This last week I got an email from Snowflake friends that the program “CSI” ran a show on embryo adoption. Instead of referring to the “Snowflake Embryo Adoption Program”, they called it “Sunflower Embryo Adoption”. From what I understand, this program did not shed positive light on embyo adoption and argued against life at conception (their defenses were ridiculous and inaccurate).

Did anyone see this? I for one, have no interest in following this program again. It was not on my list of favorites to begin with but I am now especially unimpressed with it. When Tanner was the 8th baby born through the Snowflake progran and the 1st baby born in the state of AZ, this show feels just a BIT personal!!!!

If you saw it, I would be curious to hear your comments…

p.S. Some friends are looking into a way to communicate our thoughts to the network. I’ll let you know if you can participate.

16 responses to “Ban CSI”


    i’m no diehard csi fan (got cheesier the more shows they added (miami, vegas, new york, and on and on… and gorier and gorier…) anyway, but i did watch it now and again. i didn’t see this episode and feel a bit ticked myself now that i read this! give us the word on how to contact them… and be sure to write with the info to american family association – perhaps they’ll spread the word too. ๐Ÿ™‚ (and and too)

  2. Doni~
    There are two scenes here that really bothered me. The first one started really innocent and even the debate between the clinic doctor and the CSI agent ( Katherine ) was fine. (note: that doesn???t mean I agree with it) Anyway the doctor explained that life began when sperm and egg fuse and their job was to find homes for these pre-born children. Katherine then preceded to say ??? Doctor, are you aware the official church position states that life begins when the mother feels her child move???…. then she goes on to say ???it???s not my opinion, back in the 1600 century THE POPE says an embryo is not human until 40 days???
    This next part really bothered me, the writers of the show had the clinic doctor look right at the CSI agent and say ??? You must have had an abortion ??? . I will have to use my own blog space to vent about that! But I will say it must have made them feel better to make out the pro-life position one of being hurtful and irrational.
    So the story goes on and a little while later, Grisham ( lead CSI ) stops Katherine in the hall and tells her he received a complaint from the Doctor. Katherine tells him she disagreed with what the clinic???s doing. That???s she???s pro choice and believes in stem cell research. Grisham tell tells her she should have just quoted Leviticus 17:11 which says For the life of a creature is in the blood , he then said ???Taken literally life doesn???t begin when sperm meets eggs but 18 days later when the embryo is infused w/blood.??? Katherine then asks ???Is that your position???? Grisham replies by saying ??? If talking with a woman who prefers theology to science it???s a position she???d find tough to rebuke??? Looking up Leviticus 17:11 clearly shows that the line was taken out of context, as would I expect. It is talking about sacrificial blood.
    I have to say I???m very disappointed in the writers but then again there have been many episodes that leave me questioning weather or not I should be watching. That???s something I???ll have to figure out but I happen to have this on tape and hadn???t watched it. After reading your post last night I went right to it to see what it was all about. If you???d like a copy of the show let me know. …. Missy

  3. Missy,
    Like you, I’ve seen other things in CSI that have turned me off enough to turn IT off. I like the mystery and even seeing how things in the body function… but when they twist something like this I feel just plain mad with the rest of you. ๐Ÿ™‚ The best way to let them know what we think is to tell them – perhaps they’ll consider it in future episodes… we can hope.
    Heidi Jo

  4. Missy – I sent you a private email because a copy of that program is needed! There are many snowflake families VERY unhappy about this one. And you are right, they did take scripture completely out of context. I also find it interesting that the 40 day issue came up – that is typically a Jewish issue from my understanding. The scripture however does NOT make this claim. In fact, in the words of the Psalmist and the words to Job speak directly about God’s creation of us in our inmost being as He knits us in the womb. We know from scientific exploration that the unique human individual IS FORMED at the moment of conception. Scripture is not going to provide a window of opportunity to terminate one’s child in the womb on any day and any defense of that is one taken out of context in a serious way. Leave it to Hollywood to try that.

    P.S. Hollywood might portray the pro-lifers as crazy hateful bigots but vulnerable children in the womb and former frozen embryo children have a much more powerful tale to tell. Why? Because people that loved them let them live. (Taken this moment to appreciate both of the genetic families of my boy’s…you truly are my heros).

