Quando Quando

Any Michael Buble founds out there? I LOVE him!!! Several months ago Heidi left me the song Quando Quando on my voicemail and told me that she thinks of me everytime she hears it. The chorus say’s “when will you be mine..when when when”. Heidi thought of me waiting so long for my babies and she thought I should use the song on one of my videos. I never bought the album and forgot about Michael. Not long ago I heard the song “Home” by MB and fell in love with it. I downloaded several of his songs off the web (along with Nora Jones songs) and made myself a sweet little album.

As it turns out, guess who else LOVES Michael? TANNER!!!! For whatever reason, Tanner fell in love with Quando Quando too. He makes me play it over and over in the car and he knows most of the words. He is very specific about how we sing it though. He always tells me that he is going to sing the boy part and I will sing the girl part. If I sing the wrong part or forget to sing a line, he notices and tells me we have to start all over. Jim was grinning ear to ear in the car today when Tanner and I performed our duet for him. Most precious thing ever!


“So me!” = this means “Me too!”

“Can I stay up earwee?” = This means “Can I stay up late?” or “Can we wait awhile until my nap?”

“Ty go somewhere else!” – Most popular Tannerism of the week LOL.

Tanner is getting so excited for Disneyland and I am so anxious to take him! We all went to the AZ State Fair this weekend and got a tiny taste of the adventure ahead – our family is going to have so much fun!

2 responses to “Quando Quando”

  1. I love Michael Buble. His voice is amazing. Have you seen the movie he was in? It’s called Tottaly Blonde, it’s a romantic comedy? It is very cute, PG-13 though!


  2. THAT IS JUST PRECIOUS! oh you KNEW i’d love hearing this one! i really enjoy the mb cd and i’m so happy to hear tanner does too! see, i KNEW that was YOUR song… what an amazing song to get tanner singing with you! boy, did your sister ever give you the perfect gift by introducing that song to you. 😉 if tanner ever hushes your mouth from singing (like seth did to me at naptime today!!!! grrr…) you can play quando. 🙂 ha ha! that is just wonderful.

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