My Tigger

My little Ty Jo is a sleepy sleepy boy today. I think we played too hard last week and I am not suprised to see him take a LONG nap. We went to the AZ State Fair this weekend and Ty loved it. We wondered how he would do with some of the rides and it turns out he LOVES them. Uncle Darin took him down the gigantic slide on a gunny sack and he was so excited he begged for more (so Uncle Darin bought more tickets and took him again of course:).

On Walking

Ty at 21 months is officially walking now. He walks everywhere. He still holds his hands up to keep his balance often but they are slowly coming down. He still struggles walking outside but he is trying more.


If he attempts to climb up the recliner and over the high kitchen pony wall in order to get to my cell phone one more time I am going to scream!


Ty is repeating everything. I love the way he say’s “Sweetie”. It comes out “Swee Wee” or “Swee Pea”. Too cute! He is starting to speak as he signs too which is good (as in “more” and “please”). He still doesn’t reference many objects by name but he can copy the word if you say it.


I am getting concerned about Ty’s eyes. They just are looking worse to me. I don’t think he is using his left eye very much. When he looks at you across a distance his left eye turns in a bit and doesn’t appear to focus. If he is following an object the left eye doesn’t track as quickly. If you hold your hand over his left eye he gets angry but you can tell he can see with his right. If you hold your hand over his right eye though, it doesn’t seem like he can focus on anything with his left (not to mention he gets irrate). Unfortunately, when Jim changed jobs our insurance changed and his eye dr doesn’t take our new insurance. I am trying to find him a new eye Dr. and haven’t made much progress yet. Wondering if he will end up with a second eye surgery? Hope not but I think we are going to have to do something and at this age I KNOW he would NOT go for patching or glasses – he just won’t do it.


I have mentioned before that Ty has a high pain tolerance and he doesn’t react much to temperature change. I have noticed lately that he really likes the feel of anything hot. I have a hot pack that I heat in the microwave and put behind my neck or back. Ty loves it. He loves it so much that I have to heat up two if I want to use one or he will NOT leave me alone. He puts the hot pack on his lap and say’s “hot” over and over. I have to continually remove it so it isn’t too hot for him because I think he could burn himself if I left the decision to him – he just never seems to react to too much heat (of course he has never experienced ‘too much’ heat either but still…)

I also watched him lay down in the sand at the park the other day and he didn’t want to get up. He just laid his whole body on the sand with his cheek on the ground all the while grinning and saying “hot”. Hmmmm….


Darn these spells are going to make the rest of my hair turn grey. He had another BHS at the zoo last week. He didn’t pass out but he cried and cried for 10 minutes afterwards – sort of a pain/scared cry. The crying bothered me so much that I ended up crying too ( he never cries this cry for an extended period of time and so it was giving me post traumatic stress!). Ultimately, mom and I figured out that he may have cried sunblock into his eyes and the whole thing was unrelated to his BHS. I hope so.

General Mischief
The other morning I had to get up at 7:00 AM. When my alarm went off I did NOT feel like getting up and it seemed awfully dark outside. As I was getting up Jim asked me what I was doing. That seemed to be an obvious question until I looked at the clock on his side of the bed which read 5:00 AM! Aaaghhh! Ty is continually resetting our alarm clocks and I forgot to check it the night before. Thankfully he set mine forward instead of back and I got 2 more hours of sleep ๐Ÿ™‚ .

When I was painting Ty’s tigger face on Halloween I decided to video tape it. Two years ago Tanner was Tigger and I video taped as I painted his complaining face so I thought it would be fun to compare. Stupid me turned my back on Ty for one second after putting down the BLACK powdered eyeshadow. Next thing I know he liberally shook the entire container all over himself, the toilet, the floor, the rug…etc. I had to put his fully dressed body in the bathtub and start over! I thought this was a horrible mess until Heidi wrote and told me that Seth trailed molasses through the whole house that day. Guess Seth wins! I think I would rather clean up black eyeshadow out of the bathroom as oppossed to a molasses trail! ๐Ÿ™‚

*******This weekend our whole family went up north for family pictures. What a crazy experience that was! I’ll be posting those pictures soon too.

5 responses to “My Tigger”

  1. OH JAS GETS SOOOO MAD WHEN SETH MESSES WITH HIS ALARM CLOCK! you are VERY smart to have 2 clocks in the room… hopefully he can’t get to both of them quick enough.

    thank you for validating that molasses is indeed harder to clean up than black eye shadow… on the right (or is it wrong) day either one could afford tears for a mama though! ๐Ÿ™‚ hope you got video of the event. i did NOT. i should have! uggh… what was i thinking! oh wait – i wasn’t thinking – i was overwhelmed with figuring out where in the world i was going to start… ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. hj…just don’t leave a sticky mouse trap where Seth can step in it and track the sticky goo all over your carpet! It doesn’t matter how many times you have it cleaned, it DOESN’T come out and dirt sticks so it leaves really NICE black marks everywhere! Also, comet or flour should be vaccumed off the kitchen floor instead of mopped…I learned that the HARD way! LoL at the things kids do…

  3. Speaking of videoing…we are the worst. With three children, we have hardly no footage. Awful! I know we will regret it one day. Photos on the other hand, I think I have approximately 999,999. ๐Ÿ™‚ And you go Ty…walk baby walk!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. oh dear jennifer c! oh dear! yup – i have learned to sweep up powder messes (the powder can clog the filters in your dustbusters and hoovers by the way)… when he spread cinnamon (at least it smelled good) all over the kitchen i just used a broom and dustpan….

    on the sticky mouse trap – we used one once and after an unsuspecting lizard got caught in it (and i cried) we found out how to release creatures from them – cooking oil. jas smothered that poor lizard and worked and worked to let him go. we vowed never to use them again as we couldn’t bare to see an animal (yup, even the mouse i did NOT want living with me) suffer. i’d rather use the good old fashioned mouse trap that kills ’em quickly. ๐Ÿ™‚ anyway, my point is, that perhaps a little oil would get some of the goo off the carpet. then you’d have oil to clean up but maybe that would be easier with a grease absorbing dish-soap than cleaning sticky goo??? if it goes all wrong don’t blame me – consider this at your own risk! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. laughing out loud at you, hj! I used some stuff from Wal-mart and got it out. It smelled like paint thinner but it did the trick. I have a rainbow vaccum and sweeping flour across a brick floor leaves white specks in the grout. After that incident (one of the four opened the freezer and proceeded to tear open the whole bag of flour and roll around in it!) I figured out it’s best just to suck it up w/ the vaccum and mop later!

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