  5. Hi Doni

    I found out some information, although nothing direct regarding who to contact. I figure the best way is to contact the head network, CBS, the sponsor of that evenings episode, Allstate, and one of the producers, Alliance Atlantic Communications. I will list the links below, but in each case you will have to go to their feedback link, or ‘contact us’ link to email or send a letter. I have already sent an email to Family Research Council regarding this situation. (go to csi link and bottom to feedback link)
    www. or (family research council website)


    Kevin Mason

  6. Doni,
    I went to the CBS website, but I couldn’t figure out which episode it was. I definately want to write to them, but I want to be accurate and know what I am talking about. Can you post on here which episode it was when you find out. That would be great. Thanks.


  7. I was watching this episode while on the computer and almost sent you an email immediately. Even thought about calling you to tell you about it. This particular episode hit real close to home to me, being friends with you and I was curious if you were going to post something on it. Missy did very well in telling you about the most critical scenes. Eric and I even went to get our Bibles out to look that up. The character Grissom quotes scripture in other episodes from time to time and it always seems to be out of context. Hope you find a copy of the episode. I wish I would have popped in a tape and recorded it for you.

  8. Shauna,

    Maybe Missy can answer that question? I don’t know either. I wish all these shows would have titles or numbers listed in the tv guide – would be helpful for many reasons.


    Missy sent a copy to Snowflake mommy number 1 for me. I have decided NOT to watch this one. Usually my personality will embrace the conflict and respond but this time I just don’t have the heart for it. I know it will make me spit nails and this time it feels VERY personal. I heard once that Brad Pitt said that he believes all embyo’s should go to research (as opposed to adoption) and I have been disgusted with him ever since (I did not actually confirm that he said that – just heard it through the grapevine). This isn’t just an “issue” for me. This is MY children that are being talked about and the mother tiger in me wants to sit Brad down and ask him how he can feel like such a humanitarian for wanting to play Daddy to Angelina’s adopted children when he himself believes children should be sacrificied on the alter for others if they are in their first stage of life!!! What amazing hypocrisy! Can you tell that I am just in no mood to subject myself to this mindless banter? I will rage on and on if I keep writing. Tanner’s little face inspires me to stand up for him (and them) but sometimes I have to choose to stand down just so that I can concentrate on being a mommy. Does that make sense? This time though there are several others ready and willing to fight this one and I am totally behind them.

    And one more note on the life blood issue…just so happens that we were studying this in BSF this week and the lecture touched on this. The Leviticus quote was in reference to sacrifices. The point of that verse was very clear and in no way suggests that “life” begins when the human reaches the point of a working circulatory system. Here is what I don’t understand. Scripture does not specifically say “and God imparts the soul at the moment of conception” though it does talk about God’s love for His creation as He is tenderly knitting within the womb. For this reason, I can’t understand why people insist upon the lowest common denominator. Let’s look at it this way. If you claim to have any respect for the authority of God at all, and you DO NOT KNOW when God imparts the soul, why would you choose a day that is NOT conception and risk being wrong? How can one be arbitrary about something so important? Why didn’t the writers of the script also reference all the verses in Genesis that talk about the consequence of murder? Genesis 9:6 say’s Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. The last part of the verse is very significant. God is saying that unlike any other of His creations, He made man in His very own image. God has set humans apart and fashioned them in His own likeness. For one to respect the authority of God and claim any type of accountability to Him, one must respect AND REVERENCE life. It is PRECIOUS to Him. If one is going to use purely secular reasoning to argue the killing of the preborn, I wouldn’t get into this line of argument but I find it unbeliable when people attempt to use SCRIPTURE of all things to defend the killing of the precious innocent. When reading scripture in it’s entirety, it is clear that God’s plan is one of redemption – from beginning to end. Why He loves us so much I could never explain but the fact is we are His beloved…how could one possibly entertain the thought that there are humanitarian reasons to kill the innoncent unborn from the moment that new life has begun at conception? Staggering to me and this is one subject I don’t care to be politcally correct about.

