid loses a tooth; it may cost more that way; but they seem to really like it and they definately look forward to it after losing a tooth. The problem came the first time we tried that system and Madison went back after pulling her first tooth and pulled 2 more to get more ice cream!!! LOL and OMG!!! Good luck with the passy – I do NOT miss those days!! Luckily Trey gave his up on his own about a month ago, first time ever I have had a kid do that. Good luck 😉

  4. The tooth fairy in our house often goes AWOL as well… I have to make big signs/reminders around the house saying “tooth”. LOL.

    I hear you about paci’s. Our three year old is much much too old for his. A few months ago we made a “binky box” together… made a home for his binkies. He really likes it. He gets to keep the box in his bedroom and use the binky at bedtime, but when he wakes in the morning he tucks the binky back into its box. It’s worked well for us except for the part that he shouldn’t have the binky at night at all…. baby steps.

    Blessings to you, Kari

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