Sick Saga Continues…

”Mommy! Can I have a blanket? I need food. Make me some food. I want lunch. Can I some gatorade? Can I have a corn dog? I want another corn dog. I need some ketchup. I need some more ketchup. Mommy can I have some more gatorade?’ so said my 4 year old ALL day long yesterday.

‘Tanner, mommy is feeling really sick. Remember last week when you were real sick and mommy took care of you? Now mommy needs some time to rest. Please do not ask me for anything else. I am going to sit down on the couch and I don’t want to get back up for a bit. Can Tanner try to just take care of mommy for a little while now?” I said.

“Ya okay but, can I have some more gatorade?” he replied.

Sigh. It was a foolish idea anyhow. Asking a four year old to prioritize the needs of mommy goes beyond reasonable expectations. I know this. I had to try it though. I did grin while getting that darned gatarode for the 15th time though because I felt foolish that I even attempted that conversation. I am under the conviction that mother’s should never be ‘needy’ of their children. A mother’s job and role is to be a giver. Not to say you don’t train your child to be polite and respectful and unselfish…of course you do. But to expect my children to meet MY needs? No. That’s not how it goes. While walking to the kitchen having this conversation with my self, I thanked the Lord over and over that I have these two precious kids who need me and I made the choice in that moment to be grateful that I had the opportunity to take care of them.

THIS morning how ever, after five days of this crazy virus (combination stomach and respiratory), I had to go to plan B. If I can’t rely on the ranks below me for back up, than I had to appeal to a higher rank. I called Jim and begged him to come home. Help is on the way:).

p.s. Tanner is doing better but Ty isn’t. Ty has a fever of 101 for 3 days that I am treating with Motrin. I am cautious about this though because Motrin is not good for kids with reflux issues and Baby Tylenol doesn’t work nearly as good for fevers. He is sleepy and cranky and sounds really junky. The Dr. and I have talked and we are trying to give him a bit more time but we may have to start him on antibiotics tomorrow. So far it seems he is handling this like any kid with a bad cold but I suspect he could struggle with it longer than most. We’ll see. It seems to be a long virus anyhow. I am on day 5 and am still pretty miserable – worse today than yesterday actually. Am I needy of some sympathy here? LOL. Apparently.

8 responses to “Sick Saga Continues…”

  1. I’m sorry you all are still not feeling up to par =( Carter is better, but still has a little cough and the runny nose and he’s crabby. Thankfully, though, I am well so it’s easier for me. Wish I were closer so I could bring over some food or something!

  2. Sorry all the kids and you are sick… it’s horrible… especially when worrying about a preemie with BPD getting a virus.. we went through the flu this season and it was NOT fun…

  3. you know i’m concerned for the kiddos and so hear your heart on that one -= and am praying. but even beyond the givens of this situation and my responses…. you KNOW (esp after our talk) that i feel VERY sympathetic when my sister who is also a wife and mom, gets sick. ihope jim really really REAALLLLYYYY hears you and babies you. he’s NEVER been as sick as you have. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. ps – off-topic – seth had a few sips of my root beer (ok, 4 or 5 REALLY BIG drinks!) and smiled SOOO big (after cringing from the initial burn of the fizz) and said, “MMMMMMM!!!” with his eyebrows up really high. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Doni i am soo sorry to hear about how down and out you are. I am praying for you and your family and that Jim stays healthy if you need anything you know iam just a phone call away

  6. I sure hope that you all are on the up and up! It’s always tough as a mom to feel so rotten and you still have little ones depending on you. I had to laugh at Tanner’s needs while you were just wanting so rest…..I have so been there.


  7. Hello Doni: I sure hope this sicky stuff leaves your home soon. I feel for you. I hope Ty gets through this without to much trouble. Just by reading every week I feel like I know you so well. It’s like I can hear you speak as I read. I wish I did know you more and I wish I was closer to you, I could help you out. Please know I am thinking of you and wish you and your boys better roads ahead. Take care of yourself, and don’t feel bad for asking Tanner for help,we all do it and we all know it is dumb of us to ask our kids but really he would love to help in any way he can, and I am sure he is.
    Take Care

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