  9. One more thing though…

    God still reigns and His plans will not be derailed. The agency got a few phone calls this week over CSI. Do you know why? CSI managed to market for Snowflakes and some families wanted to know how they could adopt embryos!!!! LOL!

    I can rant and rave all I want but God has ultimate control and He uses every situation to further His own plan. Why do we worry so? ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Okay – yet another thing….

    Missy sent me this link to complain to CBS (which of course I did). I am going to copy and paste what this article from the Catholic League said but I will refer you to the page as well.

    November 4, 2005



    The Catholic League was bombarded with complaints this morning about ???Secrets and Flies,??? the November 3 episode of the CBS program CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. ???Secrets and Flies??? revolves around the murder of Christina, a single mother. After an autopsy reveals that Christina was a virgin, it is learned that she adopted a fertilized embryo from Project Sunflower, an organization devoted to finding surrogate mothers for abandoned embryos.

    Here???s what Catholic League president Bill Donohue had to say:

    ???A talented writer could easily spin an interesting who-done-it from this plot, but CSI chose to advance a pro-abortion rights agenda by portraying those who are opposed to abortion as religious nuts not to be taken seriously. The murder victim, who gave life to a baby who would otherwise be left to die, is described as a ???prude??? for being chaste. A remark is made about her being ???our Virgin Mary.???

    ???According to the CSI website, the doctor in charge of Project Sunflower is ???a very unlikable woman.??? The pro-abortion rights forensic investigators sneer at her work and beliefs, informing us that a pope once decreed that a baby isn???t a human until quickening. (Of course, it is not explained that the Church has always considered abortion to be illicit, regardless of the status of the baby. Never mind the fact that we have learned a few new things about biology in a few hundred years.)

    ???It is a rare Hollywood big-wig who doesn???t embrace the right to abortion. Clearly, those in charge at CSI don???t buck convention. ???Secrets and Flies??? speaks volumes about the way CBS executives view those who hold pro-life convictions.

    ???Americans who respect human life in all of its stages have become the target of public ridicule. Enough is enough. Let CBS know how you feel by visiting

  11. Missy – Thanks for the info! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Doni – I know what you mean about this being personal and not having the heart for fighting it. I feel the same way. We have had some issues in our community lately that had me upset to begin with and then when I read this about CSI it really hit home and really makes me mad. Righteous anger, I believe. I just love it when God turns things around like that and people actually turned to Snowflakes and want to adopt embryos now because of the show. God is SO awesome! In Hillsborough county FL the public school board had voted to take away religious holidays but because of public outcry they reversed their decision, and reinstated the holidays. I just wonder if we all spoke louder for these little ones – for embryo adoption and against abortion if we couldn’t make more of an impact. Speaking personally – I know I have done something by giving some of these little ones a loving home – but I can’t help but think that I should do more. I know what you mean though – it is easy for me to get so frustrated with the world that it is hard to concentrate on being a mommy. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Sometimes I wonder….if someone is doing “wrong”, saying “wrong”, acting “wrong” & they fully know it, do you think they use scripture (out of context) to make themselves feel better or justify their actions? For example this show; possibly, they knew they (whomever “they” is) were wrong, so they backed it up, so to speak, with the Bible. Hoping of course, people would then say “oh, it’s ok then”. Hmm.

  13. i do believe it is possible that people look for scriptures to back up their ideas without EVER looking to see what the scripture is actually about…

  14. hj…exactly the case in the Category 7 show I half slept through last night. I can not remember all of the scripture, so I wont bother trying to explain the details. Very much so a misinterpretation for ones own agenda, though!

  15. I rarely watch CSI, but this one we sat down to watch and had to turn it off so I could rant and rave to dh. Poor guy listens to a lot of that stuff. I thought of you right away and I couldn’t believe they would go to such trouble to denigrate snowflake adoption. I suppose I’m not surprised anymore by people’s need to villify pro-lifers. But I did think that even those who are sadly misled about this subject would see that an unborn embryo + a family who wants a baby = a beautiful thing. The reality of it is just too challenging I suppose. I think you’re wise not to watch.

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