Just a little update…

Well folks…I would love to tell you that at the 12 day mark, I am back to normal but…(head shaking)…not so.? My Dr. told me that by two weeks some of his patients feel 50% better and some feel 80 to 85% better.? I was certain I would be in the latter group.? I think I would have been too if not for my lower back pain.? I still can’t kick it.? The days are better but I am miserable in my sleep.? I tried to get off the Vicoden quickly so I could resume my normal stuff but I can’t find anything at night to replace it that works.? I can’t use any Ibuprofen products because they hurt my ulcers too much.? I can’t use sleep aids because I have a very sensitive bladder.? I tried Tylenol Extra Strength and I swear those pills are placebos.? I want to give a longer attempt to Alleve but my first round with that didn’t help.? I also tried a muscle relaxer but the Dr. warned that since I am having pain versus soreness that it may not help. He was right.? It didn’t.? So for the moment, I am not medicating at all during the day but am taking 1/2 a vicoden before bed and the other half at about 5:30 AM.?? Even then, I am pretty miserable between 3:00 and 5:30 AM but better than the alternative.? I think daily activity and STRETCHING will help my back a lot but I am not quite up for that yet so it just makes everything pretty slow going.

I hate complaining and here I am pouting away over this.? :(???? I am also pretty impatient and I have stuff to do and am getting stressed with all the things I need to be doing.? At any rate though, it is what it is.? My email is pretty far behind at this point so forgive me if you emailed me two weeks ago and still haven’t heard a word.? I think I spent my energy on my computer time today getting Adoption Re certification paperwork done so maybe tomorrow I’ll have it in me to be on the computer a bit longer.

However, things on the homefront are good.? The kids were a big help today and picked up the house for me.? Jim is trying to keep up on the dishes and has been helping with meals still so I feel extra blessed.? I have also had the opportunity to read and read and read and that has been pretty awesome.? :)???? I feel pretty anxious to return to normal daily living.? Maybe by next week?? Hoping.

4 responses to “Just a little update…”

  1. WOW. I feel bad for you, but know that you are in my prayers. So are you going to allow me to come over and help or do I just have to show up??

  2. So sorry you are having so much trouble with back pain. Continuing to pray for you! Miss you!

  3. Hey Doni – Just a thought…what about Tylenol 8 Hour? Been praying for your recovery and will continue to do so.

  4. at day 12 I was sleeping on a blow up mattress on the floor in Graham’s hospital room after he broke his femur. I went from trying to take care of myself to taking care of him for the rest of my sick leave. I tend to not let him forget that 😉

    Have you tried ThermaCare heat packs? They work for 8 hours. Maybe that would help along w/ the pain meds.

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