
As of Dec 17th, Ty will be 23 months old actual and 19 months corrected. He is still 25 pounds and 34.5 inches long.

Ty is losing that “baby” look and getting a toddler look as he stretches and thins. He still feels like my baby though:).

PT Update

Going well but Ty still can’t get to a stand on his own. He has to use an object to get to a stand. I don’t know if it is habit, balance, insecurity, inability….. He still walks like a new walker but he doesn’t hold his hands above his head anymore. He falls often and is quite clumsy but he is predominantly walking now which is awesome!

OT Update

Ty is struggling with OT because he doesn’t like to be told what to do and when to do it. He gets pretty clingy to mommy each week when I bring him. Watching this trying to determine what the root cause is but I suspect it is (a) going through the need mommy stage and (b) doesn’t like structured play.


Will go to new opthamologist on Dec 22nd. I still say something is not quite right and I wonder if an eye weakness is contributing to his balance issues.

Speech Therapy

I did not intend to start ST quite yet but somehow it got approved for me anyhow and I got a call asking when I want to start. I will at least have an eval done but I don’t think Ty will need ST right now. Admittedly though, I may be noticing progress and therefore unconcerned while all the while Ty is behind his age curve. I don’t know. It seems that if you use his 19 month age, he is doing great with speech though. Here is an updated word list:

He say’s several names (Mommy, Daddy, Papa, Sweetie, ….etc)
Bye Bye
Hot (figures he knows this after the burn incident)
Bee (as in teeny tiny bee:)
Cracker (Crawka)
Water (Wah-woo)
Please (Peas)
More (Mo)
Yes (Yeh)
Shoes (Shoosh)
Brush (as in brush teeth)
Yay Yah (thank you Uncle Darin)
Oh Man (thank you daddy)
Oh Gosh (thank you mommy:)
Thank you (Tan Coo)
Up (Sometimes he walks around the house singing “uppy uppy uppy”)
All Done
I’m Done
Nigh Nigh
Uh Oh
Ummy (Yummy)
Mine (usually me me)
Block (bock)
Car (voom voom)
Bannana (hard to pronounce how he say’s it:)
Marshmellow (Mar-Mo — he loves them:)
I do I do!
Coke (do I dare say that!!!! Sheeesh – don’t even THINK about going there:)
And most recently….bath and bathroom (baff womb)

So that is about 45 words not counting names. I think that is pretty good don’t you? Am I “off” here?

Recently he wanted me to look at the Jurassic Park watch in his hand and he wasn’t managing to convey what he wanted. Finally he started pointing to his eyes and then pointing to the watch. I finally caught on that he had invented a new sign for “look”. I thought that was quite smarty of him:).

When Ty is being onery he walks around the house saying “Pita pita pita”. I don’t know what that word means to him but usually when he is saying it he is up to no good.

He also thinks all food is “Pizza” and when he is hungry starts asking for pizza. This is strange because we rarely have pizza – guess he likes it.


We passed a new milestone and it is a fun one. As of Nov 20th, the boys started actually playing together!!! Yeah! They play chase, cars, and they pretend to shoot one another with their finger guns. I realize that many parents are very anti toy gun but I gave up on that long ago when Tanner was making guns out of everything (sticks, straws, wood…you name it).


Ty is my daddy’s boy for sure. Lately he wakes up looking for daddy and every noise he hears he is asking “Daddy?”. He gets soooo excited when dad comes home. Part of this is because Ty likes food and so does Jim. Jim has a nightly routine of getting a snack for him and Ty to share when he walks in the door and Ty has this routine memorized:).

Yesterday the UPS guy came to the door and left a package. I didn’t answer it because I knew he left it on the doorstep. Ty thought it was daddy (no Jim doesn’ t normally ring our door bell before you ask that LOL). He sat at the door wailing and crying for daddy and kept pointing to the door. I kept explaining that it wasn’t daddy but he was giving me that pitiful sad cry with the little pucker and kept repeating “Daaaaaadddddyyyyy Dddddaaaadddddyyyyy”. I finally had to open the door and prove daddy was not waiting all alone outside.

Jim liked that story:)

9 responses to “Ddddaaaaadddddyyyy!”

  1. Doni

    It looks like Ty is doing great. Especially on speech. I wouldn’t say he needs ST. Sage (19 months) got evlauated today and he is going to defintaly need it. Ty says way more than what the ST said Sage should be saying. Sage doesn’t say anything most of the time. And they are the same age (corrected). I didn’t ask how many words should he say but she asked if he said 12-15 (no he doesn’t) And if he understood 50 words. That he does, he will do what you ask but he just doesn’t want to talk.

    Anyhow Ty just sounds like he is sooo much fun! These 1 year olds! Sometimes I wish he could just stay that small, especially when he is just sooo sweet.


  2. I think Ty is doing great with his speech. My daughter is 18 months old and doesn’t seem to have as many words as Ty does-and she’s ahead of where her brother was at this age! I really don’t think you need to worry about it at this point, it sounds like he’s right where he should be! I’m so glad to hear he’s doing so well!

    My kids (33 months and 18 months) are also starting to play (and fight!) together. It’s so fun to watch them interact!

  3. Yeah the gun thing, I gave up! For Christmas both the boys are getting Buzz Lightyear Laser guns. We were just going to get Sam one because he’s the gun freak and I thought ” well Eric needs to have something to shoot back” so we got 2. I’m getting better at this boy thing. I guess I better since I have 3 of them! When Jordan was smaller I had rules about guns. And Yes Jordan thinks I’m the most unfair mom in the world! LOL

  4. I think that Ty is right on track with his words.

    Brayden says so many words, that really I can not even think of them all. Colors, numbers you name it. He is also doing 3 and 4 word sentences sometimes, like “Take shoes off, please.” He will repeat anything that you say, and has even started with the “why?” I do not think that he really wants to know why like a 2 or 3 year old does, but he sure knows when to use it.

    I thought that girls were supposed to be more chatty, but Hannah did not talk like this until she was 3, at least. He really talks up a storm in the car, where everything is usually “big truck” or “MOM!” with pointing at something that I have no idea about! It can make for a long ride!

    I can not wait to get the boys together again! Maybe this April, shall we make it a yearly occurance?

    Much love!


  5. Oh!

    And I found it hysterical that Ty is saying pita, pita, pita when he is up to no good.

    What pita means to me is “Pain In The (behind)” edited of course… LOL!

    Much love,

  6. LOL!!! I was just going to leave a comment that PITA means “Pain In The ___” in our house. Our dog is the one who is called PITA the most. Perhaps Ty is such a smarty pants that he not only knows that he’s being a pita, but he’s also able to make it into an anagram (is that the right word?). He’s brilliant!!!

  7. Jana,

    I read your comment at midnight last night. I then laid in bed and couldn’t stop the giggles. What are the chances of that!!!! First of all, how could you do that to me???? You know that I am the anti swear word queen and now you have gone and put this acronym in my head and everytime he say’s PITA now I am going to hear this round and round in my brain. So just for that, here is my wish for you this week…I hope you are haunted day and night with this phrase “Can I have a lowfat decaf carmal machiatto with an extra shot of expresso and whipping cream on top?”

    P.S. It’s acronym:) That was making me giggle too. Jana – if I ever have the priveledge of sitting in a room with you and having girl chat I think we would laugh until we fell off our chairs. You hit my top 10 funny people list for sure:)

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