The Land of Narnia

I have always been a C.S. Lewis fan and I read the Narnia series when I was very young. I have been so anxious for the movie to come out and it did not disappoint me. I thought it was done very well and mirrored the book quite accurately. I heard some say they were disappointed that it wasn’t more like “Lord of the Rings” and didn’t have more special effects. I disagree. I think they did a good job keeping it consistent with the story that was being told. It was a child fantasy allagory and they portrayed it that way. If you haven’t seen it, I would highely suggest it.

Tanner loved it too. In fact, at one point he had to go potty (of course) and he made me run to the bathroom and back because “I fink we are going to miss the fight!” …he said LOL. And if you are four, you CANNOT miss the fight – that is the important and interesting part (apparently).

After watching the Narnia movie, I found myself IN Narnia. Ever have those moments when something happens that just defies all reason? The life moments that slow themselves down and play very slowly across the brain because what you are witnessing can’t possibly be real? These ironies don’t actually happen…do they?

Some of you that know me well will read this and think “Doni only you!”. Jim was a bit horrified and still hasn’t found the humor in this. That was partly what made it even funnier. Part of the post “event” conversation was Jim asking me to quit the hysteria and just spit out the story. I was rambling with side details forever and not coming to the point. I am now doing the same thing to my web audience – just so you know how Jim felt when I tried to tell him the story. Are you getting impatient? Okay….here is what happened.

So I left Jamie to watch Ty so we could go to the movie. VERY few people have ever watched Ty and this (for obvious reasons) gives me anxiety. I trusted Jamie with Ty but I always get anxious to leave him (which is why I rarely do). Anyhow, I put my cell phone on vibrate because I didn’t want it to be disturbing in the movie. I wasn’t about to put it in my purse though because than I wouldn’t know if Jamie was trying to call me. Therefore, I held it in my hand throughout the evening….for just in case.

After the movie, Jim, Tanner, and I made our trip to the restrooms. Wonder how long it will take you to predict where this story is going?

I walked into the Deer Valley AMC theatre restroom and entered a stall. While I was locking the stall door, the jet engine powered flushing device on the supercharged toilet went off. I was so startled by the sound of this hurricane that I flung around. From there, I transitioned out of the wardrobe closet and into Narnia because the sequence of events just doesn’t happen in the natural world.

As I was turning at the sound my cell phone began to slip from my hand. It flew in slow motion (I swear it did) straight into the toilet. It landed DEAD center and in one fluid motion was swept asunder by the turbulant flush. It was really quite a splendid thing to watch. The scare, the slip, the dead center aim, the swirl, the flush…all in about 5.5 seconds (which in the mind’s eye dragged onto a good 20 seconds at least).

I stood there staring wondering what one does in this situation. I wasn’t above rescuing my drowning cell phone from a public restroom (desperate times call for desperate measures) however, I also knew at the 8 second mark that my cell phone was already 2 miles down the city sewage pipe. Jim later asked if I waited for it to “come back”. That was the second problem actually.

While standing there horrified I was struck with hysteria. When I doubled over in a fit of giggles, I set the motion detector off again. The toilet flushed a second time. This made my laughter start a new. It then flushed a third time. There was no chance of a resurface. Absolutely and solidly no chance.

By the time I got out of the building I was laughing and crying at the same time. I kept trying to tell Jim what happened but I couldn’t quite get it out. First, how do you explain that you accidentally flushed your cell phone down a public toilet? Second, I figured Jim wouldn’t see the humor in the fact that I just lost a $200.00 item (that was not insured by the way) and I figured my laughing was going to make things worse (which it did). When you are horrified, in hysteria, and nervous…things just get funnier. Is this a female thing?

I intended to order pizza from my cell phone but obviously I had to abandon that idea. I walked in the door with Jack in the Box and had to explain to Jamie why I just guessed at what she would want to eat as I couldn’t call her to ask. She said “I thought it was funny you didn’t call and that you brought home Jack in the Box instead of pizza.”

My reply?

“Well Jame…the pizza idea got flushed down the toilet.” LOL!!!!

