AWOL Girl 2

I owe such huge apologies to so many people. For the last few weeks I have averaged about 18 messages on my phone by end of week unreturned and I am not even talking about email right now. I still read and enjoy email daily and am so thankful to those of you who send me your updates and still talk to me even though you figure it will be temporarily unreciprocated. I hate writing this stuff because it sounds like I am saying I am just too busy for all the people I love – I hate the sound of that. I never want mere busy-ness to interupt relationships. The truth is not necessarily the busy factor though – it is my little tasking disability ๐Ÿ™‚ . Take my inability to multi task, and add Ty Jordan and you have a real problem on your hands :)! One of my very close friends was talking to me on the phone last week and her two year old was yelling away in the background. Eventually we had to get off the phone because we couldn’t hear one another. I was grinning from ear to ear. YES! Finally someone else had to disconnect a call because of background noise! Usually it is me. Tanner and Ty refuse to accomodate phone time unless they are both napping. If they are napping, I have my long list of things to start on while I have quiet time and then I quit answering the phone otherwise I will not make any progress on my list. My family goes crazy with how much I turn our phone off these days but I can’t defend enough how much I seriously NEED the quiet time. Realizing this is a phase, I at least have hope that life will slow down a bit in the future.

By prioritizing my quiet time (what little of it I have LOL), I am getting a lot of studying in. For the last few months I have been thinking about how much I want to go to back to school. Seminary actually. No – I don’t want to be a Pastor (though my father has always insisted that I want his job LOL). I would love to have a degree in theological studies though because I love the study and I love to teach it. Maybe someday when kids are older I can consider that…

For right now, I am studying the book of Genesis in BSF (which has started off with a bang). I might be branded a bit of a maverick for saying this but I lean towards an “old earth” position. I know major dissenter:). I laughed when our BSF leader told all the young earthers to refrain from screaming “heretic” at the old earthers and the advised the old earthers to refran from screaming “idiots” to the young earthers. I am going to write a separate posting on this subject because I think it could pique some interest and I know some of you might start worrying about me for hedging into this camp. LOL. No worries. I’ll give a better explanation later.

I am also teaching on the Life of Paul for our small Thurs night study and this week we are looking at the book of Galations – if you have never studied the character of Paul, you might consider starting this. I love people of passion and I can find few who would fit that description better. I only hope and aspire to get labeled a passionate zealot for Jesus.

Additionally, I am teaching a new adult Sunday School class, “Passion for The Way” and it starts this Sunday. I have enjoyed preparing for this and can’t wait for it to start. The first 4 weeks will be about How to Study the Bible and the next course block will be an Overview to the Bible. There are a lot of newbies to the Word in my class and I think it is so exciting to start baby Christians on the path to discovery. If you think of it, please pray for me in these endeavors. Of all the areas of life I don’t want to fail in, this is a biggie! Teachers of the Word have a big responsibility to handle the word of truth of rightly. I love being in discipleship ministries but I always get nervous that I will not be able to fulfill the needs. Having said that though, I have to remind myself that I am only responsible for teaching…God is responsible for preparing the heart.

And to all of you who replied in regards to my TV series postings…..LOL! I enjoyed your comments and am hoping that we can often publish our post show comments. Maybe I will just try to put a comment about Show Reviews each week and even if I don’t have time to write mine, I can read yours! Just try not to give endings away if you get privy to knowledge that the rest of us may have. FOR EXAMPLE, there is a particular book series I have been reading along with many of my friends. I had several near misses with at least 4 people who wanted to spill the beans on which character got killed off and I headed everyone of them off as I haven’t had time to read (to their credit – no one can believe that I haven’t read it yet since I am such a book fanatic). Anyhow, of all people, Aunt Beck just bleeds it out last week! John can you believe that??????? Mortifiying isn’t it? I avoided Matthew, Dusty, Jamie, Crystal, and even you on this review conversation and then of all people to spill it! That girl! She blamed it on Jamie who did it to her and Jamie blamed it on Matthew. Sheeessh!!!

Anyhow, don’t forget the second season of LOST starts TONIGHT! Yipppeee!!!

Also, for the record…now that I have my list of all the shows I am trying to catch I don’t want you to think that I am strapped to my tv LOL. With Jim working for COX, we were able to get a DVR with a very low monthly service. That is the coolest! I just set all the shows I like to record new episodes and then I can watch them as I wish. For this reason, I may be watching some shows a little late.

I taped Window to the Womb off the national geographic station this week. Anyone seen that? Awesome!!! I had read about it from several pro life orgs. I am going to tape it to VCR and keep it because it is definitely worth referencing. This national geographic program did not have an agenda but the evidence of life at CONCEPTION was just unmistakable.

Okay…moving on to talk about my sweet kiddos now.

4 responses to “AWOL Girl 2”

  1. An injustice has been done, first we will hang Matthew by his toes and force him to tutor the highschool kids (even know hes 8) for giving it away. Then Jamie should be made to provide 100 baby sitting hours as community service. And last but not least, Aunt Beck must theme childrens church for the next month around watching what you say, because you never know who will be listening. Justice must be served!!!!!!!!!!

    PS MORE JIMMY ON THE SITE!!!!!!!!! (another injustice)

  2. Well its been confirmed. I never caught an episode of LOST last year and then for some reason I saw the season finale with the recap episode of all the happenings right before it and I was very interested. So time has obviously past and I didn’t think I’d care too much about the show but for some reason I happened to be infront of the tv tonight and just witnessed the AWESOME premiere…and now I’m definetly HOOKED! I love it. Soooo good.. haha.. just thought you’d appreciate my new obsession. : )

  3. Doni – hate to focus on the unspiritual side of your post but you’ll be ruined for life now that you have a DVR, TV will never be the same. It’s the best! I got a Tivo about six months ago and it is just awesome! You still get to watch all your fav shows but the networks don’t dictate when you watch them and you never have to watch commercials again.

    Wait until you encounter your first situation when you can’t FF through something you don’t want to watch, ie a movie trailer (Harry Potter for example) that you don’t want to watch, the bee boop sound goes off in your head and it is very confused as to why you are still watching the junk you don’t want to see! ๐Ÿ™‚


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