Was it Clear?

Since publishing my “Grace that is Greater” posting I have received a couple of questions and I want to make sure that everyone understood a couple of important points.

1. I am 1000 percent behind embryo adoption and will go that route again if God calls us to baby number 3 (or 4 or 5…..lol) that way. Right now Jim and I feel led towards another domestic adoption but we believe God called us to both our embryo adoption and our domestic adoption and we have NO heart controversary supporting embryo adoption. My emotional struggles over working through my thoughts and emotions in regards to IVF were COMPLETELY separated from my very strong belief in embryo adoption.

2. Yes I do intend to continue supporting embryo adoption publically.

3. My posting related to IVF had nothing to do with embryo adoption. I was addressing simply the industry. Jim and I no longer support IVF and I felt I needed to address this on our website before we address it with the media. The media is bound to ask more questions about our 1998 IVF experience and Jim and I will have to say that we would not repeat the decision we made then as we no longer support this industry.

The bottom line is, irregardless of our convictions against IVF, there are still children that need dad’s and mom’s. Children that God already breathed life into. The fact that Jim and I do not support the process that resulted in the cryopreservation of these children has nothing to do with supporting the adoption of these children. God breathed life into them and has a precious plan for their lives. Each day when I look at Tanner I praise God for the miracle of him.

Do you think this was clear in my “Grace that is Greater” posting? I hope so.

5 responses to “Was it Clear?”

  1. Doni,

    You can have my copy of World if you want. If you e-mail me the address of your home or your church if you aren’t comfortable giving your home address out. You are on the edge of the shot, but you are there.

    I just want to thank you again for sharing your story. You are the reason that my husband and I are considering embryo adoption.

    With love and prayers for you and yours,


  2. You did a great job explaining yourself and I think your hope of expressing it in a gracious way was fulfilled. Hopefully all of your readers will hear the love in your voice that I heard too.

  3. Doni, as usual I am behind you a hundred percent. Anyone whose ideas are set in stone and not subject to change based upon further thought, prayer and experience is just not a thinking person. You’ve grown and learned, and you’re candid about it. To me, that makes you thoughful, and intelligent, and willing to grow. Everything which is so good about human beings. Not hypocritical!

    I think you made yourself very clear. You care about the babies, and every human life, however small, deserves to be treated as a human life. To be against IVF, yet fully in favor of snowflake adoptions, makes perfect sense. It’s all about the babies and what is good for them.

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