New Job

Today Jim started a new job! He has worked for Intel for the past 5 years and loved it (and would work there again) but it was time for a change. There were many factors involved but to name two (1) Jim’s trip to Intel was 42 miles ONE way. His trip to his new employer (Cox Communications) is only 5 miles!!!! Getting 2 hours of your day back is a BIG deal. (2) Jim was ready to move into a full time programmer position. At Intel, he was doing a lot of programming but also a lot of “fixing” and support. Now he will be a “design architect” which means he will be building and designing intranet sites for Cox.

He just had training today but he thinks he is going to like it. We have other friends that work for Cox so that should be fun. In fact, three of the people that now work for Cox used to work with me at Bank One. Jim will now be interacting with my “old crowd” LOL. Maybe that means I can have some reunion lunches? Hee hee!

One cool thing about working for Cox is that you get ALL the cable stations free, HDTV, free high speed cable, and discounted phone service too. We are going to purchase a DVR as well since we are saving so much elsewhere. I have lots of shows I want to download this season:). Alias, House, Invasion, Threshold, and my new FAVORITE – LOST. I lOVE that show. Jim and I bought Season 1 and just finished it. Tom and Kristi are borrowing it next but if anyone else wants to be in line to borrow the season, let me know:). P.S. I also have all 3 seasons of Roswell, 1 season of 24 and 2 seasons of Alias, and the first and only season of Earth 2.

Jim wants to go watch a movie now so I gotta go:) More on the boys later.

6 responses to “New Job”

  1. tv – funny idon’t know what some of those shows are… but i’ve been caught in an episode or two of house… and have been very curious about lost though not seen it yet… can’t remember what threshold or invasion are but threshold sounds familiar…. never have clicked with alias. ๐Ÿ™‚ have no idea what roswell is…. funny.

  2. Hey Doni – catching up on your boys! Its fun for me because not only do I completely sense the love and adoration you have for your children, but my girls are similar ages – and they act so much the same as Ty and Tanner. Ryann is 16 months, but doesn’t say any words yet (she can, she just refuses – its as if once she has accomplished one word, she no longer finds it necessary to say it again. She definitely has a mind of her own). I was going to try to teach her sign language, too, but wasn’t consistent enough with it. As for Nora and Tanner – Tanner turned 4 this summer, right? Nora will be 4 in January and they could be twins with the way they act! Nora also had her first experience peeing outside this summer when we stopped during a road trip for lunch at a river park that didn’t have bathrooms. Dave brought her to a bunch of trees, while I finished up with Ryann. Nora came running back to me incredibly excited and told me all about peeing in the grass. It was adorable and I have to say I was quite proud of my non-sissy little girl LOL! She also is very helpful around the house and really takes pride in being able to help out when she can. She tells almost everyone she sees that she helps daddy make pancakes for breakfast (a sat. morning thing), but she also helps empty the dishwasher, make her bed, pick up her toys, throw Ryann’s diapers in the diaper pail etc. I believe she feels empowered and important in our family because of it – she has a place and she knows it. I get the sense that Tanner feels the same way. I always have a huge grin on my face when I read about Tanner, because they seem so similar. And I laughed about the fight on the couch – we have those regularly in our house. Ryann is one to push Nora’s buttons and Nora is so incredibly sweet that she doesn’t often fight back. You handle it much better than I do – lets just say that there were several times that I looked around after breaking them up to see if my windows were open or closed LOL!!!
    And Congrats on the new job for Jim! We’ve gone through several job changes in our short marriage, but all have been worth it and all come with their own level of anxiety. I can tell you, though, that cutting out a commute of that length really made a difference for us in many ways – Dave wasn’t as stressed, didn’t have as many headaches from eye strain, he’s able to hang out with us more, etc. I’m happy for you guys! And you didn’t even mention your gas $ savings ($3/gal here in Chicago – now costs $50 to fill our Camry).
    AND… you like Alias!!! LOVE Alias. Will have to “discuss” with you sometime. I’ve spent a good share of the first two seasons trying to just figure out what was going on – I think that is what hooked me – the challenge. Excited for the new season.
    Sorry so long – just trying to let you know that I think you are a great mom and you have a wonderful family that makes my heart happy when I read about you all:)

  3. Congratulations on the new job!!!!
    I can???t believe that I didn???t know you like Alias! I???m a huge fan. We didn???t get hooked until the 3rd season so we watched the DVD of season 1 and 2 in about two weeks and we had someone record episodes of season 3 so that we could catch up to what was playing on TV. I thought that the cliffhanger at the end of season 2 was fantastic but the last two minutes of this season finally was so incredible. We???re defiantly going to have to talk and get everyone???s opinions about this season. I was really happy to see that they are writing her baby into the story???. It???s such a good show! Plus, I think that Michael Vartan may be one of the most beautiful men on earth???.

  4. I LOVE Lost. We’re in the middle of season one right now. We don’t know what happened to Claire’s memory and Charlie had just taken care of business in last episode. It is a fun show. What is up with that jungle, anyway?

  5. i tried to watch an episode of lost – somehow missed it last season so have no clue what’s goign on but am so intrigued… may have to buy or rent at some point as i’m too curious. ๐Ÿ™‚

    poor doni – had no idea she’d need a chat room designated to favorite tv shows. ๐Ÿ™‚

    don’t be surprised ya’ll if she doesn’t allow herself the time to chatter about this… the girl is just swamped! but i know for a fact she reads ALLL our notes even if she doesn’t allow hersefl time to get too involved in conversation.

  6. Tim and I kind of stumbled upon House reruns this summer and now we’re hooked. Tim is loves LOST — I tried not to get into it as I simply feel like I don’t have the time to keep up with another show as I am I huge Alias fan and, don’t laugh, but I’ve watched ER since the day it came out and I just can’t give it up even though it’s pretty much a “soap” at this point!! I just can’t help myself! =)

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