P.S. Any family members willing to part with a spare Sprint cell phone? Dad gave me his but I don’t know if Sprint will let me use a non sprint phone yet.

9 responses to “The Land of Narnia”

  1. Tears of laughter are flowing from reading about the cell incident. I could totally see it happening to me. : ) Thanks for humoring me.


  2. Doni, it’s ok, I dropped my cell phone in the potty too. I don’t remember how I did it, but mine didn’t flush down. I stood there all alone wondering if one should retrieve a “potty phone”. I did. So, keeping my comments under my breath, I retrieved it, wrapped it in paper towels, & took it out to Mitch who was waiting in the truck. I handed him my phone & said “uh, this is what transpired in the potty” then started laughing as he was holding it. I won’t advertise the rest of the conversation…LOL! And believe it or not, I laugh at all things that are serious/completely not funny. I think it’s a disease & I need therapy! I can’t control it & it’s very embarrassing. For example, Cade fell down the stairs the other day. He was not hurt & it was not funny, but I could not help myself but to laugh (loudly & a lot!). He wasn’t a happy camper. There have been more serious situations though & in all honesty, it’s just horrible laughing! I’ve had to remove myself from church before…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. sounds like nervous laughter to me melissa! don’t worry – doni and i have a favorite story that really wouldn’t be all that funny to many people but it includes getting the giggles in church with handfuls of some hard-coated candy and dumping the candy into the hymnal holders… how irreverent! ๐Ÿ™‚

    doni – this story is SOOOO well told! i totally GOT it during our phone conversation but you’ve retold it PERFECTLY here!

  4. WOW…how is it that that statement is all I can reply to your posts here lately? You have been busy…a new baby, updates on the boys, AND a movie! Congrats Brooke and all…I’ll be praying (especially that you don’t have to hear “my 3 sons” for the whole pregnancy even though I know you will be thrilled w/ whatever God has chosen for your family!) Doni, I think Ty is doing MARVELOUS, just marvelous w/ his speech. I don’t think Sam was saying half that much at that age. As for the phone, I would bet you anything that if you went into a sprint store and told that story…they’d GIVE YOU A NEW PHONE just to get you OUT OF THERE! LOL. BTW, how are things w/ the tree this year or have you got it up yet? It doesn’t seem like a year has passed us by since Ty-man was “all into it” last year.

  5. Well….I didn’t have to do a thing to get the new baby LOL so that one doesn’t count.

    As for the tree – I put up a fiberoptic tree with one strand of lights and one string of ribbon and then I hung a lit wreath and THAT IS IT. I knew Ty would undecorate everything I decorated (and he has taken the ribbon off a few times) so I just determined not to decorate much this year.

    And to Melissa – that is exactly what Jodi does!

  6. Oh that was a great story and the visuals that went with it were wonderful….. reminded me of the time I flushed my keys with the remote down. They fell right out of my pocket just as I was leaned over to flush! It happened at work and they had to call a plummer because they got stuck. I hate to say it but I got my keys back and I was glad, those silly remotes can be spendy! LOL I agree with Jennifer, they’d have to give you the phone, if nothing else a great discount for the humor!

  7. PS – when I dropped my phone in the potty, thank goodness there was clean, fresh (well, as clean & fresh as you can get) water in there! More info. than you needed to know? Heehee…

  8. I have a friend that has the same problem you do. Every time something stressful or bad happens she breaks into a hysterical laugh…. I took her with me once while I got my haircut and the stylist didn’t do anything close to what I asked him to do. When I looked in the mirror my hair looked like Anne Heche (not a good look for me!) I went to my friend looking for some sign that my life was going to go on after this (I was a sophomore in high school and on my way to a year book signing party). I was certain it wasn???t really as bad as I thought that it was until I had to pick her up off the floor because she couldn???t stop laughing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Doni, funny story! If you haven’t already replaced your phone, I do happen to have a Spring PCS phone I’m not using that’s a couple years old. If you want it, it’s yours. Just e-mail me.

    A long-time lurker

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